Chapter 544 Cannon Battle Across the River (Part 1)

Hong Chengchou was old in war, so he quickly arranged for the commanders of the towns to fight,

According to Hong Chengchou's arrangement, Li Fuming and Zuo Guangxian's soldiers and horses attacked Shuangzi Mountain. The two men each had more than ten thousand infantry and cavalry, and there were also many chariots in the battalion. The strength of the army is already superior.

Moreover, most of the mortars, big rockets, etc. in Fu Yingchong Shenji Battalion supported the two generals, and there were many attacking equipment with the army. Hong Chengchou even personally led the Supervising Biao Battalion, the local soldiers in Liaodong, and the officers and soldiers of Ji Town Continuous support from the rear.

Although the Qing soldiers continued to come, but the boundary of the Twin Mountains was so large, more reinforcements could not be deployed. Generally speaking, in the battle of the Twin Mountains, the Ming army was outnumbered and had a great chance of winning.

In the Battle of Shuangzi Mountain, Zuo Guang, the commander in chief of aid and suppression, took the initiative to ask for a battle. Since the arrival of reinforcements from various towns, since the Battle of Songjin, his soldiers and horses have never fought a big battle. endured.

The soldiers and horses under his battalion also took a deep breath, wanting to show themselves in this battle, to prove that the Qin army is also a good man and can fight a big battle.

The soldiers of Ji Town, who are known as being able to fight and dare to fight, can only serve as a reserve team now.

Since the commander-in-chief Bai Guangen died in battle, many generals were punished, and many elite soldiers were transferred to supplement the outer town. Although there are still more than ten thousand soldiers and horses left in the town, the soldiers of the battalions are completely devoid of energy. You can only pick up cheap ones after the army.

The most critical point of this battle is to prevent the Qing reinforcements from crossing the river, especially the North Bank stronghold, which is a major event related to the next strategy.Looking around, the only thing that can make Hong Chengchou feel at ease is Wang Doujing's frontier army, and even Yang Guozhu's new army can't make him feel at ease.

At this time, there are more and more Qing troops on the north bank, and it is quite dangerous to defend the opposite mountain.

But Wang Dou took the order and went without saying a word, which made Hong Chengchou, who was already mentally prepared for persuasion, stunned for a moment, and felt even more complicated.

At the juncture of the war, even Zuo Guangxian, whom he personally brought from Shaanxi, made more or less demands, only Wang Dou was extremely straightforward.This kind of loyal and courageous performance left no one with anything to say, the more so, the more Hong Chengchou sighed in his heart.

To be on the safe side, Hong Chengchou also deployed Yang Guozhu and Wang Pu's troops on the south bank to block the Qing soldiers who might cross the river, and to support Wang Dou's Jingbian army as appropriate.

The Shenwei General Cannon of the Shenji Battalion and a large number of rocket vehicles were also deployed on the south bank to support the artillery formation of the Jingbian Army.

The heavy artillery of the Qing army has lethality for nearly three miles. Although the artillery battalion of the Jingbian Army is sharp, the heaviest cannon can only hit more than two miles. Army heavy artillery.

Up to now, the Ming army has more or less summed up the rules. In addition to attacking cities, the Hongyi cannons of each battalion are more powerful when they are deployed in the wilderness.The mortars in Fu Yingchong's battalion were still effective in attacking mountains after the Qing army used a lot of sacks and earthen baskets. Of course, they were also sharp weapons when the two sides lined up.

But at this time, Shenji Battalion supported the battle of Shuangzi Mountain with a large number of mortars.In order to deal the biggest blow to the Qing army, these mortars will be deployed along the arc below the Shuangzi Mountain, and try their best to bombard the mountains from the south, west, and southeast sides of the Shuangzi Mountain.

The Shenhuo Feiya and other big rockets of the Shenji Camp, in addition to burning the mountains, can also fly to the supporting Qing troops behind the mountains depending on the direction of the wind.

Under Fu Yingchong's strong request, Li Fuming and Zuo Guangxian, who attacked the mountain, promised to take good care of the safety of the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion.

