Chapter 1971 Want to see, want to worship.

It's not something shameful to be in a relationship, why not introduce them to each other.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that their brotherhood is probably made of plastic, and it will break my heart.

If it was another man, I am afraid that he would really be provoked by him.

However, this person is Jun Liqing, he is completely unmoved, the peach blossom eyes are so quiet outside the window, no matter what you talk about, in his eyes, it is all indifferent, and then it disappears.

He promised Mu Xiaojing...

Give her three to five years.

Then in the past three to five years, he will fulfill the responsibility of a husband to protect her with almost omnipotence, and give her enough space so that she can give full play to what she wants to do.

Even if I really want to make it public...

But he will still respect her decision first.

"Zi Feng, don't ask..." Jun Fan knew the inside story, and said gently, "Ah Li promised that girl that she would not make it public within three to five years."

"What? Why?" Han Zifeng has changed from the plastic love between the brothers at the beginning, which powerful boss is so awesome that he can let our brother Li have an underground romance?
Want to see, want to worship.

His expression was excited.

But the man glanced over consciously and said, "Afeng, you look happy?"

Han Zifeng immediately restrained himself and said with a sad and indignant expression, "How could it be, I feel sorry for you, you want us to be so capable, thousands of girls are chasing excellent gifts and playing underground romances, is this human? Then, then Who is the girl!" At the end, he changed the topic in vain.

but no one was fooled

Jun Liqing looked at him with eyes of caring for a fool, lowered his eyes, reached out and grabbed the pen pinned to his chest pocket, and said don't worry, "I will always introduce you to each other, but now is not the time, I am better than you I want to make it public sooner.”

Han Zifeng: "..."

Oh, such a sad and faint tone.


Having gossip but not being able to get to the bottom of it is as uncomfortable as being slapped by a martial arts master and causing a mouthful of blood but you can't spit it out and get stuck in your throat.

However, this boy Li, no one can pry it out of his mouth if he doesn't want to say it.

He is suffering...

So I wanted to find someone to share this pain with...

Jun Liqing's brother since he was a child has been his first sharing partner. Sun Hao and others were shocked when they heard that Brother Li's relationship has been kept secret because the woman asked for an underground relationship. Seeing the development of this underground love affair shocked both of them.

Then I heard the sighing tone when I heard that someone wanted to make it public, and the picture popped up in my mind.


They would be exhausted just eating this gossip today.

At night, Jun Fan was dragging the doctor along to do research in the scientific research room. Suddenly, the mobile phone rang. He took out the mobile phone from the pocket of his white coat, glanced at it and answered, "Hello, Yu Qin, what's the matter."

Wang Yuqin's tone was full of incomprehensibility, and he told them about Han Zifeng's gossip today. Of course, the scope of their gossip was limited to a few brothers, and they couldn't cross this line.

"What's going on with that kid?"

"It's really an underground love affair."

"En, yes." Jun Fan responded simply.

"Don't be kind, yes, it's so easy." Wang Yuqin raised his voice unconsciously, then quickly lowered it, even holding his breath, and then whispered, "Where is that girl?" Holy Spirit? You actually let this kid agree to have an underground love affair?"

(End of this chapter)

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