Chapter 729

"Of course, it is our goal to let the people of the three Jin Dynasties live a good life in Ruoxuan Town in the future, and it is also our goal to let the people of Ming Dynasty live a good life in Ruoshanxi. In the end, let the surrounding foreigners provide us with The raw materials are ready, after all, in the whole world, could it be the land of the king, and the shore of the land, could it be the king's ministers."

Wang Dou had a faint smile on his face. This was the first time he revealed his lofty ideals to his subordinates. The generals paused, and the north wind blew from outside the Great Wall. He fell on the ground and shouted loudly: "It is an honor for the last general to follow the great general!"

Under the big green mountain, in the vast grassland, Wang Dou turned to look at his subordinates, with a smile on his face, he said loudly: "It is also an honor for Wang to be with you!"

He turned to look at the mountains and rivers: "We will have a beginning and an end!"

After this day, they continued to set off, and everyone had a lofty ideal and goal in their hearts. Only when there is a goal, can there be motivation, isn't it?


Most of the generals of the Jingbian Army gathered around, and the most talked about by Wang Dou and the crowd was military and political matters.

After the Western Expedition, Han and North Korea felt a lot, and he specially published a report document, and he mentioned it again at this time.

"... From this battle, it can be seen that the feathered cavalry fighters in each army will undergo great changes in their future battles. The general believes that most of the feathered cavalry in the future will only have two tactics. Second, if you encounter enemy knights, you can use the wall-riding tactics to charge intensively, and you don't need to use pistols, so as not to affect the cavalry battle formation, this is also the truth that all kinds of things don't compare well!"

Han and North Korea's suggestion is that the feather cavalry soldiers in each army do not need to be equipped with pistols, and specialize in dismounting and cavalry charge, and avoid distraction, so as to appear more professional.

Of course, each general had a different opinion, and was strongly opposed by Gao Shiyin in particular. In his mind, of course, the more weapons his sergeants were equipped with, the better.

He retorted: "What Lao Han said is wrong. Sitting on the wall has the advantage of riding on the wall, but handguns are still needed. If the crow soldiers of the Tartars scattered in the star array, you would fight with handgun cavalry. Protecting the two wings, will the battle be successful in the end? If there were no pistols in the army at that time, I am afraid that the battle would be different, right?"

As the meritorious deeds increased, Han Chao's character became more and more stable, but he also had the demeanor of a general without anger. He just said calmly, "Why didn't I think of what Brother Gao said?"

He said: "At present, the battle of our Jingbian army, as the general said, is more and more the cooperation between various arms. It is not necessary for each soldier and each arm to have eighteen martial arts. proficient!"

He said: "Firing guns while galloping on horseback is too demanding for the cavalry of all sergeants! Besides, using hand guns immediately can't kill many enemy cavalry in total. Team purge..."

"Of course, the pistol cavalry is still needed. In view of this, the general proposes that each army select soldiers who are good at shooting pistols. Each army can have a pistol cavalry called hussars. , to protect the wings of the feather cavalry, and also part of the function of not accepting at night!"

Han Chao also said: "Each army can also set up a hunting cavalry, all of whom are sharpshooters in the army. They ride on horseback and specialize in shooting and killing thieves. Although the thunderbolt is used instead of the matchlock, it is still not allowed to fire the gun immediately, and the range of the hand gun is too short, so the military factory must develop a special riding gun for horses!"

The thunderbolt he was talking about was the flintlock gun studied by Lai Yuanlong.

The arquebus researched by Li Maosen, the full name is Li’s Thunderbolt Gun. The model has evolved from Type A to Type B. However, these gunpowders all have a characteristic. The gunpowder explodes violently, and the recoil is very strong. It tends to throw the shooter off the horse, so except for the hand gun, these long guns are not allowed to be used on the horse.

Han and North Korea's suggestion is to study a short type of riding gun that can be used on horseback.

All the generals were contemplating, Gao Shiyin heard that the pistol cavalry was not lost, and that the various types of troops did not decrease but increased, so he didn't speak anymore, just wrinkled his face and thought about it.

Wang Dou is also pondering, indeed, the direction of historical development, the tactics of running while riding a horse and firing guns, will gradually be canceled in later generations.

Prussia even banned cavalry from shooting, and only allowed swords or sabers to charge in formation. European cavalry who used pistols often couldn't beat those cold-armed knights who charged resolutely but maintained a dense array.

