Chapter 389
It can be seen that Fu Wang is also quite concerned about Wang Dou. When Wang Dou came to pay a visit, he struggled to get up from the luxurious carved gold throne, and looked at Wang Dou again and again with his eyes that were so fat that there was only a slit left. .After being summoned, King Fu gave a banquet, and Wang Dou was even more fortunate to sit at the head of Henan General Soldier Wang Shaoyu.

The banquet is held in the Fu'an Hall. In the spacious hall, tables on both sides are filled with exquisite wine and dishes, and there are court ladies and courtesans singing and dancing to add to the fun.Wang Shaoyu, Liu Jianyi and the others were all smiling, only Wang Dou looked sober. He has seen this kind of program a lot in various places in later generations. In terms of enjoying entertainment, Daming at this time is absolutely inferior to later generations.

There are a lot of sensual dogs and horses, so Wang Dou has a natural immunity to this kind of program, which makes Lu Weiqi and Wang Yinchang's civil officials have a higher evaluation of this unique general.

Zhu Changxun, the King of Fu, is in the main seat. Even if he is sitting, his round belly is still raised high, and his son Zhu Yousong is sitting on his lower left head.Although the father and son are both extremely fat, they eat a lot, and each of them eats their mouths full of oil, and several court ladies are constantly serving them.

The eldest son Zhu Yousong ate a lot, and listened to Wang Dou's story of the 11th year of Chongzhen's war with great interest, applauding from time to time.It seems that Wang Dou is like a storyteller, greatly enhancing his strong appetite.

"So, those slaves are not as scary as the rumors say."

King Fu was also very interested in hearing it. They are the kind of vassals who can't wait to go out to the place of the vassal. They live in a luxurious and huge prison all their lives. They have a curiosity about the outside world that many civil servants and military generals do not have heart of.

After listening to Wang Dou's story about his battle with Huang Taiji in Pinggu, he came to a conclusion thoughtfully.

Wang Doudao: "Fu Wang Mingjian, Dong Nu is brave and has sharp armor. He is indeed a strong enemy of our Ming Dynasty. However, as long as our officials and generals of the Ming Dynasty have the heart to die, the slave soldiers are not invincible."

King Fu was very happy: "General Wang said that the combat power of intruders is less than [-]% of that of slaves. According to General Wang, the bandits invaded Luoyang. I have more than ten thousand troops defending the city. Is it safe?"

There were more than [-] defending officers and soldiers in Luoyang, and three generals including Wang Shaoyu, the general soldier of Henan, came to the rescue.In addition to the more than [-] coalition troops of Wang Dou and Chen Yongfu, the soldiers and horses gathered in Luoyang City now also look like [-] to [-] battalions, especially Wang Dousun's township army, so King Fu said this.

Wang Dou said: "Fu Wang Mingjian, although there are hundreds of thousands of thieves, they are all the generation of local chickens and dogs. As long as the soldiers have enough food, food and clothing, not to mention guarding the city, they will kill all the thieves in Henan Province with one blow. It's not too difficult."

Hearing Wang Dou talk about silver, Wang Yinchang, the Deputy Military Preparer, immediately said: "Your Highness, the warehouses in Luoyang are empty, and the soldiers have already owed a lot of money. There is a lot of money in the palace. Please send a few 10 taels of silver to the army quickly, otherwise the army will not be ashamed." Instability, Wan An Wang and others are a lesson from the past."

King Fu was very dissatisfied: "How can I ask for food and salary from widows? Luoyang City does not belong to my family. Officials, wealthy households and rich families in the city are all responsible for guarding the land. They can at least give out a few hundred thousand taels of silver, tens of thousands of shi Rice grain, why are they unwilling to pay? It is extremely difficult for the widow to support the whole palace, and now it is beyond the means."

Wang Yinchang avoided talking about this matter, but said: "Your Highness, please take the country and the country as the most important thing."

Kang Menghui, the magistrate of Henan Province, also requested.

Wang Dou watched them arguing coldly. The two families were either unwilling to come out, or asked each other to come out. Seeing them arguing endlessly, Wang Dou said: "Your Highness, my lords, our army defeated tens of thousands of thieves in Ruzhou, thinking that Luoyang is in danger, so lead the army." Come quickly, there is not enough food and grass in the army, and only a few days of food are left. Please pull out the food and grass quickly, or you will eventually leave Luoyang. I, the soldiers of Shun Township, are full of enthusiasm. I came to kill the thieves. Leave them hungry and deprived of food and clothing."

