Chapter 843 Ignorance
In the first month of Saibei, there is snow all over the sky, and the winter here is extremely cold, and the coldest time can reach minus 20 degrees, even in the first month, it is still minus ten degrees.

However, although the weather is cold, Guihua City is still full of a strong New Year atmosphere. During the Lantern Festival these days, the streets and alleys are decorated with lanterns, lanterns, lantern riddles, and eating Lantern Festival. One activity after another makes the city It has a carnival-like atmosphere inside and out.

It has been more than a year since the Duhu Mansion was established. Over the past year, the development of Guihua City has also changed with each passing day. It turns out that although the outer shell of the city is good, the interior is completely unplanned.There are piles of nests, tents, shacks here and there, vegetable plots and fields everywhere, cattle pens and sheep pens everywhere, and potholed streets...

Everything has changed now, the streets and houses are neat and uniform, the roads are flat and wide, the drainage ditches, sewers, garbage bins are uniformly planned, and the sanitation bureau cleaning personnel can be seen everywhere, making Guihua City suddenly changed, clean and bright, and full of vitality** Come.

Every day, the pedestrians here are in a hurry, but they are full of confidence. There is an endless flow of cars and horses on the street. According to the rules of left and right traffic, it is busy but not chaotic.In a short period of time, Guihua City is thriving, like a city with a rising sun.

Because the population is larger, the more wealthy households are, just like in Donglu and Xuanfu towns at that time, a large number of teahouses and restaurants have sprung up like mushrooms.All kinds of opera troupes and storytellers have settled in one after another, and there are all kinds of entertainment activities in the north and south, inside and outside the Great Wall, which makes Guihua City show a strange charm.

Stability, wealth, cleanliness, and prosperity are the first impressions that outsiders have of Guihua City. Everyone who comes here will be deeply impressed, especially for those Hu people outside of Saiwai.

Therefore, they all hope to settle in Guihua City.

They also need to follow the regulations of the Protectorate's Mansion, from temporary residence, to foreign nationality, to naturalized nationality, and finally to Chinese nationality, climbing up level by level.

Of course, for the people of the Central Plains, they lacked a rank of foreign nationality, and the process of climbing up would not be so hard.

They have the same treatment, that is, those who have children and who are of the right age, all need to go to school and have compulsory education.They have unified uniforms, unified textbooks, unified teaching, and unified examinations. After passing the examination, they are directly Chinese.

Unlike their parents, they have to endure hard work. The most orthodox knowledge can change their destiny.

This can be regarded as the second New Year's Day after the establishment of the Protectorate's Mansion, and this New Year's Day is even more meaningful, so the grain stores of the Ministry of Civil Affairs supply a certain amount of high-quality rice, flour, cloth, and meat to the people of the whole government, which can be purchased at a relatively low price Egg salt tea.

So that every household in the whole prefecture can at least eat white noodles, meat and eggs, and children can wear new clothes to celebrate the New Year's Eve.

For many immigrants, a few months ago, they were still living a hard life of full and hungry meals. Many times they had to suffer from eating bark and wild vegetables, and the surrounding area was full of bandits and thieves, making them precarious.Suddenly arrived in a safe and stable place, and lived a rich and warm New Year's Eve for the first time, the sense of belonging in my heart is really indescribable.

After the New Year's Eve and the Lantern Festival, they let go of all their worries and threw themselves into the jubilant crowd.

Wang Dou also celebrated this lively and festive New Year. In the past, every New Year's day, he was always busy giving New Year greetings to others, passing greeting cards everywhere.Now let alone coming to the door in person, there are not many people who are worth asking him to hand over the congratulatory stickers.On the other hand, in the first lunar month, a flood of New Year greeting officials will squeeze through his threshold.

Needless to say, the officers and generals under his command, there are a large number of officials and generals in nearby Shanxi, Shaanxi, Ningxia, and Gansu who sent worship stickers and New Year gifts, and even many people from the capital also sent worship.

There are also a large number of Fan envoys from various ministries in Mobei, Hetao, Qinghai, Turpan and other places to congratulate, so from New Year's Day to Lantern Festival, Wang Dou was busy.

However, he did not forget to pay attention to external affairs. On the [-]th day of the first lunar month, he read some information in his study.


Incense is lit in the beast stove, red felt is spread on the floor, a black fox fur is draped over the armchair, and a big white fox fur cushion is placed underneath, and the burning fire sandwiches the wall and floor heating, making the study room warm. Cozy, even if the sky is snowing outside, this place is like another world.

