Chapter 743

Li Banghua stayed in Huailai City for two days. Accompanied by Ma Guoxi and others, he also visited some of the "Eight Scenic Spots of Huailai" with great interest, especially climbed Niujiao Mountain outside the east gate, and erected several pillars in the Taishan Temple. fragrant.

After crossing the famous Tongji Stone Bridge on the Guishui River, climbed to the top of Wo Niu Mountain, and looked at the city not far away with great interest. At this time, it was just the setting sun, and the moonset scenery on Xiyan was so beautiful that it was so poetic and picturesque. Poetry flourished so much that he didn't stop reciting several poems.

It's just that if the two of them know that hundreds of years later, this ancient city has been submerged under the Guanting Reservoir, and there will be no beautiful scenery, how will they feel.

Li Banghua continued to set off, and Ma Guoxi accompanied him, intending to go all the way to Jiming Station.

As a soldier of the East Road, he certainly has the right to move freely in the territory, and it is also necessary to welcome the imperial envoy, besides, he is really flustered now.

From Huailai City, the next big city is Baoanwei City, also known as Baoan New City (the site is in Xinbaoan Town, Huailai County in later generations), which was originally just a small post station, called Leijia Station. The Acropolis was built to separate it from Baoanzhou City across the Yanghe River.

It also governs the front, back, left, right, middle, and north six thousand households. There were originally more than 120 seven forts, which can be regarded as a very important castle in the East Road.

Everyone passed along the way, passing through Tumu Fort, Sand Castle (later Huailai County), Dongbali Fort, Liangtian Tunpu and other important castles.

This road is smooth, and the official road itself is very easy to walk. There is a post station every ten miles along the way. Ma Guoxi took the initiative to pay for it, and arranged for everyone to rest at the post station for a period of time. Li Banghua seemed to have gotten used to it seeing his skill .

The post officials are very enthusiastic and allow everyone to enjoy the highest treatment, but Li Banghua thinks about it, these people are only looking at the money, and the role of Aduwu, not because of their status as an imperial envoy, and they can't help but feel sad.

When passing Tumu Fort, Li Banghua stopped, prepared sacrifices, entered the Xianzhong Shrine in the fort, and wanted to offer sacrifices to a group of ministers who died for the country, especially in front of the statue of Yu Qian.

Tumubao is famous far and wide, but the fort's circumference is only 350 seven feet. It is a very small place, and somehow 50 troops can be crammed into it. Write the inscriptions and inscriptions on the temple plaques.

At this time, the Xianzhong Shrine occupies a large area, fifteen feet from east to west, and 25 feet from north to south.

When Li Banghua came to the gate of the mountain, he saw a wooden couplet on each side of the gate, one book: a generation of loyal and loyal ancestors, and the other book: a thousand years of integrity and strong mountains and rivers.

Entering the main entrance again, you will see a plaque with "Awe-inspiring Great Festival" hanging on it, and a pair of wooden couplets on both sides: Long Qianqiu Shidian, representing a generation of loyalty and goodness.

After passing through the second gate, and then following the brick-paved passageway more than ten feet long, everyone went straight to the main hall of Xianzhong Temple, and saw two wooden couplets hanging on the pillars on both sides: On the past.One said: "Masters should be comforted, why do you need to ask about your body?"

There are also stone steles on both sides of the steps in front of the hall, which are the stele of Xianzhong Shrine built at the beginning, the stele of the dead ministers' names, the stele rebuilt by Xianzong, the stele rebuilt by Emperor Xianzong's imperial pen Yuqian, and the stele rebuilt by Hu Sishen during the Wanli period. There are plaques for all heroes.

Tumubao Xianzhong Ancestral Hall is regarded as the largest ancestral hall in the country. Every year, the imperial court requires "three sacrifices to the public tomb" (Qingming, the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month and the first day of October in the lunar calendar). Only at this time, the main entrance is opened. The rest of the time, everyone has to walk side door.

On weekdays, the Xianzhong Shrine is maintained by the local government. Although the Ministry of Rites will draw some money, it is not a matter of management now, and the sacrifices are also sporadic. It does not happen once in a few years, but Li Banghua has repaired the front and back of the shrine. His face was as red as that of a temple official, without any sign of decay.

When asked about Ma Guoxi, he said in a low voice, but it was Wang Dou who thought it was an important historical relic and ordered it to be properly managed, and a fixed special fund was allocated every year, second only to the treatment of Baozhong Shrine in Shun Township.

Hearing this, Li Banghua didn't know what was going on in his heart. After paying homage, he stared blankly at the sentence on the couplet: "Masters should be comforted, why should Jun Cun ask the little body."

After a long time, he said: "The pen and ink are waiting for you."

There is a poem left, saying: "On the day of the military march, there is a rush, and I hate this battlefield for thousands of years. The blood is still deep in the desert, and the heart is always protecting the king. The court is mistaken for treachery, and the Qin Ding is far away. Dian, the court is full of vitality and fragrance."

