Chapter 837 Chasing Posthumous Title
Zhong Susu dressed up a bit, but she was General Huben, one of the five generals of the Jingbian Army, so she naturally had to wear the winter dress of the Jingbian Army to participate in the military meeting.

Dressed in a suit, with exquisite wool on the lap, wearing a three-mountain warm hat, felt boots, and a cloak, with a sharp sword pinned to his waist, he is confident and proud.

Of course, Zhong Susu used to wrap her chest tightly. Even though she was handsome, many people didn't think much about it. After all, there are many handsome and handsome people in the Jingbian army, such as Gao Xun and Wen Fangliang, who are all handsome. over women.

But now Zhong Susu let go of her chest, which was bulging and towering, and it looked like her daughter's house, so when Zhong Susu appeared in front of her guards, some people showed a clear look on their faces, and some people couldn't hide their surprise in their eyes.

Of course, they are all professional soldiers with strict discipline, and they will not gossip because of this. They only exchange eyes for a while, and then focus on their guard duties.

They walked on horseback, holding high the banner of honor of General Huben, and the armor and banners all had the logo of the White Tiger Army. In the wind and snow, they all stood upright, heroic, tough, confident, and possessed an extremely attractive heroic temperament.

These soldiers are the dream lovers of countless Xuanzhen girls and Anbei girls. To marry a man is to marry a Jingbian soldier, which can be called the truth in Xuanfu Town and Anbei.It is completely different from other places in Ming Dynasty that good men don't serve as soldiers, and good iron doesn't make nails.

Zhong Susu rode on the horse, the snowflakes swirled and fell on her cloak, and soon it was white, but her eyes were still bright, and there was majesty in her gaze.When she rode her horse and passed by on the street, there was an exclamation.

General Hussars, General Yingyang, General Baotao, General Huben, General Hulie.Among the five generals of the Jingbian Army, although the Hussar General of the Han Dynasty is the most expensive and most respected, as one of the five generals, Zhong Susu, who is also the General Huben, is still the focus of attention of countless interested people.

Now Guihua City is very bustling with people coming and going, so after seeing Zhong Susu passing by, there was a burst of surprise and exclamation.

"My God, General Huben is actually a woman."

"It's really a woman who doesn't give way to a man."

"Unbelievable, even a strange woman."

"Take off my wartime robe and wear my old-fashioned clothes. I put my temples on the window and put yellow flowers on the mirror. When I go out to see my companions, they are all panicked. I have been together for 12 years, but I don't know that Mulan is a girl... Hua Mulan appeared in this world. The good story is also..."

"How could this be, my Zhong Lang..."

This is the lamentation of some ignorant girls or young women. In fact, Xuanfu Town and Anbei have a lot of demented literary women who have inexplicable longing for Zhong Susu, and now everyone is heartbroken.

Soon Zhong Susu entered the yamen of the Dadu Protectorate, and entered the meeting hall, all the way shocked the eyes of the ground, some people were shocked, some people knew it.At this time, there were people coming and going in the hall, especially praise paintings, a huge map hung on the wall, and an equally huge sand table was placed in the middle.

Surrounding the map and the sand table, many people were sitting or standing, talking freely.

They are dressed up like Zhong Susu, with loose clothes, three mountain hats, felt boots, swords, and cloaks.Clerical staff wear soft friezes, tight-fitting gowns, short-sleeved cloaks, and swords around their waists, elegant and heroic.

They have the same temperament that they are confident and full of vigor, which symbolizes the vitality of this group.

At this time, many important generals and officials of the Duhu Mansion had arrived, such as General Zhenshuo, Chief Soldier of Xuanfu Town, Minister of Military and Political Affairs of the Duhu Mansion, Hussar General Han Chao.

Minister of Civil Affairs Zhang Gui, Minister of Supervision Chi Dacheng.There is also the head of the staff department, General Yingyang Wen Fangliang.Li Guangheng, General Hu Lie.Huang Shibian, the chief governor of the Zhenfu Department, Li Jinpei, the general governor of the Comfort Department, and Qin Yi, the senior Zanhua, and others.

And Zhang Gui's subordinates, Zhong Rong, Zhong Zhengxian, and Tian Changguo, the vice ministers of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.The subordinates of Han and North Korea, Sun Sanjie, Qi Tianliang, Lin Daofu and others, the vice ministers of the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs, all came.And Zhao Xuan, the artillery battalion commander, was talking to Sun Sanjie and Qi Tianliang.

But for the time being, I haven't seen General Baotao Gao Shiyin, General Xie Yike, Chief of the Sharp Whistle Camp, General Shen Shiqi, Chief of the Loyalty Camp, General Zeng Yiyi, Chief of the New Affiliated Camp, and others.

