Chapter 328
The outside world also heard a little about Wang Dou's establishment of the shogunate, but everyone at the meeting kept it secret, and they didn't know the inside story.

This is not what the outside world pays attention to. It is not surprising that Wang Dou set up a shogunate and adjusted and expanded his staff.For the stuff of staff and shogunate, Ming Dynasty is no stranger to civilians and scholars, which civil servant and military general didn't set up one beside them?
Although the founding of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang, a model worker, stipulated in detail the instructions for all officials to take office.The catalog has 31 items, from the first item worshiping the gods to the No. 30 item of policemen, what each official needs to know and what to do when he is appointed, everything and everything are clearly drawn up.

That is to say, after the officials of the Ming Dynasty took office, most of them still relied on their staff and small officials to do things, and this was the case for both civilian and military generals.This unspoken rule was fully developed in the Qing Dynasty, and Shaoxing masters became popular all over the world.

In the imagination of the outside world, it is normal for Wang Dou to set up a shogunate and vigorously recruit staff.It's not like governing a state and a city. The entire East Road is complicated. Without the assistance of the staff, it is impossible to manage it with Wang Dou, a general.

The outside world is eager to recruit Wang Dou's staff, so wouldn't his literate literati come in handy?
Wang Dou's prestige has become more and more prosperous, he has made great achievements in battle, and has a strong army in his hands. Outside, there are cabinet ministers vying to win him over, and inside, there is Xuanzhen's cheap Yuezhang Ji Shiwei as Austrian aid.The literati everywhere on the East Road are ready to move, and the opportunity cannot be missed, and they will definitely maximize their family's interests by taking this ride.

Even if you can't squeeze into the shogunate, it's the worst, and it's good to find a job for your children in Xintunpu.In the 11th year of Chongzhen, Wang Dou set up fortresses in Heishan Temple, Reclining Buddha Temple, and Fanshan in the south of Baoan Prefecture. It's envy.

In today's Ming Dynasty, there are continuous natural disasters, land mergers, big fish eat small fish, and literati and gentry go bankrupt every day. How difficult is it to find a living in this year?General Dingguo, among other things, never heard of arrears of monthly salary, red envelopes, wine and meat during festivals and festivals, where can I find such a stable job now?
At that time, he hesitated for a while, and many people regretted it, but now the opportunity has come.General Dingguo rescued 20 people, and the court ordered that all these people be turned into military households and resettled on the spot in various places along the East Road.There is news that General Dingguo will set up dozens of forts. Based on the fact that one fort needs ten clerks, fifty forts will require at least 500 clerks.

This huge number made Donglu, especially the literati in Baoanzhou, jealous.

The literati in Baoan Prefecture still welcomed Wang Dou's rise cautiously. After all, Wang Dou's development has not violated the interests of the local gentry and landlords.As for some people talking about being ashamed of doing things for warriors...

Even Governor Ji intends to marry his daughter to General Dingguo as his wife, and he does not hesitate to make a detour. The Li family in Baoan Prefecture even wants to send their daughter to the palace as a concubine. These inferior literati, what scruples do they have?

Food is the most important thing. There are many poor literati everywhere in Ming Dynasty. If you don't want to go to find a job, there are a lot of people who are willing to squeeze their heads.

From the 12th day of April in the [-]th year of Chongzhen, for some reason, the gates of various divisions in the shogunate suddenly became full of people, especially Zhang Gui, the ambassador of the Civil Affairs Department, and Zhong Zhengxian, the official of Baoan Prefecture, and even more people who wanted to see him broke through the threshold.

In front of the small courtyard where Confucianism in Bao'an Prefecture is famous, there are also constant visits, which keep him busy.On the sixth day of the lunar new year, it was very difficult for him to send away a group of classmates and friends who came from Yanqing, and he returned to his courtyard a little tired.

At this time, there were two people dressed as scholars sitting in the hall, and they all bowed when they saw him come in.

One of them is tall and thin, the other is of medium build, both of them are wearing green shirts and Confucian robes, but they are Qin Yi and Ye Xizhi.The two of them traveled for several days in Baoanzhou, and finally found the opportunity to visit Fu Mingqi.The three of them hit it off at the first sight, and they had a good conversation. For a few days, both Qin Yi and Qin Yi lived in Fumingqi's mansion.

Back in the hall, Fu Mingqi sighed: "My classmates are very eager. At the beginning, I begged to find a job in the Xintunbao of General Dingguo, but changed my mind when I arrived in Baoan Prefecture. I hope to change to the Department of Education and Culture. It's hard to get a job..."

Wang Dou's shogunate will set up the Education Department, and I heard that this department specializes in studying how to educate the people on the East Road.There is no such thing as a copybook, and all you need to do is talk about it every day. It is noble and dignified. Such a good ministry immediately attracts the attention of many literati.

They moved around one after another, hoping to find a job in the Education Department.Fu Ming Qimen is the main force of everyone's activities, and the waves of visiting people make him unable to do anything at all.