His subordinates have indeed been tempered. Only from one Western Expedition, Han and North Korea are keenly aware of the future, which is remarkable.

He thought deeply: "Brother Han, continue talking!"

Encouraged by Han Chao, he cupped his hands and said, "Yes, General."

He said: "Nowadays, our Jingbian army has sharp firearms. In fact, as far as the first-class army is concerned, many pikemen are redundant..."

Gao Shiyin almost jumped up: "The pikemen will be canceled again..."


Han Chao's words swallowed Gao Shiyin's words in his stomach. He blushed and felt uncomfortable, making everyone laugh secretly.

Han Chaodao: "The last general's proposal is actually that in the first-class army, the commanders will no longer be mixed with spears and firecrackers, but in each department, all the spearmen and sergeants will form a single commander. Moreover, all the spearmen will be taken away. Go to the army in the commander's camp, this department can be called the trapping camp, they can also practice shields, heavy axes, heavy hammers and other weapons to trap the enemy's big formation!"

"These fighters are all skilled spearmen, and they will be good instructors for the spearmen of the battalions in the future. After all, it will take a long time for thunderbolts and gunswords to be popularized in the second-class battalions."

Everyone was very interested in hearing it, Gao Shiyin almost called out that the Chinese army was trapped in the camp and he was here to bring it, but he swallowed the words again.

Wen Fangliang said thoughtfully: "The formation of each battalion in our Jingbian Army is five armored teams, one fourth team, one general, half spear team, and half fire gun team, and then one for four generals, and one battalion for four divisions... Overall For example, there are two pikemen in one section, and one pikeman is taken away, and one is left..."

Han Chao explained: "The general spearmen can also be called the formation team. When necessary, the military battalion can also be used in a concentrated manner to enhance the power of the army to break through the formation! It is the same as the centralized use of hussars and chasseurs. "

All the generals are thinking that the battalions of the first-class army have sharp firearms and swords, and indeed the role of the gunmen is becoming less and less. In many cases, the gunmen in the front fight, they just stand behind and watch the show. The proposal of the Han Dynasty, On the other hand, it is also strengthening the role of spearmen.

Then Gao Shiyin murmured: "That's not right."

He shouted: "It turns out that one of the four generals in our army was taken away, so there are only three generals left?"

Han Chaodao: "Of course, the chief spearmen need to be supplemented by gunpowder. In this way, there are three general gunmen and one chief spearman, which can give full play to the advantages of firearms."

Gao Shiyin hummed: "This is so-so."

Wang Dou thought about it carefully, the proposal of Han and North Korea has made the army more professional, and after training, it will indeed increase its combat power, which is also inevitable after a high degree of weaponization.

But in this way, the army headquarters of each army will be huge, and a hussar and chasseur will be added.

Qin Yi, who praised the painting, had a different opinion. He said: "Dare to ask Captain Han Shang, what if each battalion fights alone?"

Now the Jingbian army has a total of two hundred soldiers, but there are still 30 people in the general headquarters, including a general officer, a middle officer, a praise officer, a comfort officer, a town officer, a medical officer, and a clerk. There is also a bodyguard, two Zhenfu sergeants, a standard bearer, a drummer, a heavy armor, and a team of doctors.

There are hundreds of people in the general headquarters of Qianqian, including the general officer of Neiqian, the officer of the middle army, the comfort officer, the town governor, the clerk, and the medical officer.Zan Hua II, two standard bearers, two golden drummers each, one guard, one doctor, one town guard, one logistics team, plus attendants, miscellaneous staff, and messengers, totaling 1020 people.

Finally, the battalion headquarters consisted of a battalion general, a middle officer, a clerk, a painting officer, a town appeasing officer, a medical officer, and a appeasing officer. The first team of guards, the second class of doctors (veterinarians in the first army), the second class of Zhenfu soldiers, and the first class of Tangma (herald soldiers).

There are another 200 people in the luggage, 170 marksmen, including the battalion, there are about 3200 people in the first battalion of the Jingbian Army, and [-] civil war soldiers.

Nowadays, all officers and men are skilled in this kind of formation, among other things, the sharpshooters of each battalion perform great in every battle, and they have to be drawn to the military headquarters, fearing that the officers and men will complain.

