Chapter 377 Letters from abroad.

This old uncle is really, what are you talking about to a half-grown child!

She lost her appetite and said she didn't want to eat, and wanted to go back to her room to rest.

Aunt Mu and Aunt Mu's tense hearts relaxed, and they looked at Yijing very pleasingly, and put a fish ball on the left, and a crab meat on the right, and put them in her bowl.

Mu Yijing looked at a bowl full of fish balls and crab meat, weighed it up and down, and decided not to eat it, leaving it to grandma, so as not to cause any trouble due to starvation, because she probably doesn't think much of her aunt and aunt now It was pleasing to the eye, so I called a few brothers and sisters to go in together.

The old lady didn't wink at the older one, but the younger one was her own grandchildren after all, and they couldn't be together like this after they separated, she kept saying yes with soreness in her chest, and she didn't have any appetite anymore, so she ate it too: "You guys They are all grandchildren of Grandma."

Then he dragged A Xiao to complain——

How could Ah Xiao understand this? After listening to it for a long time, she didn’t see that grandma wanted to give her pocket money, so she immediately became impatient to listen: “Grandma, what are you talking about, I don’t understand, you finished eating Is it? I'm going out to play football after eating."


Grandma Mu couldn't hold back, "Son, grandma's chest hurts!"

A Xiao casually rubbed her twice and agreed to leave.

The other kids ran off too.

Seeing that she ate it, Mu Yijing naturally didn't leave it as the trash can that was complained about, and ran out to play ball with her eldest brother and second brother.

Since ancient times, family separation has not been inevitable.

But the first premise of this is not necessarily the family reunion, the elders can hold on, the daughter-in-law gets along well, and the grandchildren can play well!
Except for the third one, the Mu family can't do the first two.

That's still good morning!
Otherwise, it was a quarrel before, and it is a fight today, and tomorrow they will raise their knives at each other.

And no matter how many contradictions there are in ordinary times——

No matter how many conflicts --

Even the four daughters-in-law who had been arguing a lot two days ago had a surprisingly rare mutual understanding on this matter. No matter how much the mother-in-law complained about not wanting to separate the family, they all should not do it. They should do what they should do and be filial. Filial piety.

The other ones didn't answer at all, and they were forced to rush. The younger pushed out the boss, the boss pushed out the second, and the second pushed out the third——

After half a month like this, Grandma Mu had a fever. On a thunderstorm morning, she seemed to be struck by a thunderbolt. Since the separation was doomed, she also had to call some sons. If you feel indebted to yourself, you will be able to move if you have something to do in the future.

And at this time, it has entered the second half of December.

Mu Yijing received a letter from the uncle of the post office. It came from abroad. The outer cover was slightly yellowed and she didn't know what hardships she had experienced on the road. She opened the letter and poured out two photos from the inside.

A group photo of Jun Liqing and Jun Fan——

The two brothers stood together, Jun Liqing was still holding a pen and drawing board in his hand, the moment the camera took a picture, he covered the picture on the drawing board with his hand, his expression was calm, he didn't know what was drawn, and the other In the photo, Jun Liqing seems to have given the scarf around his neck to Jun Fan to cover most of his face. The person who took the photo probably shouted to look this way, so the two of them faced the camera together. .

Finally, there is a letter in the folder——

It was written by Jun Fan, with only a few simple greetings.

"Uncle told me that when the letter arrived in everyone's hands, it must have been December in town A, it must be very cold, remember to wear more clothes, don't freeze, send two photos to show you where we are The scenery, we have a very good life. Jun Fan, I will send you the courtesy."

After reading the letter and looking at the photos, Mu Yijing was relieved to know that they were doing well.

"What did you write?" You leaned over to look at the key, but you still couldn't recognize all the characters, and you could barely read a few words.

"Little sister, do you understand?"

"A little bit, brother, let's read it." Mu Yijing pretended to be stupid and said in a daze.

Mu Yisen stood on the stool with his head held high and his chest held high and finished reading. Everyone jumped up happily when they got the letter from their little friend, and then took the letter to Shitou and Akai to read.

When I came back, I asked, "Little sister, can we write back?"

Mu Yijing never tried to send anything abroad in her previous life, so she didn't know.

But looking at the letter, I really want to reply one, even if it's just a simple sentence, the letter has been received.

They rattled and ran to ask Mu's father.

Mu's father asked his colleagues for help, and finally got the answer, "It may take a long time to deliver it over there, and I'm not sure if Li Qing and Jun Fan can receive it."

Mu Yijing said that it doesn't matter how slow you are, can you accept it or not?This... just pray to God, in short, at least if the two of you ask in the future, it’s okay for us to reply.

So everyone discussed how to reply to the letter——

Everyone wrote a letter, and there was a thick stack of more than a dozen letters in the end.

When Mu's father got it, Yijing swore she saw her father's mouth twitch, and then said seriously, "I can only write one letter."

Different from domestic mail delivery, the cost of sending abroad is very high. An ordinary family would probably not let their children do this. Mu Yijing realized this and said seriously, "Thank you, Dad." Then Change to a relatively long A4 letter paper, and each of you is limited to write two sentences on it.

To prevent quarrels.

Follow rock-paper-scissors.

Whoever wins gets to write first.

In the end, when Mu's father took it to mail, he was still pained when he heard the price, but because of the hopeful eyes of the children, he decided to smoke less than two packs of cigarettes, and handed it away.

Uncle Mu found out and called him stupid.

"If you deliver it in China, you may not be able to receive it, and if you deliver it abroad, you can't even feel it."

"But after all, it's the children's wishes." Mu's father said so, be silly if you're stupid, and then saw that it was raining again outside, the spring rain was like oil, and the winter rain was like disaster, he sighed: "While taking advantage Dinner isn't ready yet, I'll go to the fields first to have a look."

The weather is too cold, the crops are not easy to produce, and they don't grow big. Almost half of them died in the field.

Vegetable prices in the market are also getting higher and higher.

Mu's house is not bad. Before entering December, Mu Yijing was taken into the field once, and she casually told her father that the weather was too cold and the vegetables would freeze to death. It would be great if she built a shed like other people's house to keep her warm. .

Mu's father was relieved, and turned around and really built a heat preservation shed. The temperature is not as cold as it is exposed to the outside, and it is easier to grow a lot of vegetables. Not to mention the fast growth, at least one-third of the other people's fields died. Nothing at all, so when the Chinese New Year comes, the family can also save a lot of money to buy food outside, and use the money to buy fish and live a better life.

When he returned home after watching Tian, ​​he suddenly heard someone calling him from behind, "Big brother-in-law! Big brother-in-law!"

Mu's father was taken aback, what a strange voice, who is it!

(End of this chapter)

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