Chapter 333
The General's Mansion of Yongning City is not far from the west gate. On this street, there is also the Commander of Yongning Guard.In the area around the east gate, there are patrol offices and garrison offices.The Martial Arts Hall and the important places of Yongning Cang are also located outside the east gate.

At this time, in the large lobby of the general's mansion, some high-ranking officials gathered in high-grade official uniforms. Everyone wore bright red official robes, with golden waist plaques pinning tigers and dragons pinned to their waists. Embroidered with tiger and leopard patterns.The sunlight shone in through the thin layers of window paper, making everyone's official uniforms even more crimson.

Most of the people in the hall are dressed in official uniforms of the third rank, with wide robes and long sleeves. They are no different from civilian officials in their attire. Only their embroidered patterns can tell that they are military officers.

That's right, the ones gathered in the lobby right now are the guards from various cities on the East Road who came to meet them.As a general of Yongning, Wang Dou ruled the seven cities of Huailai, Yanqing, Yongning, Baoanzhou City, Baoanwei City, Jinghu Fort, and Sihaiyebao.

More than a dozen officials and generals gathered in the lobby, chattering, and the topic of discussion was naturally inseparable from the new general who was in charge of the defense, the famous Dingguo General Wang Dou who was well-known all over the world.

He followed Duchen Lu into the guard, fought against Tongzhou, Pinggu, Julu, and Zhuozhou. Wherever he went, the slaves were terrified and made great military exploits.Everyone was like thunder, and teahouses and restaurants everywhere were also hot people who talked about it endlessly.

If such a person became his boss, whether it was a blessing or a curse, everyone was not sure, and asked each other, just wanting to get some more information.

Among the people in the hall, of course the one with the most right to speak is Zhong Tiaoyang, the new garrison of Baoan Prefecture.If he reveals one or two things, everyone's minds will be sure.

However, he just sat quietly with a smile, sat in his seat after greeting the officials, and chatted with Xu Zucheng, the guard of the Security Guard City.

He didn't want to say more, so of course everyone didn't want to ask more questions.

In addition to Zhong Tiaoyang and Xu Zucheng, Wang Yide, the defender of Yongning City, who has the right to speak, led the officials of Yongning to welcome the arrival of Wang Dou and his party yesterday, of course he has a right to speak.At this moment, he was talking with Huang Changyi on guard at Huailai, Chen Enchong at Yanqing, and Song Jiaxuan at Jinghubao.When speaking, he rubbed his hands habitually.

Counting it, Wang Yide also has a thick waist and broad shoulders, but his face is wrinkled, his temples are gray, and his back is a little hunched. A person in his 40s looks like he is 60 years old, and the third-rank official uniform always reveals an indescribable awkwardness when he wears it.

In everyone's eyes, Wang Yide is a submissive person, and it is most appropriate to describe him as an answering bug.He is timid by nature and extremely obedient - for Shangguan.His mantra is: "Okay, okay", "No way, no way..."

Every time the Shangguan asked a question, he always stood there with his hands down, stiff and dull, and when he spoke, he was accompanied by a somewhat frightened smile.

Although his colleagues despise him, in Shangguan's mind, Wang Yide is obedient and conscientious, even if he is incompetent, he is also highly regarded by many people.After Wu Yunsong, the garrison of Yongning, died suddenly of illness, Ji Shiwei, the military garrison at that time, promoted Wang Yide without hesitation after Wang Dou was unwilling to serve as the garrison of Yongning.

At this time, Wang Yide kept inhaling to prevent his nose from running down. There may be some problems with his nose, and his nose would run when he was excited.

"General Dingguo is famous all over the world, and Dongnu is invincible. I saw him yesterday, but I feel that meeting him is even more famous. The elite division of the Shun Township Army really lives up to its reputation..."

The shock of the arrival of Wang Dou's army yesterday still lingers in Wang Yide's heart. Wang Dou came to Yongning with members of the shogunate, as well as Wen Fangliang, Zhong Xiancai, Gao Shiyin, Li Guangheng, and Sun Sanjie. , I do not know what is loaded inside.

