Chapter 82 Mining Fees

On the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month in the eighth year of Chongzhen.

Official Feng Dachang accompanied several scribes, as well as Lin Daofu, Zhenfu Chi Dacheng, Han Chao, Han Zhong, Xu Lu, Wen Fangliang and others, all came to Wang Dou's Qianhu official hall excitedly.

Feng Dachang smiled all over his face, and said to Wang Dou: "My lord, it's a good luck not to disgrace my life. The students have sorted out the military songs of the Shun Township army that my lord ordered."

He took out a booklet, which recorded several military songs, including "Song of Triumph" and "Song of Wind Waves" by Qi Jiguang, which were popular in the military town of Beidi at this time, and several songs produced by Shun Xiangbao's collective efforts. The first military song.

The song book includes "Song of Encouraging Soldiers", "Song of Shooting the Army", "Song of Utilizing Land Features", "Song of Marching", "Song of Standing Whistle", "Song of Eating", "Song of Sleeping", "Song of Wake-up" and so on.

There is also "Shunxiang Army Song", everyone unanimously agreed to use Yue Fei's "Manjianghong"

Flipping through the songbook, Wang Dou was also very happy. Don't underestimate the power of military songs, they can boost the morale of the army very well. In this way, your army will become more like a strong army.

Ranked first is "Song of Encouraging Soldiers", which is the military discipline song of the Shunxiang Army. Wang Dou adopted the lyrics of "Song of Encouraging Soldiers" by the Beiyang Army of later generations, which is more in line with the background of the time. The bucket has been slightly changed.The melody is based on the local folk songs of Baoanzhou:
"Be filial for your son, and loyal for your minister. The people of the court are all hardworking, and they have high hopes to raise soldiers. They don't need to work every day, and eat the moon food comfortably. If you don't contribute to the country, the ghosts and gods of heaven and earth will not tolerate it. Since ancient times There are many generals in the army, so don't look down on being a soldier."

"First, learn to practice with your heart, and learn the skills to make meritorious service. Military weapons are your protection, and they must be cleaned frequently.

Second, you must fight bravely, and you will live naturally without dying.If you shrink back and do military orders, you will lose your reputation with a clean cut.

The third is to treat the people with kindness, and rely on them to farm food and pay.As long as the soldiers and the people form a family, the common people will help each other.

Four don't rape. Adulterous women, which one is not born of parents.Your family also has wives and daughters, how can you be humiliated by others.

Five don't see bad thoughts about wealth, the robber will have retribution in the end.No matter how many gold and silver treasures you get, hold them and kill them in vain.

Sixth, we must respect military officials, and violating orders beyond their ranks is not a light crime.It's important not to lie, and doing things honestly will surely succeed.

Seven quit gambling, whoring and whoring, the officials will find out that they will be severely punished.It's an honor to keep your money and support your family.

If you keep these words in mind, you will definitely be promoted to the leader.If it is completely inadvertent, it will not be merciless to beat lightly and kill heavily. "


The lyrics vividly represent the military discipline regulations that the generals need to pay attention to, and they are integrated into the song. In the process of the sergeant singing, those military discipline regulations are memorized unconsciously.The lyrics were composed by Wang Dou, and Feng Dachang found some old troupe artists to compose the music.

Feng Dachang found it strange that Wang Dou, a warrior, could write lyrics. Since Wang Dou arrived at Shunxiang Fort, Feng Dachang discovered that Wang Dou was different from others in many ways.

"Song of the Army of Shun Township" was unanimously pleased by everyone. The lyrics are generous and angry, and the tune is low and majestic, which is in line with the atmosphere of the troubled times in the late Ming Dynasty.Coupled with Yue Fei's reputation, it is understandable that he is popular.

Han Zhong also sang a military song loudly: "The place where the crown is leaning on the railing is full of anger. The rain is resting. Looking up, looking up to the sky and screaming, the ambition is fierce. Thirty years of fame and dust, eight thousand miles of roads, clouds and moons. Don't wait, it's in vain. Boy head, Kong is sad..."

