Chapter 600

Luo Jiang ran over to read the name with a bang, "You really hit your head, right? You still want to read such a profound book, be careful that you will get dizzy and have a concussion after reading it."

Yijing looked at the time and asked him why you are still here after nine o'clock, can you not go home?
Luo Jiang said that I will live here at night, "You and Jiang Xiyang have to start training tomorrow, I want to watch." His tone was quite gloating.

"Does the squad leader also want to practice martial arts?" Why didn't I hear it earlier?Yi Jing asked Jun Fan.

"He said he wanted to practice his skills and go back so he could beat Yiqing's elder brother and not be bullied by the youngest son of the Chen family." Jun Fan looked down and wondered how Li Qing was doing now, and explained to her with difficulty concentrating "Uncle agreed, so when the time comes, the two of you will enter the training ground together, so that you will also have a companion for each other. Do you want to move these books back to your room? I will help you..."

"No." Yijing said, "Move into that room." She pointed.

"Isn't that Li Qing's room?" Luo Jiang threatened maliciously, "I'm telling you, he's a freak of cleanliness, let him know that you entered his room casually, and when he comes back, he will throw you down from the second floor .”

"If it's Yijing, no." Jun Fan said affirmatively, "Li Qing likes Yijing very much."


Yijing thought, if it's like this again, everyone said that Brother Liqing was very kind to her and liked her very much, but why she just couldn't figure out the process.

Then he explained to the two of them, "Auntie said, brother Li Qing lived in this room before, if I lived in it, it might be easier to think of something."

The rooms next to the early morning are already dark, but the room on the second floor is still brightly lit. There is a thick book in front of Yijing, and she flips through it, trying to find out the sequelae of concussion and amnesia.

The results are nothing more than a few -

Recovered after a brief amnesia.

Memory gets worse.

Mild nausea and dizziness.

But it didn't mention the incident of the one person who was forgotten after the memory was restored.

Yijing muttered, "Could it be that I have no conscience, that's why I forgot such a good person to me?" Then there were two barking sounds, Gail slipped in and barked on the balcony at some point.

Yijing got out of bed and said to it, "If you wake up people by barking, be careful that everyone throws you from here."

Gail sticks out his tongue and licks the back of her hand to please her, and then Yijing sees the reason for its call, which is a small bird with broken wings hanging on the balcony next door, precariously.

Gail barked twice again, as if to save it.

Yijing looked at it and said no, "I dare not touch animals, and it's too dangerous."

"Woof..." Save it.


"Wang Wang..."

After a few times of confrontation, Yijing decided to give it a try by looking at its pitiful eyes. She took a rope and tied it around her waist and tied the other end to the head of the bed. Insect Net saved the bird without touching it. After doing this, she knelt on the railing of the balcony and looked at the distance from the ground, completely eliminating her heartless thoughts.

Look at how kind she is, she doesn't even believe that such a kind person has no conscience.

But also because of this incident, she got up early the next day with a big panda eye, and saw Aunt Jun packing her luggage. It was difficult for the one who lost it, and she crossed the corridor with all kinds of groceries. Go over and help.

When everyone got up, the luggage to be brought into the training camp was also ready. Yijing’s luggage was simple except for changing clothes and books, and it was Gale.

It has been barking beside her, and if Tong Ya helped it translate, it would say, "I want to follow." "Want to follow" "Follow you." An extremely firm consciousness.

Yijing was moved by its inexplicably ingenious but extremely firm consciousness, although she didn't know why, she decided to take it with her. In fact, she was afraid that if she didn't take this dog with her, she would run to the balcony again like when she was rejected by her outright. The way she jumped, although she might not really jump off, she was afraid that it would be bad if her hoof slipped or something.

Luo Chengdu knew from his cousin that she wanted to come over with a "bruised nose and swollen face" after the training camp, and because he was warned by his cousin that he didn't talk much, so he tried to reveal some information in every possible way.

such as……

"Yijing, you can actually learn karate."

"Or taekwondo, martial arts are also available, there is no need to go to the training camp, there are all boys, you will suffer if you go."

"And the sun is very big there. If you go in, you will get tanned, so you can't be beautiful. Hey, Yijing, did you listen to me?"

However, no matter what he said, Yijing didn't intend to change her mind.

Jiang Xiyang didn't have any feud with Luo Chengdu, so he asked him, "Brother Luo, it sounds like..."

Luo Chengdu nodded quickly and solemnly and silently said yes, it's not fun.

However, Jiang Xiyang put on an excited face and continued what he just said, "It's fun!"

No, no!Luo Chengdu shook his head in horror, wanting to say that if this is heaven, then it will be hell if you enter there, a bunch of horrible uncles and sisters, and then he was dragged away by Luo Jiang because of his inability to resist.

"Hey Yijing." Jiang Xiyang said, "It sounds very difficult, but why do you want to go in? I want to defeat the little bully and the little rascal, how about you?"

Yijing gave him a puzzled look and said, "Isn't it because I promised you?"


Jiang Xiyang said with a puzzled face, "When did you promise me?"

Yi Jing thought about it for a while, and said, oh, it doesn't seem to be you, "It was Brother Jun Fan. At that time, I had a conflict with Luo Chengdu, and then he taught me skills."

"Ah, it's not me." Jun Fan, who was facing away from them, turned around and told Yi Jing in surprise after hearing this: "It's Li Qing, sister Jing Jing, think about it carefully."

Yijing is obedient and thinks hard.

But no matter what they said about Jun Liqing, even if he took out the photo and put it in front of her, her memory of this person was still blank.

Luo Jiang who came back laughed at her, "Your memory is really capricious. It's fine if you forget the etiquette, and you even make up your own memories."

After working hard, Yijing still couldn’t remember, gave up looking for memories, and said yes with a sigh, “It’s so willful.”

Luo Jiang was choked by her attitude, and turned around and called Jun Liqing, trying to provoke discord, saying, look, you are so kind to her, but she forgot about you, and even took care of your kindness to her You can't be blamed on others.

However, Young Master Jun, who knew why Yijing would forget, gave him a faint oh, I got it.

Luo Jiang was first pissed off by Yijing, and then by the young master, who said why you are so calm and so on.

Jun Liqing thought he was too loud and panicked, and said, "Your voice is too loud, you scared all my fish away, hang up first if you have nothing to do."

(End of this chapter)

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