Their sergeants were all dressed in armor, spearmen with iron armor, and firecrackers with iron cotton armor. The ultra-luxury iron flow immediately shocked all the soldiers and civilians inside and outside Yongning City.In particular, the aura of the Shunxiang army that survived a hundred battles was even more shocking, so that everyone in the field did not dare to make a sound.

Yongning City was originally a guard office, in addition to participating in the shogunate, there were also officials of all sizes in the guard, such as commanders, commanders, chiefs and deputy Qianhu.The original general guard Yang Xianqiao was about to take up his post on Fen Shoudao South Road, Xuanfu Town. He was busy with housekeeping and transfer of property, so the matter of welcoming the new general guard was mainly prepared by the guard Wang Yide.

In order to welcome Wang Dou, Wang Yide worked hard, whitewashed the walls inside and outside the general's mansion, and cleaned the courtyard well.Yongning City's public funds are quite insufficient, Wang Yide did not hesitate to pay out of his own pocket, just to satisfy the new general.

Sure enough, Dingguo General Wang Dou was sure of Wang Yide's intentions, recruited Wang Yide and asked about matters inside and outside Yongning City, and there were many praises in his words, which made Wang Yide feel very happy.Of course, while Wang Yide tried his best to flatter the new general, he inevitably ignored his old boss Yang Xianqiao.

Wang Yide didn't care, although he used to be as enthusiastic about Yang Xianqiao as he was about Wang Dou.But Yang Xianqiao is already in the past tense - he was transferred to Xuanfu Town South Road, which has nothing to do with him.The most important thing is to flatter the current boss, Wang Dou.

Wang Yide talked for a long time. Although his words were incoherent, Huang Changyi, Chen Enchong, and Song Jiaxuan still got the information they wanted.They exchanged glances with each other, put aside Wang Yide, and walked aside to whisper.Wang Yide was a little embarrassed. He quickly brewed his feelings, put on a smiling face, and walked forward to talk to Zhong Tiaoyang and Xu Zucheng.

In the seat over there, Xu Zucheng and Zhong Tiaoyang sat together to talk, looking at Zhong Tiaoyang in front of him, Xu Zucheng couldn't help but sigh with emotion for 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi.In the past, Wang Dou was just a respectful subordinate of his, and his every move depended on his face.

In a blink of an eye, he became a fellow commander of the capital, one rank higher than himself, and even became a local general, truly his immediate boss.Instead, I have to look at his face to speak, the world is unpredictable.

Zhong Tiaoyang in front of him was just a small army before, because he followed Wang Dou, he became a local garrison, equal to himself.No matter how jealous and uncomfortable Xu Zu felt in his heart, he had to hold back his emotions and make friends with him vigorously.

He talked and laughed happily, twisting his fat body over the years, his plump nose was trembling: "25 miles east of Acropolis is Yushigou, where stones like jade are produced. Brother, I will be the host someday, and I will take brother Zhong to have a good time." Take a tour..."


"People say that the new official has three terms and three fires. I don't know what kind of fire this General Dingguo will burn after he arrives in Yongning."

Chen Enchong, the garrison of Yanqing Prefecture, said sadly: "Watching Wang Dou's actions in Baoan Prefecture, he is not a good person to deal with."

Huailai's guard Huang Changyi said with a bitter face, "When the Shangguan comes, he must be filial. I hope he won't lose his fortune and bleed."

Song Jiaxuan, the garrison of Jinghu Castle, said in a low voice, "It's a small matter to be filial to money. I'm afraid that Wang Dou will be greedy and focus on our land and wealth."

He has a low voice, and he still speaks in a rough voice. Unlike Chen Enchong's femininity and Huang Changyi's thinness, Song Jiaxuan is a very burly man.With broad shoulders and a broad back, and a deep scar on his face, he looked rather sinister.

Wearing the elegant official uniform on him, there was also an indescribable awkwardness.

After hearing Song Jiaxuan's words, Chen Enchong and the others were shocked, and Huang Changyi murmured: "No way..."

Song Jiaxuan snorted, "Who knows."

