Chapter 374
"Seize the high ground!"

The hooves of the horses were rolling. Although the bandits hadn't shown up yet, the Central Military Department issued an order that all the officers and men of the Ren Department of the Shun Township Army urged their horses and galloped up to the hill.Then the soldiers got off their horses and formed formations on all sides, and soon formed the formation.

Commanders B, C, and D defend the east, west, and north sides of the slope respectively, and no troops are set up on the south side near the river.However, the rest of the Chief A Sergeant still dismounted and stood on the hillside with the Qian Headquarters as a reserve and assault force.

The luggage team had returned, and they also drove the carriages up the mountain. They had cleaned up the previous battlefield, packed up a bunch of weapons and seized them, and then roughly dug some holes, throwing the rogues who had been killed earlier into the pits and buried them. Still not used to seeing someone exploding corpses in the wilderness.

Those wounded soldiers who were shot also gave them a good time and threw them into the pit together.

At this time, the formation of soldiers was strictly treated, some of the fire soldiers of the baggage team went out to pick up gold and silver treasures, and some went to fetch water from the river-then there would be a fierce battle between the Renbu fire gun soldiers, if the fire guns fired for a long time, Just need some damp cloth to cool the barrel.The water is raised first, which also means to be prepared.

Gao Shi Yincai rode on his horse, and looked at the valley on the west bank with a telescope. It can be seen that there are people in the grass over there, and some people and horses rush into the hills over there from time to time.Imagining how they would fail in an ambush, Gao Shiyin couldn't help laughing with his mouth open.


"These officers and soldiers are not easy to deal with."

At this time, behind a hill where Gao Shiyin Jimu was located, a middle-aged man was frowning and said.

This middle-aged man has a rough skin and is about 30 years old. He wears a armor inside and a thick felt-like cloak on the outside. On the ground in front of him, there is a horse stick and a long mane A fine horse, eating hay boredly in front of him.

"Brother Liu, I heard from the brothers who came back that the officers and soldiers are well-armored. Not only do they have iron armor and cotton armor, but they also have horses. Especially their firearms are very powerful, and they can kill with a hundred steps. I don't have the strength to fight back."

A young leader next to him also interjected, he was in his twenties, rubbing his hands vigorously as he spoke, his hands and face were flushed red in the severe cold weather.Every time the cold wind blows, he can't help tightening his fur jacket.

"In particular, these officers and soldiers are not greedy for money. They are not tempted when they see gold and silver. They keep the army in order when they see the money all over the floor. I have followed King Chuang for so many years, but I have never seen such officers and soldiers. I heard from the brothers who fled back that they Flying the banner with the character of Wang, how can there be a general surnamed Wang in these prefectures in Henan? Or maybe...they are guest soldiers from outside?"

This "Brother Liu" was thinking deeply, and a cautious and calm expression flashed in his eyes. The results of the previous attempts to lure the brothers were beyond his expectations, three thousand against one thousand, and they were defeated in an instant.Moreover, these brothers were extremely panicked, not only half of them disappeared, even those who fled back were all still in shock.

They even called those officers and soldiers ghosts, and they should not be offended easily. Seeing them disturb the morale of the army, "Brother Liu" beheaded a few people on the spot before calming down those rout soldiers.

He pondered for a long time, and then said: "Those officers and soldiers have already stopped and set up formations a few miles away. It's so strange. How did they find out about our ambush?"

The young leader said: "Brother Liu, we have been lying in ambush here for many days. We are cold and tired. If we don't attack again, we are afraid that the brothers will not be able to support us."

That "Brother Liu" looked to his side, surrounded by horse troops, most of them were wearing felt hats, armor or leather armor, holding spears, waist knives and bows and arrows on their backs, and some of them were carrying three Eye shot or bird shot.After King Chuang broke through many cities in the Henan Prefecture and seized many of the officers and soldiers' treasuries, at least the equipment of the horse army was considered to be exquisite, especially those brothers from the old battalion.

However, the rest of the infantry only had leather jackets and spears, and a red scarf wrapped around their heads. Most of them were young and strong, and there were some old and weak in the middle.Most of the infantry troops were victims of hunger and disasters. After being coerced, they had no other intentions. They just wanted to become the official infantry and horse troops who broke into the camp and really have a full mouthful of food.

Looking back, "Brother Liu" said: "I always feel that these officers and soldiers are difficult to deal with, and I am afraid that many brothers will be damaged..."

The young leader said anxiously: "Brother Liu, in the words of a scholar, we are now riding a tiger..."

He looked around and said softly: "The officers and soldiers have so many horse armors. If they are taken down, our brothers in the old camp can expand again. If the officers and soldiers are difficult to eat, let those hungry people go up. The brothers in the old camp, as well as the horse army, are all There is no need to dispatch. There are no more than a thousand officers and soldiers, and we have more than 1 people. Even if we employ people, we will pile them up to death."

That "Brother Liu" blinked his eyes and nodded. This person is Liu Fangliang, a general under King Chuang's command. He joined the army in his early years and was one of Li Zicheng's confidants.The young leader was Li Guo, Li Zicheng's nephew, nicknamed "a tiger", and he was quite brave in battle.They have fought with Li Zicheng for many years, and they have seen many mountains of corpses and seas of blood. How could they care about other people's lives?

Just in September of this year, Li Zicheng was besieged in Yubu Mountain. Liu Fangliang, Liu Zongmin and others killed their wives and vowed to follow Li Zicheng.This person's heart can be said to be extremely cold, it is the same for his wife and children, and it can be imagined for others.