Seeing Wang Dou standing up, everyone in the hall was startled, and said in unison: "No way."

They absolutely cannot let Wang Dou go.I know that it is hard to say whether the Shun Township Army without Wang Dou can hold Luoyang under the attack of 10,000+ rogues.

Moreover, Wang Dou was a guest soldier, and his original responsibility was to go to Sichuan to suppress the bandits, but he stayed in Henan because of the arrest of Henan governor Li Xianfeng, deputy military preparation officer Wang Yinchang and others.The matter of Luoyang actually has nothing to do with him, Wang Dou is gone now, no matter what happens in the future of Luoyang, Wang Dou cannot be blamed, not to mention that he has Yang Sichang's respect, so nothing will happen.

As for the local officials and generals in Henan, they can't tell clearly, especially the civilian and military generals who guard the land.

King Fu also knows the virtues of the local army and horses. King Wan'an has learned from the past, and he is thinking about his wealth and life. Seeing that Wang Dou is about to leave, he is a little flustered and hastened to stay: "General Wang, please wait a moment, the matter of your army's food and salary Easy to say, easy to say."

He looked at Wang Yinchang and others with an ugly face: "According to you, how much money do you want to pay?"

Seeing that Wang Dou would not leave, King Fu was also relieved. Wang Yinchang heaved a sigh of relief. After thinking for a while, he said: "It will cost a lot for the army to repair the city and relieve the victims. apply."

"20 million taels?"

The fat on Fu Wang's face was squeezed into one place, he gasped and said, "The 20 taels of silver will definitely not come out."

He and his eldest son Zhu Yousong looked at each other and said: "I can only give 10 taels of silver, 5 taels will be given to General Wang, and 5 taels will be given to the guards in Luoyang. I heard that the Luoyang gentry promised 5 taels to General Wang Rewards, these, I have to let you out. If there is any shortage, I still need you to continue to find a way."

The faces of Wang Shaoyu, the general soldier of Henan Province, and others changed, and displeasure flashed in their eyes. Wang Dou alone took 5 taels of silver, but the combined amount of their families was only 5 taels of silver.

But they couldn't say what they objected to, the combined strength of the three of them was only half of Wang Dou and Chen Yongfu's, not to mention their combat effectiveness.I thought so, but I couldn't get rid of the jealousy in my heart.

Wang Yinchang and the others were still pondering. Lu Weiqi, the former minister of the Ministry of War, heard that King Fu was willing to give 10 taels of silver. He was secretly happy and said, "Don't worry, Your Highness. reward silver."

Wang Doulue pondered for a while, and said: "Your Highness, the general does not want silver, but hopes to exchange it for grain and grass. As early as in Kaifeng Mansion, Governor Li promised the general to give 5 shi of grain and rice, and the [-] taels of silver would be equivalent to grain and grass." Ten thousand stones."

Fu Wang pondered for a long time, and said: "Forget it, I will give General Wang ten thousand stones of grain and grass."

He was a little worried, and rushed into the siege of the city. Now the price of Luoyang City is soaring. A stone of grain and rice costs more than a dozen taels of silver, and he can't even buy it.But in order to win over Wang Dou and let him fight in Luoyang with peace of mind, he had to bleed profusely.

Wang Dou planned to get the 7 shi grain and grass that Li Xianfeng had promised him, but he still owed himself [-] taels of silver.

He looked at Chen Yongfu, and seeing what he meant, Chen Yongfu also agreed. Now they are one family, and they eat and eat together. Wang Dou has food, so of course he will not forget him.Moreover, Chen Yongfu received more than [-] taels of gold and silver in Ruzhou, so he was not short of money.

At the same time, he was secretly envious that it would be good to have a strong army in his hand, no matter how he threatened him, he could succeed.

After negotiating the matter of food and salary, Wang Yinchang and others were very happy, but Fu Wang was listless. After the hasty banquet, Wang Dou and others left.


On the 13th day of the twelfth lunar month in the [-]th year of Chongzhen, Luoyang City, Beiguan.

The Beiguan is about two miles away from the main city of Luoyang. It was built during the reign of Zhengde, with a circumference of about four miles. The city wall is one foot and six feet high.There used to be a guard of Chief Qian, but after Wang Dou and Chen Yongfu arrived, they happily withdrew to the main city.