Although he sang like ghosts and wolves and was incomplete, he was very powerful. Driven by him, several officers present all sang together.

"...The shame of Jingkang is still unresolved. When will the hatred of the courtiers be wiped out? Drive a long cart and ride through the gaps in Helan Mountain. The ambition is to eat the meat of the barbarians hungry, and talk about drinking the blood of the Xiongnu with a smile. Wait for the beginning, clean up the old mountains and rivers, and face the sky!"

Everyone was excited when they sang and danced.Wang Dou also sang with them for a while, and finally he ordered Feng Dachang, the commander, to copy these songs into several copies. At least every armor in the army must have a copy of the songs.

Feng Dachang agreed with a smile on his face.


Soon it was New Year's Eve. Last year, three bachelors Han Chao, Han Zhong, and Gao Shiyin came to the Wang family to celebrate the New Year together.

This year Gao Shiyinji is married, Han Chao and Han Zhong are still single, so Wang Dou invites them to come to his home to celebrate the New Year. Uncle Zhong Zhengxian, cousin Zhong Tiaoyang, and brother-in-law Xie Yike are also celebrating the New Year at Wang's home.

In the banquet, everyone gathered together, but it was also lively.

This year, Wang Dou was promoted to Qianhu and served as a defense officer, Guangzong Yaozu, this year, it will be more joyous.

During the banquet, mother Zhong was beaming, and tried to persuade everyone to drink and eat. She also asked about the marriage of Han and North Korea brothers. The attention of Wang Dou and others.

Wang Dou also asked how Han Chao's relationship with Wan Sheng and Zheng Niangzi was progressing. Han Chao had lost his former composure at all, and just blushed and shy away from answering.

This guy, I don't know why, Mrs. Zheng put aside her femininity, pursued him actively as a woman, and often sent rice to Shun Township with her uncle Zheng Jinglun, just to see Han Dynasty, so la The relationship with him, this guy, doesn't understand other people's intentions, he is as dumb as a piece of wood, and he has ruined all caring people in a hurry.

In fact, Wang Dou had also heard some rumors that Han Chao seemed to like a certain woman in Shangzhou City. The woman was described as delicate and charming, but her behavior was frivolous. Between Mrs. Zheng and this woman, Han Chao couldn't decide which one to choose.

This guy lived to be 24 years old, and he might still be a virgin. He had never seen a battle, so Wang Dou was naturally obliged to guide him.

Wang Dou looked at him and said: "When you marry a wife, you should marry a virtuous one. If you have a virtuous wife in your family, there will be no mishaps for your husband. Brother Han, I am not talking about you. Mrs. Zheng looks ordinary, but she is virtuous and virtuous. It's a good companion!"

Wang Dou's uncle Zhong Zhengxian said: "That's right, Brother Han, don't dislike her as a widow. She has a rice shop and has a lot of money. She doesn't like my old Zhong, otherwise..."

Zhong Shi glared at him angrily, Zhong Zhengxian quickly stopped talking.

Han and North Korea are still silent.

Wang Dou sighed: "From next year, those in our Shun Township army who are not married are not allowed to enlist, and those who are not married are not allowed to be promoted. As a superior, you should set an example."

Han Chao cupped his hands and said: "Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely marry a wife and start a family next year, so I won't make things difficult for my lord."

Wang Dou said: "That's good."

He said to Han Zhong: "Brother Han, how about you?"

This guy will be 22 years old in a year, and he is not too young.

Han Zhong opened his eyes and said: "My lord, the elder brother has never married a wife. As a younger brother, how can I get married first? When the elder brother gets married, the younger one will also get married immediately."

Wang Douchang sighed.


After the new year, the time has entered the ninth year of Chongzhen.

Throughout the first month of the ninth year of Chongzhen, the Ming army fought against Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng and other peasant armies, and the battle was in full swing.