Wen Daxing, the head of the Intelligence Department, Zhong Tiaoyang, the deputy chief of the staff, and the head of the guard battalion did not see either.

When Zhong Susu entered, the meeting hall was quiet, and Han Chao and Wen Fangliang were talking together. Perhaps they were very busy during this time, and their faces were quite dark.

Seeing Zhong Susu's appearance and attire, both of them were startled, and then saw that she was a little hasty in front of everyone, Han Chao greeted loudly: "Sister Zhong."

He and Wen Fangliang strode over, and Zhong Susu clasped his fists a little shyly: "Brother Han, Brother Wen."

Han Chao smiled and said: "This is very good, it should have been so long ago."

Wen Fangliang also grinned and said, "That's good, that's good, women don't give way to men, and I, the Jingbian Army, have another good story."

At this time, Zhang Gui also came over to greet him with a smile: "Haha, isn't this General Hua Mulan Zhong in our army?"

Zhong Rong and others smiled and saluted, Li Guangheng and Sun Sanjie smiled and nodded at Zhong Susu, only Zhao Xuan opened his eyes wide in shock, he rubbed and rubbed, as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

Seeing the warm greetings from the brothers, their friendship and warmth nourished Zhong Susu's heart, her eyes were a little red, and she saluted solemnly: "Little sister, thank you brothers for taking care of me all the time."

Only Zhong Zhengxian looked at Zhong Susu with scrutiny for a while, and then his expression softened when he thought of something.

"What's so lively?"

Following Gao Shiyin's voice, Gao Shiyin, Xie Yike, and Shen Shiqi walked into the meeting hall swaggeringly, with Zeng Yiyi, the new head of the attached battalion beside him.

Gao Shiyin said in a loud voice: "Today, my three crab generals gather together, and the whole world shakes!"

Zeng Yiyi said: "It has been promoted to the fourth general."

Gao Shiyin squeezed up and greeted: "Lao Han, Lao Wen, Lao Li, yo, are you running frequently? Huh..."

Gao Shiyin looked at Zhong Susu with a very exciting expression on his face. He said eagerly, "Brother Zhong...Sister Zhong..."

He quickly changed the subject, touched his face and said: "Ah, the wind and sand in Dongzhen is too strong, look at my burly face is tanned."

Han Chao said with a smile: "You are dark."

Zhong Susu said: "Old Gao, with your face, is it important whether it is black or white?"

Xie Yike kept looking at Zhong Susu, his eyes kept rolling, and then he thought of something, and a smile appeared on his face, he smiled and said, "Sister Zhong."

Zhong Susu gave him a blank look: "Xiao Keer, do you have any filial piety?"

At this time, footsteps sounded, and Chi Dacheng, who had been sitting blankly, suddenly shouted: "Quiet!"

Everyone was startled, and immediately took their positions, and sat quietly. They sat upright, with their own momentum.

Soon, the sound of footsteps came from behind the screen, and then Wang Dou appeared in front of everyone.

I saw him wearing a python robe, walking like a dragon and walking like a tiger, with a calm and majestic demeanor.

Behind him was Zhong Tiaoyang, the head of the guard battalion, Ye Xizhi, the head of the secretary office, and Wen Daxing, the head of the intelligence department.

When Wang Dou entered the hall, everyone jumped up, bowed and shouted: "See the general."

Wang Dou sat down in his seat, put his hands comfortably on the armrests on both sides of the chair, and said solemnly: "All officials will be excused!"

Everyone shouted: "Thank you, General!"

Seeing everyone suddenly seated, Wang Dou said indifferently: "To call all the officials today is to discuss the future strategy!"

He didn't say much, and got straight to the point. First, he asked Wen Daxing to talk about the defeat of Sun Chuanting, which had been rumored a while ago.

Although everyone knew that Sun Chuanting was defeated and died, and also knew that the general summoned them had a lot to do with Sun Chuanting's affairs, but they didn't understand the details.

Wen Daxing nodded slightly to the crowd, he only had one hand left, and he could no longer clasp his fists to salute, he just nodded his head.

Wen Daxing unfolded a newspaper in his hand and said loudly: "On October 21st, under the urging of the imperial decree, Sun Ge, the supervisor, led nearly [-] troops from Kaifeng and went south to Nanyang. The bandits initially used the strategy of showing weakness to lure the enemy, but the army After entering Xuzhou, the thieves began to harass continuously, setting up ambushes and exhausted. Because of the rainy autumn and winter this year, coupled with the cold weather, the roads are very difficult, and it is extremely difficult for the officers and soldiers to transport food and supplies, and the vigor of the officers and soldiers is gradually weakening."

