Chapter 1182

This pity also exists in the heart of Mrs. Jun.

Yijing didn't know that the skill of peeling apples into rabbits that is easy for others to make does not exist in her. She gave up and cut them into small pieces and made a fruit platter for them: "Auntie, auntie, try it!" Taste~"

Watch her make the fruit into little hearts.

Mrs. Jun Er laughed, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw the bracelet on her wrist: "Quiet, try to take this bracelet off."

Yijing took a look after her, and shook her head with a sigh: "I tried it just now, but I couldn't take it off. Luo Jiang said that there is a key or something." She just raised her wrist and found that the links on both sides of the bracelet were not fixed There is a small lock, very small and inconspicuous, it is probably the keyhole.

The Second Mrs. Jun said let me have a look, reached out and held Yijing's hand to observe the bracelet more carefully, then nodded to Jun's mother for confirmation and said, "It's that wrist, which was handed down by Luo Jiazu for the daughter-in-law. There are things and stories..." The last paragraph was explained to Yijing; "Mrs. Luo gave it to you, probably because she really recognized you as her daughter-in-law from the bottom of her heart."

Jun's mother also said with a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, we pretended to be stupid and said it as a meeting gift just now. In the future, Jing Jing, when the matter between you and Luo Jiang is over, or when you need to turn your face in advance, you can use it as a meeting gift." If you retreat, you won't lose your tongue."

"Jingjing, you won't blame me for being troubled with your second aunt, will you?"

Although the starting point is for the sake of Jing Jing, she is also very sensible, but after all, young and young don't understand the twists and turns inside, if she wants to blame Jing Jing, then she will explain the seriousness of the matter to her clearly.

"How could it be?" Yijing didn't expect Jun's mother to have this worry, and quickly shook her head and said, "You and Second Aunt are doing it for my own good, otherwise just tell me in private, there is no need to provoke Auntie Luo in front of her." When you are unhappy, say, I understand."

Jun's mother and Jun's second wife looked at each other, and each other felt relieved.

They read it right, Jing Jing is a person who knows how to empathize.

But also because of this...

The idea in Jun's mother's heart has gradually been carried out as soon as possible.

After Yijing left the hospital, she couldn't bear the growing urgency in her mind, and called her husband to say, "When the baby is born, when the full moon wine is served, let's treat Jing Jing as a goddaughter by the way. "

This idea is not kept overnight, but has always been there, but it has not been able to go smoothly before, but now Jun's mother really wants to protect this child's life, so she wants to hurry up. It's settled.

Jun's father was surprised and asked what happened, why did he suddenly bring up this matter again?

The reason for asking this question is because they had actually decided before that when the child was born and served the full moon wine, they would announce to their relatives that Yi Jing would be their goddaughter.

It's just that my wife suddenly mentioned...

Mother Jun recounted the previous incident, and said a little angrily, "Chu Zhi obviously looked down on Jing Jing. Although I grew up with Jing Jing, although I didn't recognize her as a goddaughter, why should I treat her like a daughter?" Look down on her! Hmph... In short, recognizing her as a goddaughter will at least let Chuzhi know that we really treat Jingjing as a daughter, and we will be more restrained in doing things."

Father Jun knew how much his wife liked this child, and he also admired this child's character and personality, so he said it in one breath; "Actually, I have already had someone prepare it, but, can you tell him about Ah Li's side?" ? See if he can come back to participate."

(End of this chapter)

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