The military situation was urgent, and the two commanders who received the military order immediately launched an offensive on Shuangzi Mountain.

With the sound of the big drum in their army, the infantry of the second town desperately pushed the light Flang machine in the army, as well as firearms such as Baizi blunderbuss, and rushed towards the mountain with shouts.

At this time, there were no artillery on the mountain, so the Ming army who attacked the mountain did not use earthen vehicles to accompany them.However, due to the excavation of many high and deep trenches on the mountain, there are still some folks who push trench carts and other attacking equipment to follow.

Shuangzi Mountain is not big, consisting of two undulating hills, the left side is slightly larger, and the right side is slightly smaller. In Hong Chengchou's arrangement, Li Fuming attacked the right hill, and Zuo Guang attacked the left mountain first.

At first glance, Hong Chengchou seemed to be taking care of Li Fuming, but in fact, from Pingchuan at the foot of the mountain to Guandao, and then to Rufeng Mountain in the northeast, there were dense Qing cavalry at this time. When attacking the mountain on the right, Li Fuming's army will be attacked Flanking the fierce attack of the Qing army.

On the other hand, Zuo Guangxian, although the mountain on the left is a bit difficult to attack, but because of the support of a large number of mortars, although it is possible for the Qing soldiers to attack from the side of the flat river between the mountain and the river on the left, Zuo Guangxian's Qin army can be arrayed on the shore. Supported by Yang Guozhu and Wang Pu in the rear.

It has to be said that from this arrangement, we can see Hong Chengchou's selfishness in taking care of his direct descendants.

However, Zongbing Li didn't say anything, he just took his orders silently and left.

When the infantry of the Ming army rushed to the mountains with shouts, the Qing cavalry on the plains on the two wings of Shuangzi Mountain also rushed in like a tide.The cavalry of the Jin army and the Qin army rushed forward without hesitation, fighting them with their own flesh and blood, and the two sides fought like a raging fire.

The cavalry battle was fierce and cruel. After all, the Jin army and the Qin army were even worse than the Qing army in terms of combat power. At this time, they did not have much advantage in numbers. In the heated battle drums, Li Fuming and Zuo Guangxian roared loudly: " Kill slaves!"

They sent the cavalry in the town continuously, and even led the soldiers and cavalry in the main barracks to fight against the Qing cavalry in person, and led their troops to charge more than ten times repeatedly.Hong Chengchou in the rear also kept reinforcements depending on the situation of the battle, and even dispatched some cavalry from Yang Guozhu and Wang Pu.

They steadfastly blocked the attack of the Qing cavalry on both wings. Under the cover of the cavalry, the infantry of the Second Town took the opportunity to rush to the Shuangzi Mountain, and the gunners of the Shenji Battalion set up mortars only one mile away from the mountain.

At this time, Shuangzi Mountain reinforced a lot of North Korean troops, but there was no artillery. Under the terrified eyes of the guard Weng Adai, Fei Yangwu and others who came to help, the gunners of the Shenji Battalion finally set up the mortars and returned There are at least one hundred Shenhuo Flying Crow Rockets.

After a sharp swan sound, a series of mortars fired from the artillery array of Shenji Battalion. From the southeast to the northwest at the foot of the mountain, thick smoke billowed from the artillery array surrounded by arcs, and the artillery shells rained like raindrops. , covering the two peaks of Twin Mountains.

Along with the deafening explosion, large groups of strange blue smoke, and white mist, filled the mountains.

call out!
The Shenji Battalion is not far from the south of the Shuangzi Mountain, and also set up the Shenhuo Flying Crow formation.

A huge rocket like a crow is erected on a tall chariot, and the shooting angle and firing rate of the rocket can also be adjusted.

Following the igniting of several feet-long take-off rocket wires, one after another, the huge sacred fire crow rockets spewed thick gunpowder smoke from the tails of the arrows, and accompanied by gorgeous flames, they shot into the sky one after another.