Fu Mingqi sat down with trouble on his face, looking at his appearance, Qin Yi smiled slightly, but Ye Xizhi said boldly: "General Dingguo set up the Department of Education, which is a major event to educate people. Brother Zhongtai, I watch your classmates Most of them seek money for officials, and they are greedy for profit. In my humble opinion, it is still prudent not to introduce these local chickens and dogs into the company."

Ye Xizhi has a bold personality, conceited and talented, and speaks to Fu Mingqi without any scruples in his words, with an aggressive and heroic air.

Fu Mingqi laughed, he was bold and unconstrained, and after a few days of acquaintance, he knew Ye Xizhi quite well, but didn't care about his words.He laughed and said: "Brother Shaobai is outspoken, Brother Yu has already learned the lesson, it's just that my classmates were pissed off by you just now."

Ye Xizhi snorted coldly: "I am dedicated to benefiting the country, and I will never pretend to be polite to this generation."

Qin Yi smiled and said: "Mr. Yu Guanfu visited all his classmates and friends, and there were a few who were quite good. They sighed that their eyes were higher than the top, and they couldn't understand practical things. They usually talk about their hearts with nothing in their hands, and risk their lives to repay the king. These people are also very good. A suitable candidate for the Shogunate of General Dingguo."

Fu Mingqi pondered, and his friend Wang Dou asked him to recommend talents to enter the various divisions of the shogunate.In the past few days, Fu Mingqi has also considered several candidates. Jiang Hongsheng and Huang Riguang, two Confucian teachers, both intend to join the Department of Education.

Originally, in Fu Mingqi's opinion, Qin Yi and Ye Xizhi were also good candidates, but they were more interested in the Chief of Staff and the Department of Civil Affairs.Although the shogunate's information Fu Mingqi only revealed a few words to the two, the huge power hidden in it has already made them very excited.

Ye Xizhi asserted that Wang Dou had "monstrous ambitions". In his opinion, the Department of Civil Affairs was the best place for him to display his talents.The department also needs talented and sensitive people who can be relied on to sign the shogunate's affairs, and I am the one who should do my part.

Qin Yi was very curious about the Chief of Staff of the Shogunate. He heard that the Shun Township Army was proficient in regulations, coupled with excellent surveying and mapping, and commanded the war with the strategy and regulations.

According to what he heard, the generals of the Ming Dynasty did not have this kind of fighting style, and it was different from the civil servants' strategizing on paper-they often formulated a lot of impressionist strategies and tactics.It is truly a genius that General Dingguo can set up such a position.

Of course, both of them agreed to hold a position under the Department of Education and Culture, and they would talk and give advice on a daily basis, which suited the tastes of literati like them.

Ye Xizhi lived in Fu Mansion for a few days, and couldn't wait. After saying that, she wanted Fu Mingqi to introduce her today.Fu Mingqi smiled and shook his head: "It's also a coincidence that General Dingguo is going down to Shunbao for inspection today, and the introduction can only be made another day."

Ye Xizhi was disappointed, her eyes rolled around, and Fu Mingqi continued to discuss with Qin Yi the topics of debate in the past few days.

"According to my foolish opinion, there are so many exams today. If the imperial examinations focus on essays, they will only select the sour and rotten people who claim to be tall but don't understand the practice. When the civil and military are combined into one, the amount is applicable. Those who are proficient in civil and military strategy can do it All-round talents, those who have both civil and military skills are combined talents, and those who have achievements but lack both civil and military skills are partial talents..."


On the sixth day of April in the 12th year of Chongzhen, Wang Dou came to Shunxiang Fort.

Up to now, Shunxiang Fort has become a prosperous city, with a population of more than [-] local military households and tens of thousands of foreigners.

People from various refugee camps continued to be selected to enter the boundary of Shunxiangbao, or Wubao, and the Heishan Temple in the south of the state, for farming, mining, and grazing.These people are lucky. Once they are selected, it means that they can have enough food. Obviously, the food in the refugee camp cannot be compared with it.

More importantly, they saw hope. They went to work in various places in the south of the state under the official arrangement. If they performed well and passed strict inspections, they could have military household registration in Baoan Prefecture. A good day like the people of that day.

Happiness comes only when there is comparison. Looking at the appearance of those migrants, the military households in Shun Township Castle couldn’t help feeling grateful.

There used to be many civilian households in Baoan Prefecture, but some people secretly changed them to military households, and later they became large-scale and appeared in large numbers.In particular, Wang Dou's hometown Xingzhuang, except for some tenants of Li's family, has all been converted into military households, and the same is true for all the districts in the prefecture, which made Li Zhenyu, the magistrate, very depressed.

Now in the place of Donglu, it is very respectable to have a military household registration in Baoan Prefecture, especially a military household registration in Shunxiangbao.For those who have relatives in Shunxiangbao, there are people who keep their families defecting.After they come here, they can do some small business. Shunxiangbao has a prosperous population, and every household has food and silver. It is very easy to do business here.

They can also help local military households plow the fields when their children go out to fight.

You can also go to work in mines, forestry factories, and livestock farms. In short, there are many opportunities to make a living.