Ma Guoxi praised it repeatedly after reading it, and ordered the poem to be engraved into a poem stele.


Because they were busy with the poetry stele, the group stopped at Tumubao for another day, and then continued on their way, passing Sandcastle, Dongbalibao and other places along the way. The scene on the road before them was different.

Li Banghua heard from Ma Guoxi that there are many orchards and vegetable gardens in the surrounding area of ​​Huailai City in addition to farming to meet the needs of the military and civilians in Baoan Prefecture, Yongning City and other places inside and outside the city.

They also export labor services, one by one plowing team, quarrying team, blacksmithing team, mining team, road construction team, just go to Baoanzhou and other places to work.

The territory is generally quiet, with few workshops, and the people he sees are more elegant. Li Banghua also directly praised the area as having the artistic conception of picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence and seeing Nanshan leisurely. However, the closer to the security guard city, the more factories. , Many of the people walking on the road are workers.

They are in groups, all of them are vulgar and illiterate, and they are full of swear words, such as "straight mother thief", "pie bird", "our old man", "into your mother's ancestors" and so on. Guan Zhizhi frowned.

Hearing that there are more factories and livestock farms everywhere in Baoanzhou City, Li Banghua thought: "This is the source of the disaster."

There are also a large group of women laughing and passing by, all of them wrapped in handkerchiefs and wearing all kinds of colorful clothes. Ma Guoxi introduced that this is the famous seamstress in Xuanfu. There are more men in the family.

Li Banghua frowned straightly: "Women and Taoists, how decent is it to show your face in public?"

Hearing Ma Guoxi say that some of these women actually earn more money than men, he even thought: "This is really out of order, the rooster crows."

Looking outside, Li Banghua suddenly remembered something again, there was not a single refugee in Xuan Manor, after all, he had seen asylums when he entered the country, but he didn't see a single beggar in each city or fort, except that there were very few idlers and green skins.

Asked about this, Ma Guoxi said that Xuanfu Town has a special nursing home and orphan camp, and the elderly and children who are unable to live will be adopted there.Under the severe crackdown by the government, the beggar gangs in the territory were also wiped out, and the remnants changed jobs one after another.

They also severely cracked down on the green-skinned rangers. Many heroes were arrested and imprisoned in the mines to serve, while the rest entered the bodyguards one after another.

Li Banghua nodded: "The widows, the widows, the lonely, the sick, and the sick are all taken care of. This is good governance."

He also said: "Confucianism uses literature to disrupt the law, and chivalry uses martial arts to violate the ban! Since the Han Dynasty, rangers have been causing harm to the people. They should be arrested and killed!"

Ma Guoxi also introduced that Xuanfu Town needs a lot of various certificates, for example, people come to check employment certificates from time to time.

Generally, if you find a job, the boss of the shopkeeper will handle it with the relevant department and issue you this certificate. The same is true for shopkeepers, stall operators, and business operators.

This also forces outsiders to keep looking for work. Fortunately, there are a lot of jobs here. As long as they are willing to work, they will not find work. It is a matter of good or bad.

Li Banghua frowned slightly, and he said slowly: "...When you enter the city, you can see the customs. The people are simple, the vocal music is elegant, and the clothes are clean. Everyone respects the government and obeys it, retaining the ancient folk customs. When entering the city government, the officials are strict and dignified. Frugal and respectful, loyal and dedicated, without any bad habits, just like good officials in ancient times. Entering Xianyang, the capital of the country, scholar-bureaucrats are loyal to their duties, go out of private doors to public doors, and go out of public doors to private doors. It can be said that it is the morality of the ancients to form cliques, not to be friends with the same party, and to do things for the people. The rule of rule is really an ancient court..."

He said: "This is the state of Qin. Xunzi once praised it strongly in his writings. How similar is it to today's Xuanfu Town? However, the death of Qin II was due to excessive strictness, and the steel did not last! Only when the people help the people can the world be ruled for 400 years. The Marquis of Yongning imitated the Tyranny of the Qin Dynasty, which is far from enough!"

Ma Guoxi kept his hands behind his back. He always felt that there was still a difference between Xuanfu Town and Tyranny. Guochao will not go this far either!
Of course, he is a well-established man, an old fox, who disagrees with Li Banghua's point of view in his heart, but still smiles on his face and says: "What Li Gong said is very true."


The guard of honor of the imperial envoy finally walked to the security guard city. Of course, after learning the lesson, Li Banghua and his party stopped walking in the middle of the road, but voluntarily walked on the right side, which did not cause traffic chaos anymore.

There is a majestic city in front of you, there are strange things in Zhou Qili, and it is not far from Huailailu City. The northwest of the city is Moji Mountain, also known as Jiming Mountain, and there is Yaoerling, and there is Zhuolu Mountain in the southwest.To the east and south are wilderness plains, and there are forts in Dongbali and Liangtian Tun, which are regarded as good forts occupying the best geographical advantages.