On the first day of the first lunar month, Lu Xiangsheng, Minister of the Ministry of War and Prime Minister of the Military Affairs of the Seven Provinces of Sichuan and Shaanxi, held a meeting of generals in Fengyang and proposed many strategies to encircle and suppress the peasant army.

On the sixth day of the first lunar month, Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng and other troops attacked Chuzhou with a battalion for dozens of miles.On the eighth day of the lunar new year, Prime Minister Lu Xiangsheng led the general army Zu Kuan, guerrilla Luo Dai and other soldiers to assist Chuzhou, and fought against the peasant army at Wuli Bridge in the east of the city.The Peasant Army was unfavorable in the war, and the company and battalion were all defeated. They retreated fifty miles north and were cut off more than [-] levels.

After the defeat of the Peasant Army, they had to go north to Sizhou and Xuzhou, and then turned to Henan. The Ming army pursued them closely...

There were many battles outside, but Shun Township Castle was still peaceful. From the first day of the first lunar month, Wang Dou was busy paying New Year's greetings. He first went to Zhoucheng to pay New Year's greetings to Xu Zucheng, the integrity officer, and Zhang Gui, the Guantun official. From the third day of the first month, He was also busy with the New Year's greetings from officers from all over Shoushun Township Fort, and he was very busy.

On the eighth day of the first lunar month in the ninth year of Chongzhen, in later generations, it was Western Valentine's Day. Wang Dou invited Lin Daofu and Li Maosen, the head of the craftsman, to discuss the matter of mining in Koujiagou, Huiyaobao.

According to the method proposed by Wang Dou that day, the firecracker was indeed extremely powerful. At fifty steps, it could pierce through two layers of cotton armor, and the barrel was easier to make.A craftsman can make a qualified gun barrel in about half a month, and it is strong and thick, and it is not easy to explode.

As for the cost and the amount of iron used, it is similar to the original bird gun. Considering the iron price, charcoal price, craftsman's wages, food, consumption, etc., the cost of a fire gun is still around three taels.

However, it is still much cheaper than bows and arrows, and the manufacturing time is much faster.After all, according to the traditional method of making bows and arrows, don't think about making a bow in less than three years.Making arrows is also very complicated.

Regarding this new type of firecracker, the officers were amazed by its power, but at the same time they were suspicious. The power of this kind of firecracker is great, but the shooting range is too short. Compared with the original bird gun, the lethal range is a hundred paces. The difference is too far, it is a serious test for the psychological pressure of the sergeants!

When the post-golden cavalry rolled in, could the sergeants fight calmly at such a short distance?

This kind of doubt needs to be confirmed by actual combat!
Wang Dou still ordered Li Maosen to make a batch of these firecrackers.

There used to be more than 20 craftsmen households in Jingbian Fort, as well as the workers who made paper shell cartridges. Wang Dou transferred all of them to Shunxiang Fort.There were more than [-] households of artisans in Shunxiangbao, and one of the young and strong men in their family was selected to be incorporated into the Shunxiang army, but the remaining Zhengding, old and weak, were also experienced craftsmen.

Under the leadership of Li Maosen, they produced 52 new-style firecrackers, more than 200 pairs of helmets, and more than [-] spear heads in nearly a month.Under the new reward and punishment measures issued by Shun Xiangbao, no craftsman dared to slack off, and basically all the weapons produced were qualified.

It's just that the iron materials in stock have been used up, and now the craftsmen have nothing to do all day long, except for making paper shell cartridges, they are just waiting for the arrival of new iron materials.

As for the hematite mine in Huiyaobao, Li Maosen had already visited the place and said to Wang Dou: "My lord, the local ocher mine is of outstanding quality, and I believe that as long as it is mined, the weapons made will be of high quality. The road is far away, I'm afraid it will be inconvenient to mine!"

It is about seven miles from Shunxiangbao to Huiyaobao, and another ten miles from Huiyaobao to Chadao Tunpu. From Chadaotunpu, turn westward into a river and mountain road, and walk about five miles before arriving at There are only a few families in the Koujiagou Hematite Mine.