Wang Dou and Chen Yongfu's army has been stationed here for three days. In the Luoyang city defense arrangement, their soldiers and horses not only guard the Beiguan, but also serve as the main force of the guerrillas, supporting Luoyang's various schools at any time.

Chen Yongfu's vanguard battalion of 1000 infantry and [-] people entered the Luoyang city wall to fight. Wang Dou also sent a force and some artillery to accompany him.In the end, Chen Yongfu guarded Beiguan with a thousand infantry troops, and Wang Dou also had a force to guard it together.In the end, Wang Dou's guards and cavalry, the rest of the new army, and Chen Yongfu's servants served as mobile forces.

In Luoyang City Wang Yinchang's vassal division, Wang Dou had discussed clearly with everyone that Luoyang's fortified city would consume the vigor and morale of the Chuang army. Defeat all the rogues outside the city.

Originally, Wang Yinchang and the others meant to keep the enemy out of the city, but they couldn't do anything about Wang Dou's insistence.The defenders inside the city, as well as the rescued Kaifeng soldiers and horses, absolutely did not have the courage to fight outside the city.Even Chen Yongfu, if they were not accompanied by Wang Dou's cavalry guards, they would not dare to go out of the city to fight in the field.

With Wang Dousun's township army participating in the battle, there will be a sturdy mobile force, which can attack the rogues attacking the city from inside and outside, making the city's defenses stronger and saving King Fu a lot of money.In history, King Fu also organized a death squad of nearly a thousand people. Each person was rewarded with a hundred taels of silver.

There are city towers at the four gates of Beiguan, with cornices and corners, which is magnificent. There are also some cannons on the city walls, about 30 or so.However, most of them are medium-sized iron cannons of Francophones, which weigh one to three catties, and have a range of one mile or less.Those three-to-five-jin cannons with a range of more than one mile and the invincible general cannons, as well as the Hongyi cannons, could not be mounted on such a pass.

Wang Dou didn't take it seriously, he had ten Hongyi cannons, and he didn't expect these cannons to pass through the city.He also negotiated clearly with Wang Shaoyu, the general soldier of Henan who defended the north gate of Luoyang City, that he would attack the invading army at Beiguan and Gongchen Gate from inside and outside.

There are two Shenwei Invincible General Cannons and two Hongyi [-]-pound Cannons at the north gate of Luoyang City. In order to increase the range and power of those cannons, he will send his own gunners to assist them, or they will operate the cannons themselves.

There are still a lot of rockets in the Beiguan warehouse, and Wang Dou doesn't mind consuming them all.Although the rockets are not very accurate, they are large in quantity and fierce in firepower. They are quite powerful against unarmored intruders, and they can also save the projectiles of their own blunderbuss to some extent.

Wang Dou and Chen Yongfu stood on the north gate and looked through the binoculars. The generals of the Shunxiang Army stood beside them, looking at them with great vigor.After Chen Yongfu snatched the binoculars from his son, he couldn't put it down every day, showing off whenever he had a chance, making Wang Shaoyu and others envious.

Not far from the north gate is the Jinshui River, which has frozen over at this time.There were originally some villages scattered along the river, but because the enemy was coming, the villages and towns there were emptied, and most of the people fled into Luoyang City.In fact, there are quite a few residents and businessmen in Beiguanyuan, and most of them have also fled or are planning to flee into Luoyang City.

From the Jinshui River to the north for more than ten miles, the terrain gradually becomes higher, and finally the peaks rise layer by layer, with a vast momentum, and there is Mang Mountain.Luoyang is the thousand-year-old imperial capital, and Mangshan Mountain is an ideal burial place for ancient emperors. There are various palaces and temples on Mangshan Mountain, including more than a thousand tombs of emperors and ministers.Since ancient times, there has been a proverb "born in Suzhou and Hangzhou, buried in Beimang after death". Mangshan Mountain is also one of the eight scenic spots in Luoyang.

"General Wang, I estimated that if the army of intruders came, their camps and camps would definitely be set up on Mount Mang, or on the mountain in the west of the city."

Just as Wang Dou had an inexplicable and unexplainable historical feeling in his heart, Chen Yongfu who was beside him spoke solemnly.

Wang Dou agreed with the old general's view that the east of Luoyang City is open and flat, and there is no danger to defend.The south of the city is also open, and not far away is the wide Luoshui River. Although it is frozen, it is also inconvenient to travel.