Xu Zucheng, guard of the Acropolis, greeted him outside the east gate, but Li Banghua could clearly feel that Xu Zucheng's face was polite, but in fact he was indifferent.

In fact, in the system under Wang Dou's rule, there was no one who gave away money.

Li Banghua is fine, the subordinates are all aggrieved, Ma Guoxi is a little embarrassed, but he can't say anything about Xu Zucheng, after all, he has already arrived according to the rules.

Moreover, he and Xu Zucheng are now idle officials, and the authority of military equipment has long since disappeared.

Xu Zucheng was also the former Yongning Hou Wangdou's boss, and he had close ties. Even if he didn't get promoted, he would be able to support him until he was old in the position of guarding the security guard city.As a matter of fact, Xu Zucheng is now in retirement, enjoying himself every day, and getting fatter a few times.


What Li Banghua didn't know was that when he was about to enter the city, a dozen or so fast horses came rushing from the side of Ximen Zhenhai Bridge. Jian, the head of a man with sword eyebrows and star eyes, is very heroic, and beside him is a young man with a slightly round face and high spirits.

In the cold wind, they looked at the guard of honor, their eyes seemed to burst into flames, and the young man at the head snorted coldly: "This person is that 'Song Taizu is not loyal to Zhou Shizong?'"

The round-faced boy beside him said coldly: "That's right, it's Li Banghua, the thief, a dog official, I can't wait to draw my sword and kill him!"

"Whether it's loyalty or treachery, it's not in his heart, but in his strength! This man looks loyal and courageous. In his eyes, whatever the general does is wrong!"

The young man also sneered: "Now they have become demoted officials, what kind of airs are you still putting on, and the whole journey is full of shocking and disturbing people."

The more round-faced boy looked at Li Banghua, the angrier he became, and his hand was pressed on the hilt of his sword.

The leading young man glanced at him: "Brother Zhong, don't act rashly."

The round-faced boy said anxiously: "Brother Jing He!"

The young man at the head shouted: "My Lingyun Society is the sword of the Great General, and it is my duty to create a prosperous age in China. It is not a reckless man, let alone damage the reputation of the Great General! Li Banghua, a rat, is not worthy of us Draw your sword."

The young man stared at Li Banghua for a long time, his eyes sparkling coldly, and finally said: "Let's go back to the town."


Li Banghua also stayed in the Acropolis for two days. Xu Zucheng introduced the scenery to him. Moji Mountain and Yaoer Ridge can be enjoyed. Xiaowen Mountain, eight miles north of the city, is also good. It is worth digging out treasures.

It doesn't matter to Li Banghua for playing. According to what he said in private, Wei Er, Baoan Prefecture, has been contaminated with filth, and it is no longer a paradise. Fun.

He mainly wanted to observe more deeply and carefully the "source of chaos" he called, and to understand the details of the two factories everywhere. Anyway, Xuanfu Town is peaceful and peaceful, and there is nothing to worry about.

So I brought a few entourages, changed my clothes, and went for a private visit with Ma Guoxi, planning to spend two days strolling from Acropolis to Zhoucheng.

It's not very far from Baoanwei City to Zhoucheng. If you just ride a horse, go from the official road to the Yang River, then cross the river, and then you will arrive there in a short time. The total distance is only tens of miles.

Li Banghua, Ma Guoxi and others rode their horses and ran along the smooth official road. The road was crowded with people and vehicles, and there were many people in fresh clothes and angry horses on the road. Many people recognized them as people from Baoan Prefecture at a glance.

These people all have a characteristic, confident, high-spirited, high-spirited, with a hint of arrogance, just like the people in the capital look at others everywhere.

At first glance, these people have sufficient financial resources, and everyone has a horse. This is even more shocking than the fact that everyone has a car in later generations. After all, having a donkey is the era of landlords and middle peasants, and the value of horses is even more unimaginable.

They were all wearing new clothes, and when the weather was cold, most of them wore fur coats.They are also very generous, sometimes a reward, even a silver dollar, is left to future generations, and it is not uncommon to tip someone casually three or five hundred yuan.

Li Banghua groaned coldly in his heart, he didn't know how to be introverted, he was superficial and superficial, the education here is far away from Huailai City.

He looked on both sides of the official road, and there were dense wheat fields. It was the time for weeding, hoeing, and soil moisture conservation. Although the weather was still cold, there were still hard-working people working in the fields, and the plowing team that Ma Guoxi said Li Banghua secretly nodded, this plowing team is not bad.

However, as more and more people in the workshops on the road, all eyes are full of vulgar and uneducated people, their ears are full of babbles, chatting and laughing without any respect, and the communication is endless, Li Banghua's brows are getting deeper and deeper.

In particular, when he heard that there was a Liu's sewing factory in Bao'an Prefecture, and there were more than a thousand sewing women in it, Li Banghua frowned into a big Sichuan character.

(End of this chapter)

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