From Shunxiangbao to Koujiagou, the road is mostly mountainous, and transportation is indeed inconvenient.


Coal is the first priority in ironmaking. If pig iron is to be smelted into mature iron, limestone and other materials must be added.

Wujiagou in Baoan Prefecture is rich in coal. It is nearly 40 miles from Wujiagou to Shunxiangbao, and another [-] miles from Shunxiangbao to Koujiagou. The [-]-mile road is only the manpower and material resources for transporting coal. , is not a small sum.

The Ming Dynasty already knew that coke can be used to smelt iron, and after high-temperature calcination, it can be directly smelted from pig iron to mature iron.It usually takes about a ton of coke to smelt a ton of pig iron. At present, the coke of Daming is about ten taels of silver per ton, and the amount of ordinary coal is several taels.Moreover, the coal used for making iron must be carefully selected.The price of pig iron per ton in Daming is more than [-] taels, and the price of wrought iron is higher, but the cost of coke required is higher.

In addition to the freight of these raw materials, there are other costs. Mining requires miners, technicians, and various equipment.

If Wang Dou needs to make firecracker weapons every month, for example, one hundred firecrackers need to be made in a month. If five catties of wrought iron are trained to make one catty of fine iron, one firecracker needs seven catties of refined iron. It takes at least four thousand catties of wrought iron to make one hundred firecrackers a month.

To make a pair of iron armor, at least 30 catties of such fine iron is needed. If twenty pairs of armor are to be made every month, at least more than 3000 catties of wrought iron are needed a month.

A total of more than three tons of wrought iron will be produced in one month, and more than five tons of coke will be purchased every month, which is more than 70 taels of silver.

This is a huge plan, no matter how difficult it is, Wang Dou has to complete one hundred firecrackers and twenty pairs of armor every month.

Wang Dou pondered for a long time. The technicians needed for mining may be selected from the craftsmen in Shun Township. I believe that there will be relevant talents among these hereditary craftsmen.If it doesn't work, you can find some from Wujiagou. There are many coal mines in the area and there are many related talents.

As for miners and transportation manpower, there is no manpower in Shunxiang Fort, and manpower can be selected from Huiyao Fort and several nearby forts. There are more than 200 households in several forts, and [-] men can still be found. They are full, and I believe these military households will actively participate.

As for transportation, they used bullock carts and mule carts, but Wang Dou still tried to use a wheelbarrow as much as possible. Both the old and the weak and women could use it, saving some freight and allowing more people to eat.

He said to Li Maosen: "Carpenter Li, from today onwards, you will choose some craftsmen to go to the local area. I remember that there is an old craftsman named Wu Shihuan in Shun Township Castle. He has rich experience and may be your deputy!"

Wu Shihuan was the craftsman who built the Lanzhou waterwheel for Wang Dou that day. This old man has rich experience and has been in many places in Daming. Wang Dou believes that he also has his own uniqueness in iron ore mining.

Wang Doudao: "As for the high mountains and long roads, mining is inconvenient, that's not a problem. We have to overcome difficulties, we have to do it if we have the conditions, and we have to create the conditions if we don't have the conditions."

After Li Maosen took the order, Wang Douhe said to Lin Daofu: "Master Lin, I entrust you with the mining of Koujiagou. This is a major matter related to the life and death of our Shun Township Fort. We must treat it seriously!"

Lin Daofu has been in a turmoil during this period. Whether it is military training or farm work, this tall middle-aged officer seems to have endless energy all over his body. Everyone from far away can hear his coaxing voice. He said to Wang Dou, "Don't worry, my lord, the Koujiagou mining matter, the lower officials will definitely treat it seriously, and definitely start the iron mine!"

After saluting, he asked Wang Dou for money.

Wang Dou calculated carefully for a while, and said: "How about this, I will give you 300 taels of silver in advance, and we will calculate the expenses in the future!"


Old White Bull:
Two more eight thousand words today, and one more tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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