Chapter 191 Sowing Oyster Seedlings
After sowing the last spade of oyster seedlings, Bai Beibei breathed a sigh of relief. She taught everyone the method of sowing oyster seedlings. Whether there will be a harvest next year depends on luck.

Oysters are different from other marine products. Oysters grow slowly. Generally speaking, it takes two to three years to mature. However, this sea area is rich in floating matter, which can meet the needs of oysters for bait, and for the sake of profit, they can be harvested in about a year. of.

After sowing the oyster seedlings, Bai Dinghai and Bai Dinglang went to the oyster farm every day to have a look, while the young people in Manfeng still went to the sea to fish for oysters, and the sisters-in-law of the Feng family and Widow Liu were responsible for the oyster meat.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, and the news that oyster meat is edible spread quickly, and more people went to the sea to fish for oysters, but this did not affect Manfeng and others, they went to the sea as usual.

Beibei said, until there are no more oysters, you can earn a little more.

Others may not know how to cook oysters, or they may not have cleaned the oyster meat. After taking the oysters home and tasting them, not many people continue to fish for oysters, because they feel that oysters are far less delicious than fish.

In addition, oysters cannot be sold in the fish market at all, and you have to go to the sea to catch oysters. It is easier and more profitable than going to sea to fish.

Bo Beibei planned for a rainy day. She kept some of the oysters she caught from the sea in the space, and sold the rest to Hongfu Restaurant.

Widow Liu saw that the family affairs had come to an end, so she went to the town's shop and bought two little girls.

Bai Beibei looked at the two little girls brought back by Widow Liu, and asked in a low voice to Widow Liu, "Aunt Liu, why are they all girls?"

She originally wanted to buy a boy, and it was much more convenient for boys to act than girls in this dynasty.

The two little girls were nervous when they heard what Bo Beibei said, and they were worried that Bo Beibei would return them.

"Miss, I didn't see any suitable ones. These two children look clever, so I want them." Widow Liu said.

It turned out that it was not suitable!

"Okay, I'll buy it later when I see it's suitable." Ning Que Wulan was right.

"Come here and meet Miss!" Widow Liu said to the two little girls.

The two little girls had obviously been trained, and they walked over in small steps, saluted Bo Beibei, and asked in unison: "Miss, how are you?"

"Get up, these etiquettes are not practiced in our family, as long as you keep yourselves in order and don't do anything out of line."

"Yes, miss! The servant will follow the instruction of the miss."

Bo Beibei paused, feeling a little funny, when did she teach them?

"What's your name and how old are you?" Bo Beibei asked again.

"Slave Shui Xing, 11 years old this year."

"Slave Shuilan, she is 12 years old this year."

After finishing speaking, the two said in unison: "Miss, please give me your surname."

Bai Beibei was taken aback, isn't their surname Shui?
Seeing Beibei's confusion, Widow Liu said, "Miss, after they are sold, they will be renamed by Ren Yazi. The original ones no longer exist."

Bai Beibei suddenly realized, thought for a while, and said: "Since you have entered our house, why not take our surname, Bai."

She thought they were sisters.

"Miss Xie!"

"Okay, you just have to follow Aunt Liu from now on." Bo Beibei didn't want to say more, and let them go down.

Now that they have moved to a new house, Beibei, Manchuan and Mancang are living in the inner courtyard. Widow Liu asked to live in the outer courtyard, while Shui Xing and Shui Lan naturally lived with Widow Liu in the outer courtyard.

With her own room, it is much more convenient for Bo Beibei to do things, and there are more opportunities to enter and exit the space.

She dug a dozen kinds of exotic flowers and plants from the garden of the space and planted them in the flower pond in the yard. As soon as she walked into the yard, she could smell the strange fragrance.

Another piece of land in the courtyard was not empty either. She dug some black soil from the space and planted several kinds of vegetables. Now the cabbage and garlic are growing tender seedlings, which are so green and beautiful.

Bai Beibei counted, and there was only more than half a month left before his elder brother and sister Yuzhu got married, and after thinking about what his mother had told him a few days ago, he went to Yuzhu's house as soon as he was free.

Of course, when you went to Yuzhu's house, Youshi didn't give her a good face, but because of Yuzhu's father, Youshi didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

Bai Beibei ignored Youshi directly, greeted Yuzhu's father and tripped Yuzhu to the town.

When they arrived in the town, Bo Beibei took Yuzhu directly to the tailor shop, and asked the tailor to measure her for a wedding dress.

When Bai Beibei asked the tailor to embroider the wedding dress, Yuzhu hurriedly said, "Beibei, where do we country people make this kind of wedding dress when we get married?"

When they get married in the country, they just tear a piece of red cloth and cut it into clothes. As long as the red color can express festiveness, a new dress is only worn once on the wedding day. Isn’t it a waste to make it so cumbersome?
"Sister Yuzhu, don't worry about it, just stand up and let the master measure." Marriage is a major event in a lifetime, and Bai Beibei wants to leave a good memory for Yuzhu.

After explaining about the wedding dress at the tailor shop, the two went to buy two red-painted wooden boxes, as well as combs, scissors, rulers and other things that the bride needs. I'm going to take it to my husband's house that day.

These were originally intended to be bought by Yuzhuniang, who is the mother, but Yuzhuniang fell ill because of Bai Daluo's incident, so Feng asked Bai Beibei to accompany Yuzhu to buy them.

After shopping, Yuzhu asked: "Beibei, we are all in town, do you want to go and see Mancang and Bao'er?"

It's been a while since she's seen Mancang either.

Bai Beibei hesitated for a moment before saying: "Sister Yuzhu, let's go next time."

The private school has one day off every month. Last time when Mancang came home, he complained that the food in the private school was unpalatable. He cried and complained to Mr. Feng, which almost made Mrs. Feng feel bad. When Mr. Mancang returned to the private school, Mrs. Feng ignored Beibei. The blocker packed him a lot of delicious food.

Beibei wants Mancang to learn to be stronger and not to get used to his pampered and pampered rot, so she deliberately neglects him.

"Okay." Anyway, after a while, she and Man Chuan will marry Man Cang and Bao'er.

On the fifth day of March, Mrs. Feng saw that Man Chuan had driven the carriage steadily, so she called him forward.

"Man Chuan, the day when you and Yuzhu will get married is coming soon, you and Beibei go to Yuxi County to bring your grandparents over." Feng said.

The marriage of her son is a big event, and she wants to take this opportunity to take her parents over to enjoy a few days of happiness.

"Mom, do you agree to let me go?" Beibei was surprised that her mother would let her go far away. It takes five or six days to get to Yuxi County, and it takes about ten days to go back and forth.

"Agreed!" Feng said with a smile, and said: "There is not enough time, stay at your grandmother's house for two more days before coming back."

(End of this chapter)

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