Food, salaries and supplies are the lifeblood of a large army. If the invading army attacks Luoyang, these 10,000+ people will eat horse chews, but there is a huge amount. If there is a loss, it will definitely be over.So be sure to find a dangerous place to pile up.

In addition, the main force of the Chuang army came from Yiyang and Xin'an in the west, so the food and supplies of this army were either hoarded in Mangshan to the north of Luoyang, or in Jianshan to the west of Luoyang.Chen Yongfu's estimate coincided with Wang Dou's guess.

Returning to the general administration in the pass, it has become the joint headquarters of Wang Dou and Chen Yongfu, and the generals and staff are constantly coming and going.

Above the hall, many large tables are put together, and a huge sand table is placed on it.Although the sand table appeared in the Qin and Han Dynasties, if there is no accurate map and topographic survey, the sand table produced is just a matter of talking on paper.

However, after arriving in Luoyang, Yebushou under Wang Dou's command had already detected dozens of miles around Luoyang.The sand table that was made was of course extremely exquisite. Looking at the sand table, it seemed that the entire Luoyang city was in front of him.

When he saw this sand table for the first time, Chen Yongfu couldn't help but praise him. He has experienced many battles, so of course he can see the value of this sand table at a glance.

Everyone watched around the sand table. Chen Yongfu looked at the positions of Mangshan Mountain and Jianshan Mountain above and pondered for a long time. He said: "There is no better way to plan poison than to run out of food. If a thief hoards food, our army will guard the city and wait for the thief's spirit." If everything is lost, our division will attack at night, destroying all the food and supplies, and the thieves will lose their food and fodder, and they will surely collapse.

Wang Dou also looked at these two places and meditated. Chen Yongfu meant to destroy the food and grass of the Chuang army, but Wang Dou planned to seize it.

In a disaster year, every grain of food is precious, if it is burned, it would be a waste of money.After taking away the food, grass and luggage, there are many things that I can do.Of course, with the fighting power of the local officers and soldiers in Henan, they can only attack and destroy them. The soldiers under his command, after capturing it, have the confidence to stick to it and wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

Wang Dou said: "Heroes see the same thing, but we have to wait until the bandits arrive to see the difference, whether it is a place for the two to store food or not."

Chen Yongfu laughed, and said: "The next time Wang Bingbei invites you to plan again, he will definitely say that the two of us will run out of food."

Wang Dou glanced at him, invited Chen Yongfu into the dark room, and said: "Chen Junmen, the last general, it is better not to talk about this strategy of starvation in front of Wang Zongbing, Liu Gueran and others."

Chen Yongfu was startled, and said, "Why did General Wang say that?"

Wang Dou said coldly: "The final general suspects that Liu Jianyi and Luo Tai are colluding with the bandit soldiers, preparing to open the city and surrender the enemy when the bandits arrive. The final general has sentry cavalry to investigate the close contacts between his troops and the bandits in Yongning, and their plots. Wang Shaoyu is greedy and stupid, and he withheld more than half of the silver taels rewarded by King Fu, and his subordinates are full of complaints, and the morale of the army is unstable, so we must guard against changes in their troops."

Wang Dou knew that in history, Liu Jianyi and Luo Tai surrendered Li Zicheng, and Wang Shaoyu's subordinates mutinied and surrendered to the enemy.So he asked the intelligence department and Ye Bushou to monitor these people closely.According to the information he got, the signs of Liu Jianyi and Luo Tai surrendering to the enemy became more and more obvious, and Wang Shaoyu...

After King Fu pulled out 5 taels of silver from the officers and soldiers defending the city, Wang Yinchang, the deputy envoy of military preparations, and Kang Menghui, the prefect of Henan Prefecture, and others conquered more than half of them, and then Wang Shaoyu, Liu Jianyi, Luo Tai and others conquered more than half of them. It was layer upon layer of deductions, and in the end the soldiers were given very little silver, not even a tael of silver.

Originally, according to King Fu's calculation, if the money is pulled out, the soldiers guarding the city can get at least five to ten taels of silver each, plus the food and salaries prepared by the government themselves, the soldiers guarding the city should be able to survive for a few months. The result was beyond his expectation.

And in the case of soaring prices in Luoyang, what can this little money do?In order to cover up the deduction of military pay, those high-ranking civil servants and military generals only pushed it on King Fu, saying that it was an iron cock who didn't pull out a hair.