Wang Dou got up and came to the sand table in the middle of the lobby. The mountains and rivers are distributed here, and the rivers are vertical and horizontal, just like a miniature version of the topographical map of Ming Dynasty.

Seeing Wang Dou getting up, all the officials and generals also came to the sand table one after another, watching carefully.

Wen Daxing also came to the sand table, and he continued: "There are two roads for the officers and soldiers to transport grain. When the Chusun Pavilion arrived in Kaifeng, the grain and grass supplies for the officers and soldiers were transported from Luoyang to Kaifeng. Later, when the army went south, the grain and grass were transported from Luoyang instead. Shipped to Ruzhou, Jiaxian and other places. Only a small amount of grain and grass from Shanxi, Beizhi, and Shandong were first shipped to Kaifeng, and then turned south."

He said in a deep voice: "Perhaps because of the strictness of the imperial decree, Sun Ge's troops left too hastily. They carried no more than ten days of food and grass with the army, and they couldn't make up for it later. That is to say, maybe it has not yet entered November, and they basically They ran out of food, and then lived a hard life of hunger and hunger, and the soldiers and horses were starving and emaciated."

Everyone looked at the sand table and sighed, such a deep lone army, such a long food road.

Han Chao pondered: "Is there nothing captured locally? Can't the officers and soldiers raise food on the spot?"

He also fought in the Battle of Saibei, and he knew the horror of being without food.

Wen Daxing shook his head and said, "Information says that the bandits have fortified the walls and cleared the land, and many cities and villages have been burned to ashes, and there is no way to get a single grain of rice."

He said: "The officers and soldiers went deep alone, and they were farther and farther away from the food supply places in the rear. In addition, there were frequent heavy rains and muddy roads. The officers and soldiers transported food very slowly, and the soldiers were hungry and cold. Only when they arrived in Ye County, they broke the city. , grabbed hundreds of mules and horses, and then nearly [-] soldiers were quickly eaten up."

He said: "According to the information, at this time, some staff advised Sun Ge's department to return to the teacher and get food. Sun Ge's department replied: The teacher has already done, and even if it is returned, it will be hungry. So they continued to go south."

He said: "When the army going south arrived in Yuzhou, the main force of the thieves gathered, intending to start a decisive battle. The thieves even wrote a letter of war with a big sign and appointed a date, but he secretly sent the thieves to take Liu Zongmin with [-] old battalions from Jiandao to the official. In the rear of the army, food routes for officers and soldiers were cut off in Ruzhou, Jiaxian and other places, and the remaining battalions were vulnerable."

Everyone's heart was full of grief, they knew that the army going south was over.

Sure enough, Wen Daxing said: "At this time, Sun Ge's troops are fighting with the bandits. His new army is sharp, and with the support of the chariot battalion, he has gained quite a lot. However, when the news that the grain road was cut off, the army's morale was immediately unstable, and the troops were in an uproar. The generals of the town and battalion demanded to withdraw to Shaanxi to meet the grain. Many battalion soldiers even fled one after another, and although all the generals were beheaded, they could not be stopped."

Wen Daxing said: "The bandits took advantage of the momentum to launch a general attack. I haven't found out which town's battalion ran first, but they caused a total collapse, and all towns fled one after another. The number of casualties in the chaos is estimated to reach [-]. hold fast."

Everyone sighed deeply, hearing that the officers and soldiers were defeated again, they definitely felt uncomfortable.

Han Chaodao: "I heard that Sun Ge's department treats Gao Jie, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi, well. How is he?"

Wen Daxing said indifferently: "Run away, the second one, or the third one. He is in charge of the battalion of chariots and artillery. In order to escape for their lives, the soldiers of the battalion even took off the horses that pulled the carts and cannons and rode them away. They even overturned the chariots. Overturning the road, blocking the road, just to save my life."

"These rats!"

Li Guangheng cursed bitterly, and everyone present also looked ugly.

Wen Daxing finally said: "Everyone can guess the ending of the matter. The army of thieves surrounded and attacked Sun Ge's department, and even used artillery, and added those newly captured firearms and artillery. In the end, the battle of King Cao was repeated, and Sun Ge's department died on the spot. This time, most of the Shanxi army suffered casualties and lost countless weapons and battles. It can be described as a disastrous defeat, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that the entire army was wiped out!"

In the silence, Zhong Susu said: "I remember that Sun Ge's Biao Battalion was selected from the new army, and they were all equipped with horses. Even if the battalion escaped, he could still escape if he wanted to? Just like King Cao, although his subordinates lost It was terrible, but they escaped with their lives."

Wen Daxing said, "I don't know about this last general."

After a long time, Wen Fangliang sighed: "Sun Ge's troops will not escape. For him, perhaps dying in battle is better than fleeing back."