These rockets are accompanied by screams when they fly, and the momentum is overwhelming!
These flying crows are actually heavy. Although the crows' bodies are made of bamboo and wood frames and pasted with cotton paper, because there is a lot of gunpowder tied up in the crows' bodies, they can't fly very far.If the wind is strong, it can fly more than two miles; if the wind is light, the range is less than two miles.

In general, the more rockets below you push, the farther you go.

Maybe some rockets have been stored for a long time, and the gunpowder has gone wrong. Some flying crows exploded when they were shot into the air, causing a large group of flames.

Or maybe some flying crows have something wrong with their wings, and when they fly crookedly, they deviate from the target quite far.

However, for the Shenji Battalion, the goal of the entire mountain range of Twin Mountains is still big, especially at this time when the guards on the mountain are densely packed, so.


Rockets fired one after another into the mountain, and the burning wire ignited the gunpowder inside. With a loud explosion, large groups of flames were aroused everywhere in the mountain.

The rocks and soil were flying, and some Qing troops who were near the exploding rocket were blown into pieces. If there was a lot of black powder, the power should not be underestimated.

In the Shenhuo Flying Crow, besides a large amount of gunpowder, there are also many barbed wire, gravel and other objects. Even the Qing army outside the range of the explosion was shot to bloody blood by many flying sharp weapons.

There are also some Qing soldiers who are full of anger, scurrying around on the mountains like headless chickens, making earth-shattering screams at the same time.

The main function of the Shenhuo Crow is to incinerate, so there are a lot of materials such as kerosene inside, which can be called the prototype of a napalm bomb.

Some unlucky Qing troops were even burned to charcoal alive.


call out!
The mortars of the Shenji Battalion fired continuously. Because the bores of the mortars were short and extremely strong, there was no danger of them exploding. As long as there were enough cannons, they could fire one to twenty rounds without stopping.At the same time as the mortar was fired, one after another, the sacred fire crows also roared away.

Looking around, the entire Shuangzi Mountain has been covered by thick smoke, and there are still large groups of flames constantly emerging.

Not only that, the mortars and big rockets of the Shenji Battalion roared towards the back of the mountain.

At this time, behind the Shuangzi Mountain, a large number of Qing army infantry and handymen gathered, most of them were the Korean army, soldiers and horses from the Zhenglan Banner of Manchuria and Zhenglan Banner of Mongolia, as well as reinforcements from other banners, continuously reaching the plain behind the mountains.

They gathered at the foot of the mountain, either sitting or standing, waiting for their order to go to war.Unexpectedly, there was a catastrophe, a large number of mortar shells, and a lot of big rockets, in their fearful eyes, from the other side of the mountain, they flew towards themselves continuously...

When Shenji Battalion's artillery bombarded from the rear, the infantry of the Jin Army and the Qin Army pushed their chariots and rushed towards the mountains with all their strength.

Although such tactics may cause accidental damage to one's own side, most people, including Hong Chengchou, think it is worthwhile.

If the bombardment was followed by a charge, the Qing army might have avoided some of the artillery, and then came out to fight, with even greater casualties in the end.

Soon, the soldiers of the second town rushed to the mountains and started a brutal hand-to-hand combat with the Qing army.


Looking at the battle at Twin Mountains, Huang Taiji, who had already arrived on the west side of Rufeng Mountain, was very anxious. Most of the defenders on the mountain were soldiers of his son Hauge, even if he lost a cow, he felt extremely distressed.

In particular, there are some Eight Banners Mongolian troops who are guarding the mountain. The Battle of Songjin was not a robbery after entering the customs, so the determination of the Mongolians is not as strong as before.If the damage is too great after the war, the Eight Banners Mongolia may have a different heart, which is unbearable for Huang Taiji.

The reason why Manchuria and Mongolia are integrated is that after the rise of Manchuria, they won one after another, and they participated in the war with them, with little loss but great gain.

After all, those Mongolians are not loyal people, and they don't do business that loses money.

He looked at the several pontoon bridges across the river. There were originally seven pontoon bridges, but now there are only four pontoon bridges that can be crossed, one large pontoon bridge and three small pontoon bridges. Among them, the large pontoon bridge and one small pontoon bridge are in the hands of the Ming army.