The food and grass that King Fu had given to Wang Dou had arrived, and for Wang Dou's army, the eunuchs of the Wang's residence did not dare to go too far. Although they also withheld some of the food and grass, most of the food and grass still fell into Wang Dou's hands.

Thanks to the efforts of Lu Weiqi, the former minister of the Ministry of War, the wealthy gentry and wealthy households in the city also pooled up 5 taels of silver to reward Wang Dou.Wang Dou and Chen Yongfu's army totaled more than 5, and [-] taels of silver were counted on each soldier, and each soldier was divided into four or five taels.

The money is okay, but the key is that the 10,000 stone grains and rice that King Fu pulled out made the local guards and Kaifeng generals extremely jealous. Under the current price situation in Luoyang, it is worth [-]+ taels of silver.When the news came out, Wang Shaoyu and his subordinates even scolded Fu Wang and others for favoring one over another.

Even Chen Yongfu received a lot of stares and was excluded from the circle of local generals, which made him very annoyed.

Wang Dou had already reminded Chen Yongfu about Liu Jianyi and others. Chen Yongfu didn't dare to believe it at first, but with the faint news from all parties, he believed it a little bit.

At this time, Wang Dou said again, and he also turned dark. He said: "These rats have been favored by the court, and they don't know how to repay them. They are against the ambition of wolves. General Wang, the two of us have to separate with Wang Bing and tell him to be careful. One or two, be careful not to lose the city."

Wang Dou said: "No."

He calmly said: "Liu Jianyi and others are also cautious. Those who secretly communicated with the thieves are all insignificant people under their command. At this time, they are making it clear, but they will startle the snake."

He glanced at Chen Yongfu: "Let's not talk about it, Wang Bingbei has good relations with Wang Shaoyu and Liu Jianyi, and at this moment, he made it clear..."

Chen Yongfu immediately understood that he was in Kaifeng and had a good relationship with Henan governor Li Xianfeng.What Wang Shaoyu, Liu Jianyi and others were fawning on was Wang Yinchang, the deputy envoy of military preparations. Before there was any conclusive evidence, they were indeed arguing, and Wang Yinchang definitely defended it.

We must know that today is different from the past, the current civil servants can only win over military generals, even if the matter is revealed, Liu Jianyi and the two lose their cars to save their soldiers, as long as they abandon a few insignificant soldiers, wouldn't Wang Yinchang and others lightly expose it?

The provinces in Henan need soldiers like them. As long as they don't openly rebel, won't the officials turn a blind eye?

At that time, I am afraid that if Liu Jianyi and others are not dealt with, there will be a series of troubles instead.

Thinking of this, Chen Yongfu said bitterly: "Mice, I am ashamed to be with these people."

Wang Dou said lightly: "The heroic men of the Chen Junmen, the general thought that Chen Junmen was more qualified to be the general of the Henan Army, but now is also a good opportunity."

Chen Yongfu's eyes lit up, and he glanced at Wang Dou thoughtfully, yes, Liu Jianyi and Wang Shaoyu's men were going to defect to the enemy, it was indeed an opportunity for him.At that time, Luoyang City can only rely on itself to fight against the king. After the Battle of Ruzhou, Chen Yongfu believes that without them, Luoyang City can also be defended and defeated.

Without the two of Liu Jianyi, Wang Shaoyu will bear the responsibility of his subordinates' mutiny again, and he will make a great contribution to the sky, and with the support of Governor Li, the position of Henan General Army will not be his own?This Wang Dou has such a quick mind, and he was lucky, but he had to catch such a capable ally.

Wang Dou said again: "Therefore, we can't talk about this strategy of starvation of food for the time being. Jieshi's thieves lost all their vigor, and the two of us sent elite soldiers to attack the camp. The food and supplies we got, you and I will share equally..."

Chen Yongfu's eyes brightened even more.


On the [-]th day of the twelfth lunar month, sentry cavalry began to appear outside the city of Luoyang.For the next few days, cavalry teams continued to arrive every day, sometimes hundreds, sometimes thousands, they galloped and roared, wandering around the periphery of the city.

And starting from the 10,000th, the number of people fleeing into Luoyang City every day became more and more, reaching a peak a few days before the Chinese New Year, and the temples and temples in the city were full of refugees.The news of the sentinel's Tangma also continued to come back. The troops from Yiyang, Lushi, Yongning, Xin'an and other places gathered on a large scale.

At this time, the soldiers and civilians in Luoyang City finally gave up their thoughts. It seemed that the bandits were really going to attack the city.