The two discussed in low voices, and a rough voice came: "Brother Liu, Brother Li, those dog officers and soldiers stopped, as if they found our ambush, are we going to fight this battle or not?"

With a voice like his own, a burly man came over, with a beard and a ragged leather jacket.He opened his leather jacket, and in the severe cold weather, he still didn't change his expression.At his waist, pinned a huge saber and a big bow and quiver.

Seeing this man, Li Guo frowned slightly, but Liu Fangliang smiled: "Brother Dayong, of course we have to fight this battle. We planned to lie in wait for so many days, and if we don't fight, how can we explain to the brothers? Attack it."

The man excitedly said: "Donkey Ball, I heard that those officers and soldiers have armor and horses. If they are defeated, the momentum of our rebel army will be greatly strengthened."

He wiped his mouth, cupped his fists and said, "How should I put it, I, Old Hao, should be in charge of commanding the pawns to siege."

Liu Fangliang said: "Okay, Brother Dayong is eager to kill thieves, and I will leave it to you to command the infantry to siege."

The man smiled happily, very excited, only Li Guo hummed inaudibly.

This big man is Hao Yaoqi, whose real name is Hao Dayong. He was originally a general promoted by Gao Yingxiang. He was nicknamed "Hao Yaoqi" because of his valor in combat and his ability to raise the flag to charge. His original name gradually made people forget. up.

Hao Yaoqi is not Li Zicheng's direct descendant, and he is fond of drinking and drinking, which often delays major events, so Li Zicheng should not reuse him.Moreover, although Hao Yaoqi himself is brave, his subordinates are too oily, and rape and robbery are commonplace.

Especially when Li Zicheng was in distress in Shangluo Mountain, Hao Yaoqi refused to return. Although Hao Yaoqi defected again afterwards, Li Zicheng's generals had feelings for Hao Yaoqi, especially Liu Zongmin, Gao Yigong, and Li Zicheng. The elders are extremely dissatisfied.

Although Li Guo has a calmness that is not commensurate with his age, he is still young and energetic, and it is difficult to hide his thoughts, but Liu Fangliang is quite a man of the city, and he still calls Hao Yaoqi his close "Brother Dayong".

"Okay, this battle has to be fought quickly, and those dog officers and soldiers will run away when it's too late. The brothers who lured them will blow those officers and soldiers to the sky. I, Lao Hao, want to see if those dog thieves are superhuman."

Hao Yaoqi gritted his teeth with a ferocious expression.


Gao Shiyin held up the binoculars to look out, and suddenly there was a sound of a gong, and then a loud arrow flew into the sky, as if thousands of people were shouting in unison, and there was an earth-shattering cry of killing.

It seemed that countless peasant troops holding spears and wearing red scarves rushed from the west to the other side of the river, and the noisy voices finally merged into one: "Kill the officers and soldiers!"

The sound of horseshoes sounded, and a large team of horses also rushed from the other side of the river, stirring up pieces of river water.The smoke and dust billowed, and there seemed to be a dense crowd of horses running down from the mountainous area in the north, and from several directions, they rushed towards Gao Shiyin's army together.

"Kill the officers and soldiers!"

Huge strands of smoke and dust rise up, spears and red turbans are densely packed in sight, and the crowds of people coming from everywhere are boundless and invisible, and the number of people is fixed above ten thousand people.

Gao Shiyin remained motionless, holding the binoculars in his hand steadily. After a long time, he snorted: "The bandits are here, good time!"

A bloodthirsty light flashed in his eyes, looking around, the soldiers in helmets and armor sat quietly in all directions, holding their own weapons in their hands, and they did not panic in the slightest due to the arrival of the large group of thieves.

Seeing that the rogues from all sides were getting closer and closer, and they were less than one mile away, Gao Shiyin gave an order.

"Get ready to fight!"


All the soldiers shouted loudly, stood up and prepared to fight.

Sergeant Zhao Rongsheng, Chief Ding's Spearman, also yelled and stood up. His heart was boiling with enthusiasm. If he wanted to kill a thief, he would have military merit... Last year, he accompanied the army to conquer the bandits on the East Road. He was remembered for his bravery in the battle. One contribution, if this battle makes another contribution.

He didn't move his head, but his eyes squinted at the armor commander beside him. His equipment was similar to his own, all of which were iron armor, iron mesh boots, and an eight-petal hat and iron pointed helmet.But on his helmet, there are black tassels fluttering, and on the edge of the waist plate, there is also a black circle, which is the symbol of Shangguan, which he has been longing for for a long time.

This battle... Zhao Rongsheng gripped his spear even more tightly.

The voice of comforting officials from the Qian headquarters came to my ears: "Masters, think of the majestic appearance of our army in Shun Township, how chic and heroic it is to attack Pinggu in the east and fight against the giant deer in the south. We will be under the command of General Dingguo. , the group of ugliness is wiped out, and a man stands between heaven and earth, so why are you afraid of spilling our blood?"

He squinted at each other: "Masters, do you dare to fight?"


There was a majestic shout, accompanied by the sound of neat spears hitting the ground.


The officers raised their fists.

"Wan Sheng!"

Following the sergeant's shouts, Gao Shiyin stood upright with his sword on his shoulders, and the generals around him also put their hands on their sabers.The governor of the town stood with his hands behind his back, and they were all high-spirited!
(End of this chapter)

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