Chapter 1130
He hastily recruited three friends to come over to act as guarantors, not to mention that City A is famous, but he would never run away for tens of millions.

As a result, what did the manager say.

Still not working.

Boss Nan's friend also spoke up; "I said Xiao Zhang, what do you mean? Let's just say it straight, Lao Nan and you have cooperated for many years, so it's not good to turn your face and deny people like this? Who will dare in the future? Looking for your cooperation, City A says it’s not too big but it’s not too small.”

The bank manager smiled wryly, "I told you, Boss Nan, don't threaten me. I'm just a little bank manager. It's not that I turn my back on anyone. It's really..."

He said bluntly, "Boss Nan, did you offend someone?"

Boss Nan knew that he was referring to Yao's family, so he took two steps and couldn't help but say, "It's just that Yao Zhenggang can cover the sky in City A with one hand and even manage bank loans?"

The bank manager wiped his face and wanted to say what's the use of you yelling at me, but he still said politely, "Mr. Yao is really good, Lao Nan, for the sake of our friendship for several years, I will tell you directly, this time it is the boss It means that no matter how many guarantor friends you find, it is useless, any bank in the city is the same, unless you can find a guarantor who can compete with the Yao family, but... if you can find this You don’t need to be here anymore, so please don’t embarrass me.”

Boss Nan felt very upset.

When there is cooperation...

This little manager took every bite of Nan Boss.

This will turn his face and deny people, and say that he has embarrassed him.

However, he was not a messy and spine-chilling person who managed to get to this point, and immediately said to a few friends, "I'm sorry, brother, I let you guys make this trip for nothing, let's go."

Several friends sympathized with Lao Nan and patted him on the shoulder or handed him cigarettes or comforted him: "Hey, Lao Nan, according to me, when the Yao family came to look for you back then, you shouldn't have turned your back on him. Look now, Can't advance or retreat."

Boss Nan gave up and said, "It's not that I want to turn against him, it's that he wants to turn against me. Although I am a businessman, I don't like treachery. I called Shumo to come back at the beginning, but because someone else said something, I cheated on him, I Lao Nan can't do this, hey, forget it, brothers and sisters are not in a good mood today, I'll treat you to a drink later."

They responded one after another.

The phone rang, Boss Nan saw his wife's phone at home, and quickly picked it up: "Hello, wife."

Mrs. Nan opened her mouth and said, "Old Nan, I heard that you will delay the construction period if the bank can't get the loan?"

Boss Nan said, "There is no other way. You can't default on the workers' wages. They borrowed a lot of money during the project, and there is no way to borrow it now."

As soon as Mrs. Nan heard it, she said in a hurry, "Who told you to offend the Yao family by being so thoughtless at the beginning? Now, it's all right. Is it worth it for you to deceive yourself and your wife and your son? What if someone commits a crime and treats you ruthlessly?" As he spoke, he burst into tears.

Boss Nan also got angry: "I know you are anxious, and I am too, but businessmen pay attention to integrity. Since I agreed to Shumo, I must not cheat him. If this project is really going to be scrapped, then let's scrap it." Finally It was also a angry sentence, and after hanging up the phone, he let out a long and decadent breath.

Years of preparation for the project...

Saying give up, there is a feeling in the chest that the blood pressure is about to rise.

In the suburbs, Yao's villa.

"Master, the bank called, saying that Boss Nan was in a hurry at the door and had a quarrel with his wife at home."

(End of this chapter)

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