On the 21th day of the twelfth lunar month, King Fu visited the temple at night, offered incense and offered offerings, prayed for the blessing of the gods, and also offered a lot of money, begging the Taoist priest to show the way to defeat the enemy. On the [-]st, Fu Wang, who was restless, summoned Wang Yinchang, the deputy envoy of military equipment, Wang Shaoyu, Wang Dou, the general soldier of Henan, and others into the palace to inquire about the defense of the city, and promised that as long as the enemy was repelled, he would be rewarded.

"The thieves pretend to be benevolent and righteous, raise the name of eliminating violence and compassion for the people, and opening warehouses to help the poor, which wins the hearts of foolish men and women. I heard that there are children in the city singing: "Welcome the King of Chuang, and don't pay the grain. Songs, the hearts of the people are turbulent. This is an extraordinary time, you should do it." A very good idea."

Wang Dou's voice reverberated in the spacious hall. Everyone in the hall argued with each other, but they couldn't come up with any effective method. Talk about money.

"Dare to ask General Wang, what is an extraordinary strategy?"

Guerrilla Liu Jianyi glanced at Wang Dou.

Wang Dou said calmly: "Those who rob the grain will be cut."

He said: "There are many disaster victims in the city, and the government and merchants are invited to set up tents to relieve the people from hunger and cold. As long as the people have a bite to eat, they will not be deceived by the bandits, and the thieves will not respond from the inside. If anyone dares to deceive the crowd, kill them No pardon!"

Wang Dou knew that the disaster in Henan was serious, people in Luoyang City often starved to death, and many officials and wealthy households were still spending time and money, which naturally made people psychologically unbalanced, especially when hatred of the rich was the mainstream in the late Ming Dynasty.In this case, the series of slogans put forward by Li Zicheng are of course very powerful, and many cities are often conquered without attacking.

However, if the official relief is appropriate, this situation can often be avoided.

Wang Doudao: "For the common people in the city, at the end of the day, we will ask to organize and train social soldiers to assist in defending the city. They are numbered in thousands of characters, and every 50 people are in a team. Gentlemen or clans are in charge. If there are any males who do not go to the city, they will be killed. So Luoyang is at your fingertips. Thousands of soldiers and horses. As for the strong men among the victims, they can also be hired, and each person will be given a few cakes a day, which can kill thieves and avoid riots in the city."

These are the historical experience of defending the city of Kaifeng, and they proved to be very practical. Listening to Wang Dou's eloquence, King Fu and the deputy envoy of military equipment Wang Yinchang and others nodded slowly.

However, Wang Yinchang pondered again: "However, this requires a lot of grain and rice, and the warehouse is empty right now..."

Wang Dou said indifferently: "The one who is closed is worthy."

"In this extraordinary period, families hoarding food and rice must sell it. The resources needed by the soldiers of each team can make the giant merchants and giants in the city send thousands of cakes every day. With such unity of the army and the people, Luoyang City can be as solid as gold."

Wang Yinchang had a troubled expression on his face: "I'm afraid it will be difficult to talk about mobilizing the wealthy households in the city..."

Wang Dou sneered and said: "We have learned from the past. The clan and wealthy households in Yongning City held on to their wealth, and as a result, the city was destroyed. Do you want to end up like this?"

Wang Yinchang frowned: "General Wang..."

Lu Weiqi, the former minister of the Ministry of War, also attended the banquet. He sighed: "What General Wang said is true. Even though I have retired from the government and the opposition, I still know how to serve the country. Regarding the affairs of the army, I should contact the gentry in the city. The general can rest assured."

Although Lu Weiqi's love for party struggles gave Wang Dou a bad impression, he was indeed passionate about protecting Luoyang City, and Wang Dou's reward money was also contacted by him on his behalf.Lu Weiqi is regarded as highly respected in Luoyang City, if he is dispatched, Wang Dou also firmly believes that he can do it.

But Lu Weiqi said again: "I'm afraid that the social soldiers have not experienced training, and it will be useless to defend the city at that time."

Wang Doudao: "Under heavy rewards, there must be brave men. After the rich households have contributed funds, they can order the folks to reward 50 taels of silver for those who can go out of the city to kill a first-class thief, and reward 30 taels of silver for those who can shoot a thief, and shoot a thief or a brick. Those who are wounded will be rewarded ten taels, so that the soldiers and civilians will be the first to kill the thief."

(End of this chapter)

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