The Han Dynasty explained: "If all the troops are in the formation, they are only in the department on weekdays. When necessary, they can be concentrated in the battalion, go to the army, and the same is true for the hunting cavalry. When the battalion needs to fight alone, the military battalion can be ordered To cooperate with it, isn't that the case with the current artillery and supply teams?"

He said: "Originally, the general thought that both the battalion and the army needed a team or a general to stay overnight, but now it seems that with the chasseurs and hussars, the field detectives are enough."

Wang Dou was thinking about it. It turned out that the military department had a general guard, a supply chain, a team of doctors, a team of township soldiers, a team of pond horses, and a team of Zan Hua. has been controversial.

In later generations, the general army has a reconnaissance battalion, and at the division level, there is usually a company-level reconnaissance unit. He is also hesitating whether to equip each army and battalion with a team-level night-buying team .

But now it seems that there are hunting cavalry and hussars in the army, which are indeed sufficient as skirmishers and reconnaissance forces.

After all, binoculars are widely used in the military, and when facing the enemy, the opponent's formation arrangement is often unable to escape the eyes of one's own side, so there is no need to be too strong on the battlefield.

The sentinel battalion of the Chinese military commander is the ultimate long-range reconnaissance force. Units are often calculated in hundreds of miles. In later generations, they are still at the regiment level, which can be called huge.

There is also the intelligence department, which can also send back a lot of information about the enemy.

This matter will be discussed for the time being, because we have to go back to collect the reactions of all parties in the army.

Sun Sanjie suggested that the supply battalion should set up special girder horses for erecting bridges, setting up ferries, removing obstacles, opening up roads, etc. Soldiers have a mixed feeling.

Even before and after each battle, if the swords, guns, and guns of the soldiers were broken, they were taken to the supply camp for repairs, as if they had to do everything.

Wang Dou thought of the engineers and ordnance soldiers of later generations, and indeed the supply battalion must be more detailed.

This matter will also be discussed at home for the time being. Sun Sanjie first proposes an idea for discussion by all parties.

When the army passed through Yuanyangzhai, Wang Dou also received intelligence from the Central Plains. Immediately after Zhuxian Town was defeated, the officers and soldiers in Shaanxi were also defeated. Wang Qiaonian died in battle and died for his country.

The thieves rushed to Henan Mansion with fine horses. The governor of the three sides, Wang Qiaonian, was living in Yongning City. Fleeing back to Shaanxi, the rest Zheng Jiadong, Niu Chenghu, Zhang Guoqin and others were not to be outdone, they chased after He Renlong and also fled back to Shaanxi.

Governor Wang Qiaonian immediately had only Zhang Yinggui as the commander in chief, and many of his subordinates had fled, tens of thousands of officers and soldiers, only 3000 horsemen left. Bandits surrounded Yongning City. Jingqi besieged violently, and finally both Wang Qiaonian and Zhang Yinggui were killed in battle.

Most of the thieves are going to Runing Mansion, and millions of thieves are besieging them. I am afraid that the city will not be safe in the end.

Looking at this information, Wang Dou was silent for a long time.

Among the many pieces of information, there is another piece of information that Wang Dou cares about, that is, Xu Yue'e on the Zanhuang side of Zhending Mansion, a civil strife broke out...

Wang Dou took a deep breath, it was only two days before Lidong, and the biting cold wind passed by from time to time, whimpering like a wolf howling, he shouted: "Go faster, we will arrive at Xinghe today Place!"

The army roared, and countless iron horses with red tassels poured down like a long river, rolling and galloping in the wind.


In October of the 15th year of Chongzhen, the day of Lidong, the capital, the Forbidden City, Jianji Hall, and Yuntai Gate.

"Minister, Sun Chuanting kowtows to my emperor, long live, long live, long live!"

The bleak chill and oppressive silence, for a long time, the infinitely tired voice of Emperor Chongzhen came from above: "How many soldiers and horses do you need to break the bandits?"

Sun Chuanting raised his head abruptly, he had returned to his red official robes, his three-strand beard was still thick, but at this moment, in his eyes, the original arrogant spirit that could not be concealed seemed to be deeply restrained, making him look like Deeper.

He said loudly: "If you want to break the thieves, you must have [-] elite soldiers and a million in food and salary!"

(End of this chapter)

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