With Wang Dou's current status, it's too easy to enjoy extravagance, but he doesn't really care about these things, as long as he is comfortable.

Of course, if conditions permit, he will not treat himself deliberately hypocritically, just pay attention to it.

The incense wafted up, and after reading the information, Wang Dou lit a cloud of smoke, leaned on the rocking chair and fell into deep thought.

He got the news that the thieves broke Guide, conquered Xuzhou, and then crossed the Yellow River to besiege Yanzhou.In Yanzhou, there was King Lu, and he was a vassal. Presumably, the bandits wanted to use this trick to encircle and attack reinforcements, and wipe out reinforcements from all over the Ming Dynasty outside the city.

They have become more and more familiar with this method, and it is a tactic that is popular all over the world, but now that the Ming army's field combat capabilities are getting weaker, this tactic can be described as time-tested.

To his surprise, neither Guide nor Xuzhou could survive, and Sun Kewang and Li Dingguo, whom he paid special attention to, did not play a role in turning the tide.

Wang Dou thinks this is inevitable, the times are different, and now is not their time.

Historically, when Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong were around, Sun Kewang and Li Dingguo did not perform outstandingly.When the two came to the fore, it was already the first year of Yongli. At that time, Zhang Xianzhong had just died, and the Great Western Army was chased to the end.

Facing the powerful Qing army, they felt that they had nowhere to go, and the shadow of doom hung over their hearts.

As the original army of bandits, they were still the most important targets of the Qing army. Even if they surrendered, they often could not escape the fate of being liquidated.For example, Tian Jianxiu, Zhang Nai, Wu Ruyi and others were all beheaded by Dorgon after they surrendered, and even their subordinates were killed cleanly.

Therefore, change is inevitable. Led by Sun Kewang, they completely changed Zhang Xianzhong's indiscriminate and indiscriminate killing policy, and arrested the queen and prime minister Wang Zhaoling who still stubbornly adhered to the old policy.And took the initiative to unite with the Ming Dynasty to fight against the Qing Dynasty, played the role of the mainstay, radiated bright light, and belonged to their era.

The same goes for Zheng Chenggong.

But now is not their time.

Each era has its own background. Manchu iron cavalry was considered strong in the late Ming Dynasty, but if they encountered Xu Da, Chang Yuchun and other troops in the early Ming Dynasty, they would naturally be vulnerable.

The times make heroes, but the birth of a hero needs to be in line with the times.

Of course, Wang Dou also noticed Sun Kewang's farming operation in Shouzhou, and he appreciated it, and he would be happy to take over his property at that time.


The intelligence officers lurking in Shandong, Xuzhou and other places also found out about the Qing Dynasty's contact with the Chuangjun. According to the information they collected, Li Chuang and others paid little attention to it.

It seems that the envoy sent by Dorgon saw a person of the rank of General Guo Yi in the camp, and then General Guo Yi told Li Chuang about it, but Li Chuang didn't care, and even Dorgon's envoy didn't want to see him .None of the officials, generals and literati under his command paid attention to it.

This is essentially ignorance.

Judging from what Li Zicheng did after he occupied Beijing in history, he had no idea about the Manchu affairs at all, and even believed that it was a matter of the previous dynasty and had nothing to do with him in Dashun Kingdom.

It seems that all parties in Shun Kingdom believed that the confrontation between Qing Dynasty and Ming Dynasty was a matter of Ming Dynasty. Dashun Kingdom had never fought against Qing soldiers, so there was no grudge against each other, and they could live in peace.The Ming Dynasty was destroyed, and the grievances and grievances between the two sides were also settled.

Therefore, with all kinds of ignorant thoughts and considerations, Shunguo's defense of Shanhaiguan and the treatment of Wu Sangui's department are all jaw-dropping.

When the Qing Dynasty showed their fangs, they were vulnerable, and they were regarded as their greatest enemy by the Qing Dynasty, and their surrender was basically not accepted.Li Zicheng worked so hard to conquer the country, but ended up making wedding dresses for others. The title of King of Wedding Dresses is not for nothing.

There are congenital defects in cognition, which is why it is difficult for rogues to succeed in thousands of years of history.

Just like a nouveau riche who won the lottery and soon became poorer.