When the Shuangzi Mountain battle broke out, some Qing cavalry tried to come to help from the pontoon bridge, but after being attacked by the Jingbian Army and other artillery, they immediately retreated and turned to cross the river from the northern section of Rufeng Mountain.

It's just that the army is gathered behind Shuangzi Mountain and in front of Rufeng Mountain, and the layout of our own troops cannot be deployed.

The long and narrow Shuangzi Mountains straddled between Nuerhe River and Rufeng Mountain. If they wanted to fight the Ming army, they had to rush out from some plains on both wings. However, the terrain was beneficial to the Ming army.

If you rush down from the front of the mountain, you will face the infantry of the Ming army.The guard Fei Yangwu once sent soldiers and horses to attack to the death. However, they rushed down from the mountain and were intensively and mercilessly attacked by the Ming army's Flangji and Baizizhu. Under the gorgeous flames, pieces of despair fell down.

Dorgon has already suggested to Huang Taiji that it is better to give up Shuangzi Mountain and fight the Ming army on the north bank.

Even Jierhalang also believes that in the current situation, the only way is to give up Shuangzi Mountain.It was easy for the Ming army to capture Shuangzi Mountain, but it was much more difficult to capture Rufeng Mountain. The Ming army might stop attacking the mountain and instead attack the north bank. This is an advantage for the Qing cavalry.

Huang Taiji knew what these banner owners were thinking. Since the Ming army attacked and the Nuuhe battle started, their banners suffered a lot of damage.Although it was apportioned to each banner, the casualties of each banner were only a few hundred people, but for these Manchu banner owners who regarded their banners as their lives, they had already complained repeatedly, saying that this was a meaningless death.

"Short-sighted people!"

Huang Taiji was furious, but he didn't dare to persecute it too much, lest it arouse the collective rebellion of the banner owners.

The most urgent task at the moment is to wait for the artillery of the Han army flag to arrive, hoping to return to the game.

"Even if we lose Twin Mountains, we still need to capture Yang Xingling!"

Huang Taiji thought bitterly, looking at the mountain occupied by the Jingbian Army on the North Bank.

The ridge got its name because there is a Yangxingtun a few miles away.

At this time, on the front of the mountain, more and more Han Eight Banners armored soldiers gathered not far away.In their formation, there are also some shield vehicles and earthen vehicles. These equipment were urgently brought by the Qing army from the camp in the south of Jinzhou, or Jinchang Fort and other places.

The two wings of the mountain are not far away. Although there are some Han Eight Banners troops, they are not many. After all, as soon as these troops appear, they will be bombarded by the Jingbian Army artillery array on the South Bank.

They didn't know what secrets to use, and the artillery fired so fast and fiercely that it made Huang Taiji worry. Does Wuzhenhachao's artillery battalion really have a chance of winning against the Shangjingbian army's artillery battalion?
Look at noon, the Twin Mountains are about to sink, and the Wuzhen Hachao artillery battalion has not yet seen the shadow. Arrived?"

Wu Bai was sweating profusely, hesitating and didn't know how to answer. At this moment, a virtuous Kabush sentry came rushing over. Wu Bai's eyes lit up, and he thought: "It must be King Gongshun's artillery camp has arrived."

Sure enough, the sentry rider brought the good news that Wuzhenha's super artillery battalion had reached the north bank of the Daughter River.Huang Taiji was also overjoyed. Sure enough, in the binoculars, he vaguely saw somewhere on the north bank, a large herd of cattle and horses, desperately dragging a group of cannons to arrive.

Huang Taiji looked at the Shuangzi Mountains, and issued an order in his mouth: "Pass down my will, respectfully obey the king's Wuzhenhachao artillery battalion, march immediately, and participate in the battle, all the red barbarian artillery, God bless the general, and bombard Yang Xingling, the king's department. General Baimen Shenwei, bombard the artillery battalion of the Jingbian army on the opposite bank, and must suppress the artillery fire of the Jingbian army on the two wings of the mountain!"