He quietly said: "Sun Ge has too many enemies."

He served as the chief general of Monan West Town, and his jurisdiction was not far from Shaanxi, and he knew a lot about Sun Chuanting.

Han Chao nodded: "He did all kinds of things in Shaanxi, all of which are shocking to the world. If he is defeated and returned, those opponents will not give him another chance, and he may be imprisoned!"

He said softly: "The last general doesn't know much about him, but he also knows that he is a proud person in his bones. He has already been sent to prison once, and if he is sent to prison again, life is better than death for him, and death in battle is worse than death." On the battlefield, return the shroud of horse leather!"

Wen Daxing said: "Indeed, after Sun Ge's troops go back, there is a high possibility that they will deal with the wardens again. Even if he packs up the defeated soldiers and goes back at this time, the emperor doesn't pursue him, and when the situation calms down, he is very likely to be arrested by Jin Yiwei and sent to the capital."

He said: "The news from the capital, the emperor was angry and anxious about the defeat of Sun Ge's department, and pushed all the responsibility to Sun Ge's department. Here is what he said."

He unfolded the Chinese newspaper in his hand and read: "The Ministry of War said: Chuan Ting lightly advances the widows, the governor is defeated, ordered to cut off the governor's official book, and use the Qin governor's crime to clean up the remaining soldiers guarding the pass, trying to redeem himself. Like a thief Entering the Qin Dynasty, previous crimes are considered together."

He said: "At this time, the emperor didn't know that Sun Ge's troops died in battle, and thought that he would also return to Tongguan with the defeated soldiers. He just sternly told the military department that the defeated soldiers and horses must stick to Tongguan."

He said: "But later it became known that Sun Ge's family might die. Because the body of Sun Ge's family had not been found yet, the court even suspected that Sun Ge's tribe had surrendered to the bandits, so there was no talk about the posthumous posthumous title. Later, the loyal servant of Sun Ge's family and Ma Weizhong, who was with him, escaped death. Back to Tongguan with the corpse of Sun Ge's family on his back, the matter became clear, and the courtiers just discussed the matter of posthumous posthumous title."

He said: "Information from the capital comes, and the posthumous title 'Zhonglie' may be given, just like Duchen Lu."

Everyone sighed, Gao Shiyin said: "Loyal ministers and righteous men always make people sigh."

Wang Dou was also silent. He was sure that even if Sun Chuanting survived, there was a [-]% chance that he would be arrested and sent to prison after returning to Shaanxi.

Although Emperor Chongzhen had always been lenient towards warriors, killing literati was like killing chickens. How could Sun Chuanting's defeat be repaid?Moreover, he has too many enemies, and all his actions in the past were based on "victory". His defeat can no longer stop the liquidation of the opponents.

What a proud person he is in his bones, just like what he said to Wen Shiyan: "How can a man face the jailer again?"

To be imprisoned again, life would be worse than death for him, and it would be better to die on the spot!

Chasing posthumous title Zhonglie, this ending is already very good. In history, Sun Chuanting died in battle, but because his body has never been found, there is no posthumous posthumous posthumous title.

fair enough.

Loyal ministers finally get good results.

During the reign of Chongzhen, there was always a drought in Ming Dynasty, but the decisive battle commanded by Sun Chuanting after his comeback, no matter in history or now, was one of the reasons for the success and failure of the battle due to the continuous rain.

This is really a matter of time and fate.

 Old White Bull:
  After reading the book review area, book lovers reacted greatly to Sun Chuanting's brief account of the war. In fact, I have already saved enough shots in the chapter of the exit. The screen is frozen and the characters are displayed in a blank way.

  And I have learned a lesson. I can’t write about wars. Once I write about wars, I will be long-winded. I have to finish with 50 words, but I can’t finish with [-] words, and I even wrote [-] words.

  This happened not once or twice, just like the Battle of Tongguan, I originally only calculated to write [-] words, but in fact I didn’t know how many chapters and thousands of words I wrote.The [-]-word battle between Qing and Japan was about to end, and I tried my best to control it, and I still wrote several chapters.There are also many previous battles, such as the battle of King Cao, the battle of Zhuxian Town, etc., I only want to write [-] words at most.

  This has happened too many times. When I write about wars, I can write hundreds of thousands of words for just a few dozen words of background information.There are still many things about the war below, and I have to write them down in detail. I don’t know when and what month I will write.So the primary and secondary details are omitted, and the ones that should be omitted are omitted. The battles where the protagonist is not present are all omitted. Now it is mainly to fill in some holes.

  But in the last battle, Wang Dou fought against Li Zicheng and Dorgon at the same time. I will write in detail how to destroy the bandit Hulu.

(End of this chapter)

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