Like Baoanzhou, the cities on the East Road are also occupied by military officers and strongmen, and the fertile land has been divided up by them. There are also shops, mines, and forestry. Which of them have they not invaded?They are local snakes, but when Wang Dou, a powerful dragon, comes, who knows if he will come up to grab a bite?

Unlike Chen Enchong, Huang Changyi and others, Song Jiaxuan's clan didn't have much land.However, his family has guarded Jinghu Fort for many years, and the fort controls the important places on the east road leading to the outside of the Great Wall. Many merchants secretly trade with the Mongolian tribes outside the Great Wall, and smuggling is common.

To go beyond the Great Wall, he had to bribe Song Jiaxuan.After many years, Song Jiaxuan has made a lot of money. He has less than 2000 officers and troops, and nearly half of them are his servants, relying on the location.

What Song Jiaxuan was most afraid of was that in the future, Wang Dou would be eyeing this profit line, and it would be fine if he got a share of it. If Wang Dou got the idea of ​​monopolizing himself and transferred him away, then...

I hope Wang Dou's eating will not be too ugly.

After pondering for a long time, Chen Enchong said: "There is a saying that a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake. After all, Wang Dou is young. If we want to have peace in the east, we need to rely on us mature and prudent people."

He said meaningfully: "My lords, we old people on the east road should unite in one mind and advance and retreat together."

As the garrison of Yanqing Prefecture, Chen Enchong made friends with Wu Zhi, the magistrate of Yanqing Prefecture. Wu Zhi disliked Wang Dou, and Chen Enchong also disliked Wang Dou.But Wang Dou has a lot of troops in his hands and is famous all over the world, which is no small matter.To form a momentum, more people must be recruited.

Among the generals on the East Road, Zhong Tiaoyang is definitely hopeless, so Xu Zucheng is eager to flatter Wang Dou, so don't even think about it.Wang Yide is as timid as a mouse, and a sycophant... Huang Changyi is a good candidate for defense as a bosom guard, but he is a fool, whoever is strong, he can rely on whichever side is good, and be careful of his betrayal.

Among the iron players, only Song Jiaxuan was selected, and the rest were small officials with integrity and defense. They were useful, they could be more powerful, and...

Chen Enchong cast his eyes on the big man who was swaggering and sitting on a chair. He was laughing wildly with Chen Qinluan, the manager of Zhoubao Goubao, and he didn't know what funny jokes he was talking about.The big man was wearing armor, but he was not wearing the official uniform of the Daming Guard, but he was Zhang Wenru, the guard of Sihaiyebao.

Unlike his name, he was very rough in appearance and manner, with a shaggy beard, greasy armor and robes, and an unpleasant smell of sweat on his body.Maybe he returned drunk with his subordinate sergeants last night, his eyes were still red and bloodshot.

"This lunatic is brave, but he only wants to kill slaves, and he admires Wang Dou quite a bit. I'm afraid he's unreliable..."

Chen Enchong thought to himself.

Zhang Wenru served as the garrison of Sihaiye Castle, and controlled the east road leading to another thoroughfare beyond the Great Wall. However, unlike Song Jiaxuan, he hated people in the territory secretly communicating with various ministries outside the Great Wall.Seeing that one beats another, he doesn't say anything after the beating, but also confiscates the goods privately, and exchanges money for money to drink and eat meat with his subordinates.

The reason why there is such a style is inseparable from Zhang Wenru's background. He is from Qian'an, and he prefers to dance with guns and clubs since he was a child. break.After the tragic death of all 23 members of the Zhang family, including the young lady who was pregnant in June, Zhang Wenru was the only one who escaped by going out on business.

Affected by this tragic change, Zhang Wenru scattered all his family wealth and joined the army. Because he was like a mad tiger every time he fought against the Qing soldiers, he was nicknamed "Crazy Zhang".There was even a case where someone wounded a soldier and captured a living prisoner, and took his heart and liver to drink. People gave him a nickname behind his back: "Live Butcher Zhang."