The Han Army Banner attacked Yang Xingling of the Jingbian Army. Obviously, it was not enough to attack directly from the front, and it was necessary to outflank it from both wings.

Huang Taiji still couldn't forget that he crossed the south bank from the pontoon bridge and participated in the aid of Shuangzi Mountain. Therefore, in addition to bombarding Yang Xingling, the Wuzhenhachao artillery battalion was also necessary to bombard the Ming army on the other side.

There are more than [-] soldiers of the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty, which is a very sufficient source of cannon fodder. No matter how many of them die, the owners of the banners will not have any objections. It is a coup to use them to help the other side.

Moreover, in Huang Taiji's view, ten Hongyi small cannons weighing eight catties, fifty small Hongyi cannons weighing three to five catties, and six to seven catties are enough to bombard Yang Xingling of the Jingbian army.

Yang Xingling's Jingbian army only had some Frang machine small cannons with a range of less than one mile, and the sixty red barbarian cannons of our own side bombarded from more than one mile away. The Jingbian army over there could only be beaten and could not fight back.

Huang Taiji also knew that the Jingbian Army's artillery array on the other side had some slightly larger artillery that could hit more than two miles, but the number was not many.As for the Shenwei Great General Pao of the Shenji Battalion, Huang Taiji admitted that they were a certain threat, but it was impossible for him to be afraid.

The remaining [-] Shenwei General Cannons on our side are enough to suppress the artillery fire of the Ming army on the other side, preventing their reinforcements from crossing the river, and even attacking the Ming army formation on the other side.If they retreat, it happens that the Qing soldiers and horses will continue to cross the river.


When Kong Youde's Wuzhenhachao Artillery Battalion reached the north bank of the Naughty River, the soldiers in the battalion were all disheveled and extremely exhausted.

Kong Youde's voice was also hoarse. He walked all the way, in order to urge the artillery battalion to move forward, he didn't know how much effort he had, and even got off his horse and pushed the artillery with the soldiers.

In order to hurry, more than half of the healthy cattle in the camp had died of exhaustion, and even some of the coaters who had been fired from the guns were so tired that they vomited blood.

He rode tiredly on the horse, surrounded by some personal guards. Now he has changed his name to Ghoshha, and the original servants in the camp have also become ordinary soldiers.After all, in the Qing Dynasty at this time, it was not allowed to recruit officials to support family members, and there were strict regulations on the number of personal guards.

Eduardo, who was wearing a Portuguese military uniform beside him, also had a tired face and dusty beard and hair, but he still tried his best to maintain his so-called aristocratic image and demeanor.

Seeing the continuous reinforcements in front of him called Masi, he flattered Kong Youde in blunt Chinese: "Your Excellency, you have created a miracle that the artillery battalion can reach its destination so quickly."

Being flattered by Eduardo like this, Kong Youde was in a good mood, thinking that this Hongyi would still be a man, and if he had the opportunity, he must be flattered.

He rubbed his rough face to relieve his fatigue, and smiled at Eduardo: "Small Dejia, work hard, you will have a bright future one day."

Eduardo was annoyed: "Donkey Ball, you call me Dwarf again!"

He learned this donkey ball from a gunner of the Han army in the artillery battalion. He thought it was very interesting at the time, and he remembered it unconsciously.

In foreign cultures, curse words are always learned the fastest.

Although dissatisfied, he still bowed slightly immediately: "Thank you for your auspiciousness."

The further the artillery battalion moved forward, the more they heard the sound of artillery on the other side, and the sound of killing shook the sky. It seemed that there was a fierce battle on that side.The banner sentry cavalry galloping back and forth by the side, there is a continuous army formation in front, full of soldiers and horses of the Eight Banners, and you can also see the banner owners and Gu Shan's foreheads weaving golden dragon banners.

The packers and handymen, like swarms of ants, are desperately digging trenches several miles offshore, but they finally leave a place for the artillery battalion to pass by.

Kong Youde saw the Han army flag at the forefront, and was urging the artillery battalion to go over there, when he saw Gabush Xianzhang Jinglaosa leading some Gebush cavalry rushing urgently...

(End of this chapter)

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