Picking up this information again, Wang Dou looked at it for a long time. According to history, after Li Chuang occupied Xi'an, Dorgon immediately sent envoys to northern Shaanxi to contact the Dashun Army, but there was also no further information.However, the Manchu Qing took advantage of the collapse of the Ming Dynasty to share the wealth, and Dorgon and others would definitely not give up.

Wang Dou took the information and pondered for a long time, when a guard outside said in a low voice: "General, Mrs. Ji has an invitation."

Wang Dou said, "Understood."

His wife and family members all came to Guihua City in the twelfth lunar month of last year. Perhaps because they knew about Zhong Susu and the others, they were in a hurry.Of course, they didn't say anything on the surface, and mother Zhong didn't say anything either.

For Zhong, she was very satisfied with this son. As early as when Wang Dou was promoted to the general banner, she was very proud and had a feeling of satisfaction.Unexpectedly, the son's official is getting bigger and bigger, and now he is the general who conquered the captives, the Marquis of Yongning, the existence of super grade, this is really the glory of the ancestor.

She is also the wife of the Empress Dowager herself, and she has a lot of children and grandchildren, so what is there to be dissatisfied with letting her enjoy the family happiness?

So whatever her son does now, she is willing to trust him unconditionally and support him.

The Zhong family is also satisfied with Zhong Susu, a girl. As early as in the town, Zhong Susu frequently ran to the mansion to greet her in the morning and evening.Now she followed her son, which made Zhong very happy.

And buy one get one free, she also brought a Li Yunluo over.

Back then in Xinzhuang, the Li family was an unattainable existence for the Wang family, and now the prominent family in the past also let his son get whatever he wanted, and every time he thinks about it, he feels like in a dream.

Everything was satisfactory to Zhong Shi. Her only regret was that her husband died early and she couldn't see the brilliance of the Wang family now.

The Zhong family used to pay great attention to maintaining Xie Xiuniang's status, but now that Xie Xiuniang is Mrs. Hou, with the imperial order in her body, and her son-in-law contending for the king, her status is as stable as Mount Tai, and she no longer needs to maintain it.

For Xie Xiuniang, she is satisfied with everything now, she has nothing to desire, she just wants to bring up a good child, serve a good husband, honor a good mother-in-law, and live like this forever.She also showed a virtuous and courteous side, asking Wang Dou to accompany Sister Ji and the others more.

However, Wang Dou's principle will not change. For every two nights with Ji Junjiao, he will spend three nights with her. This system has been in practice for many years, and it is effective, and Wang Dou will not change because of this.Only during the daytime, I would make surprise visits to accompany Ji Junjiao and the others.

As for Ji Junjiao, she is now the first-class Mrs. Shude, and she no longer talks about the Ji family when she goes out, but is famous and called Mrs. Ji, Mrs. Shude.

She also has her own guard of honor, even her father, Ji Shiwei, will salute her publicly when he sees her.

For Ji Junjiao, Wang Dou actually dotes on her a little more in his heart. She is one of the two beauties Wang Dou saw after he came to the Ming Dynasty, and he was inevitably impressed.Moreover, she is luxurious and charming, she is good at understanding people's feelings, and she is good at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, which makes Wang Dou feel like a confidante.

What's more, she didn't care about her status, escaped marriage and followed her in private, and had no complaints or regrets for many years, which made Wang Dou feel guilty, and it was inevitable that she would spoil her even more.

Of course, the principle cannot be changed, Wang Dou will not spend one more night with her because of this.

And after Ji Junjiao moved into Guihua City, not long after in the first month of the lunar year, her best friend, Young Madam, also found the General's Mansion, and lived in the other courtyard in the mansion arranged by her.

When Guide's city fell, Zheng Wenzhi, an intelligence officer lurking in Guide, rescued Li Zhenzhen.After returning to his hometown in Shanxi, Li Zhenyu seemed to be indifferent to the world, and since then he has lived in seclusion, no longer involved in any affairs, and only sent a letter of thanks.

However, the head of the Li family was very enthusiastic, and he made a special trip to Guihua City with his family to thank him, and left the Young Madam in the mansion to let her spend more time with Madam Ji.

In fact, since the dispute with the profiteer, the rumors have been following the young lady for the past two years, saying that she is the wild food of the Marquis of Yongning, and that the two have had an affair and so on.

Rumors abounded, wherever she went, there were always people looking at her strangely.

In the past, she had to avoid suspicion, but for some reason recently, the Young Madam no longer avoided suspicion. She was with Ji Junjiao all day long, and they didn't know what they were talking about.

(End of this chapter)

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