After getting this nickname, Zhang Wenru was not ashamed but proud. He was complacent and often sang: "Open that slave while he is alive, and take his heart and liver to drink with me."

All in all, since the second year of Chongzhen, he has made considerable military exploits. In the seventh year of Chongzhen, the Qing soldiers invaded from Xuanfu Town, and Zhang Wenru also captured a lot of people.However, he didn't know how to adapt, and every time he got money or things, he would return drunk with his subordinate soldiers, and he was unwilling to show filial piety to his superiors. In addition, he was disliked by his superiors because he was a bandit who slaughtered Zhang alive. appreciation.

Many years have passed, and it is only a garrison, and it is still placed in the impoverished Sihaiyebao.

Originally relying on mountains to eat mountains, relying on water to eat water, just like Jinghubao defending Song Jiaxuan.But Zhang Wenru cut his own money, this kind of behavior certainly made all the merchants in the East Road hate it, but there was no way, this Wenru was ruthless in fighting and he was ruthless, so he was very difficult to provoke.

His famous saying is: "If you are not ruthless, you will not be able to stand firmly."

A typical lunatic, meeting him is a very headache.

The only characteristic of Zhang Wenru is that he has great admiration for the heroes who dared to fight against the Qing soldiers.After hearing about Wang Dou's achievements, he once openly expressed his admiration: "I heard that Wang Dou has a great reputation for killing slaves, so I want to meet him. I don't know how his generals are compared to my son?"
Such a person is not the ideal goal in Chen Enchong's mind. It is better to have a large number of people. It seems that I need to think of ways.


When everyone outside the hall had different thoughts, Wang Douzheng was chatting and laughing happily with Xiong Tingrui, the former general guard who will be transferred to Xuanfu Town South Road.Xiong Tingrui is very rich, in his forties and well maintained.It can be seen that he is a person who pays attention to the quality of life.

In the tenth year of Chongzhen, after the death of Mao Bin, the former general guarding the East Road, Xiong Tingrui was parachuted down from the town. He had been an official in the East Road for less than two years before being transferred away.For him, it is great news that Pingdiao Xuanfu Town South Road Renshun Shengweiguang Counselor.

Xiong Tingrui didn't like this place on the East Road. The local military leaders were deeply rooted, and Xiong Tingrui felt that he was powerless to deal with it.Especially the place is close to beyond the Great Wall, which is quite dangerous.In the seventh year of Chongzhen, the Dongnu army broke in from the East Road.Maybe when the Dongnu or Beilu will come again, it is best to leave.

Compared with Xuanfu Town South Road, it is a sub-redundant place in the depths, so there is no need to be so worried now, worrying about when your wealth and life will be lost.Under his rule, the east and west cities of Shengshunchuan, Weizhou, and Guangchang are considered rich, and he can make money safely and securely.

It would be best for Wang Dou to take over, everyone is happy.

In a happy mood, Xiong Tingrui and Wang Dou chatted and laughed happily, and invited the guards of the two places to have more contact and enhance their relationship. Xiong Tingrui is still curious about Wang Dou, a legendary figure.

This action hit Wang Dou's heart, and the two laughed happily while waiting for the subordinate to hand over all the affairs.

When a new official takes office, he has to hand over a lot of tasks. Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang estimates that there are 31 instructions for taking office, such as sacrifices, nursing homes, prisons, seals in the city, fish lakes, accounting and grain storage, and so on.All of them need to be delivered and confirmed, so as not to leave a tail in the future and cause more troubles.

Wang Dou arrived in Yongning City yesterday, and he has delivered with Xiong Tingrui for a day, and it is still going on, but it is coming soon, and it is entering the final stage.

Finally, after Wang Doulian drank four cups of tea, Feng Dachang, the chief copywriter of the shogunate, walked in and whispered to Wang Dou: "General, everything has been confirmed."

Of course Xiong Tingrui heard Feng Dachang's words, he laughed and stood up: "General Wang, let me introduce you to my colleagues on the East Road."


Lao Bai Niu: I cleared my mind, and I wrote quickly.

I wrote [-] words today, and I feel very relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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