Even the military households in the nearby Wubao are greatly benefited, and the fort has prospered a lot in the past two years.

There is news that General Dingguo will build bridges and pave roads on a large scale in Baoan Prefecture, and even the entire East Road.The general also recaptured a large number of pigs and sheep from the Tatars. In the future, building shops and factories will require a lot of manpower. These are opportunities.

With the influx of people every day, the fortresses that had been abandoned and burned down in the ninth year of Chongzhen flourished again.

The original dozen or so fortresses in the territory and their surrounding areas have become densely populated places.

Especially Shunxiang Baobenbao, the city had tripled in size under Wang Dou's rule, but with the increase in population, it was obvious that the city could not house so many residents.Extended houses were added round and round along the outskirts of town.

In Bao'an Prefecture, the Tartars couldn't fight, and no gangster dared to attack the people. Even if they lived outside the city, everyone was at ease.

Of course, since most of Wang Dou's treasuries were concentrated in the territory of Shunxiang Fort, key departments such as silver warehouses, grain depots, mines, military industry, and livestock farms were also important places for recruit training, so it was not easy to enter Shunxiang Fort.

Refugees are not allowed to enter. Foreigners who want to live in Shunxiang Fort need to have a letter of introduction and a letter of guarantee from a local military household.When entering Shunxiang Fort from various roads, they have to go through a series of strict inspections, especially the military industrial sites along the West Yaozi River in the fort, and strangers should not get close.

When Wang Dou arrived at Shunxiang Fort, it was a grand welcome ceremony, and the soldiers and civilians were not stingy to express their respect to General Dingguo.Looking at the current state of Shun Xiangbao, Wang Dou is also very satisfied. He came to this world and changed the fate of many people. Thinking about it, it is something to be proud of.

Wang Dou's trip was mainly to inspect the military affairs of Shunxiang Fort.After the establishment of the logistics department, there was a military engineering department under it, which was in charge of all the gunpowder factories, military uniform factories, gun factories, and armor factories in Shunxiangbao.If possible in the future, artillery and other factories will also be established.

Considering the importance of the military industry, Qi Tianliang proposed to put the iron factory and coal factory under the name of the military industry department, and Guo Zhongju, the former secretary of Shunxiangbao, and others served as the scribes in the department.In addition, Lai Yuanlong is the head of the military engineering department, and Li Maosen and others are the deputy. Wang Dou has no objection.

At this moment, Lin Daofu, Qi Tianliang and others surrounded Wang Dou like stars holding the moon.As the military training department and the logistics department ambassador, the two continued to live in Shunxiang Fort, especially Lin Daofu is now also serving as the defense officer of Shunxiang Fort.

However, Wang Dou considered that the new recruits gathered on the East Road in the future would all be trained in Lin Daofu Battalion.Everything is complicated, and Lin Daofu must not have the energy to govern the affairs of the fort. Wang Dou intends to let Zhong Dayong, the old boss of Huoludun, serve as the defense officer of Shunxiang Fort.

In the past two years, Zhong Dayong has been in charge of Tunpu in Heishan Temple, and he has worked very hard. He also recommended Long Kun, a chicken breeder, to use the pasture to raise chickens and ducks on a large scale.

In addition, I have cattle and sheep farms in various places in Baoan Prefecture, and will produce chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep on a large scale in the future.In today's Daming, where grain production cannot be increased, the diet structure of the military and civilians has been changed to meat and milk as the main food, supplemented by food, which can not only strengthen the body, but also reduce the demand for food.

It can be said that Zhong Dayong has made great contributions to this matter, and it is no problem to serve as the defense officer of Shunxiang Fort.

However, Wang Dou didn't show his thoughts, he just watched the factory buildings in detail, from the gunpowder factory to the gun factory.Compared with the chaos at the beginning, the factories are now much more complete, and there is no need to worry about the lack of craftsmen.

Among the 20 people rescued by Wang Dou, plus those refugees and refugees who flowed into Baoan Prefecture, there are at least several thousand craftsmen among them.These craftsmen were counted one by one and sent to various factories and mines in Shunxiangbao. As long as Wang Dou could keep up with the money and food, he would not have any shortage of craftsmen in the next few years.

Wang Dou mainly came here for the flintlock gun. This technology is considered mature in Shunxiang Fort. Lai Yuanlong had successfully developed it in the past two years, not to mention that Wang Dou has the support of Yang Guodong, the superintendent of the standard battalion.In his army, there are more than 200 self-generating firearms, that is, flintlock guns. With physical reference, it is easier to shoot.

Compared with being in the way, being unable to use it in rainy days, and fighting with a matchlock gun that has a long ignited match, the flintlock gun has quite an advantage.Of course, flintlock guns are not without problems. The sparks from the flint are often not enough to ignite the gunpowder, causing misfires to occur from time to time.It takes a lot of force to pull the trigger, which affects accuracy.

Another serious disadvantage of the flintlock is the delayed firing.There is a noticeable delay between pulling the trigger and actually firing.Any shooting at a moving target is something the shooter has to think about before shooting, and there isn't any way around it.

(End of this chapter)

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