Chapter 206 Full Boat Marriage (1)

It turned out that Bai Daluo couldn't get out of bed because of the injury on his buttocks, and he was worried about Beibei and Manchuan suing him. Hearing Youshi said that Beibei brought someone to the house, he couldn't help yelling.

"Beibei, don't pay attention to him, he just healed his scar and forgot the pain!" Yuzhu said with a serious face.

Because of Bai Daluo framing Man Chuan, Yu Zhu felt guilty all the time, feeling sorry for Man Chuan.

After listening to Beibei's words, Qiao Qiongyan, who was thinking hard, suddenly remembered the man who planted the whole boat when he was in the county government last time.

"Sister-in-law, the person who wronged Brother Manchuan turned out to be your family?" Qiao Qiongyan asked in disbelief.

Who are these people?He actually pushed his family into the fire pit!

Seeing Yuzhu's expression dimmed, Beibei quickly winked at Qiao Qiongyan and said, "Stop talking about that, let's let Sister Yuzhu try on the wedding dress first."

"Yes, yes!" Qiao Qiongyan understood, and quickly agreed with Xiaozhu.

Yuzhu's mother and Mrs. Chen went to the town to buy a dowry for Yuzhu. Yuzhu's father and Bai Erluo and Bai Sanluo went out to sea and came back at night. Only Bai Daluo and his wife and Yuzhu were at home.

You Shi saw that it was almost noon, and Yuzhu was still hiding in the room with a few girls, muttering for some reason not to cook, so he slapped the door of Yuzhu's door with his stomach full, and said arrogantly: "Yuzhu, I I'm hungry, let's cook!"

Yuzhu glanced at You Shi lightly, and said, "If you're hungry, do it yourself."

Qiao Qiongyan looked at the mighty Youshi who was about to explode, but Beibei stopped her with her eyes. This is Sister Yuzhu's housework, and they should not interrupt without Sister Yuzhu's words.

"Didn't you see that I have a big belly? What should I do?" Youshi asked confidently.

"You are the one with the big belly, not me, and you are the one who is hungry, why should I do it?" Yuzhu said coldly, "I'm getting married tomorrow, and I still have to pack my things!"

Since the last time they fell out, Yuzhu has been too lazy to quarrel with Youshi.

"Yuzhu, I have your own nephew in my stomach, do you have the heart to watch him starve?" You Shi was almost annoyed by Yuzhu's retort, but at the moment, no one can make lunch for her and her husband except Yuzhu. Only playing the family card.

"A mother like you is so cruel as to let the child starve, what can I do as an aunt?" Yuzhu threw the words back without raising her head.

"You... you, aren't you hungry?" Youshi was left speechless when asked, in fact, it's not that she has a big belly and can't work, she just doesn't want to move, but Yuzhu, a stinky girl, doesn't give her face , Youshi was so angry that he died.

At this moment, Beibei stood up and said to Yuzhu with a pleasant smile: "Sister Yuzhu, it's getting late, I, Qiongyan and Xiaozhu will go back first, my mother said, I will send you a gift at noon Come here with delicious food."

After finishing speaking, Beibei didn't even look at Youshi, who was turning blue with anger, and walked away with Qiao Qiongyan and Xiaozhu with brisk steps.

After Beibei and the others left, Yuzhu slammed the door of the room forcefully in front of Youshi, who was so angry that Youshi cursed outside the door and said that she would tell her mother-in-law.

Yuzhu sneered, normally, her mother would definitely stand on Youshi's side and teach her a lesson, but she is going to get married tomorrow, and she doesn't believe that her mother will make her unhappy at this time, so she has nothing to fear.

You Shi thought that if she was pregnant, she would be able to boss her around at home, but Beibei deliberately made things difficult for her because she couldn't see her arrogant appearance.

As soon as she got home, Beibei asked Feng to cook a few delicious dishes, and added a bowl of rice for Shui Xing to deliver to Yuzhu, and told her that she must hand it over to Yuzhu.

Since Youshi doesn't want to cook, go hungry with Bai Daluo, anyway, Sister Yuzhu is getting married tomorrow, so she won't have to suffer this kind of anger anymore.

After lunch, Beibei drove the carriage, Qiao Qiongyan and Xiaozhu went to the town to pick up Mancang and Baoer.

When they came to the private school, Mancang and Bao'er were waiting outside before class, because Beibei really didn't want to see Duan Yixu.

Several people waited for nearly an hour before Mancang and Bao'er came out with cloth bags on their backs. When they got home, Manfeng, Manshou and Mannian had already pasted up the happy couplets, and hung up the red lanterns and colored cloths. The house showed a happy look, which made people's faces flush.

When Feng Yucai and Yan saw the tiger-headed little grandson, they were so happy that they couldn't close their mouths, and they hugged each other tightly and refused to let go.

Mancang had a sweet mouth, and the adults were busy, so he talked with the two old people, making them lean forward and backward.

The next day, March [-]st, was the day when the boat was full of weddings.

Just after dawn, the town's suona team came. This suona team was invited by Bai Dinghai and Bai Dinglang half a month ago.

The village head's wife, the dog's mother, and several women in the village came to help. There are several mobile stoves in the yard, stewed meat on the table, soup for soup, and steamed vegetables for steaming. The whole yard All steaming hot.

Seeing that it was almost time, Mrs. Feng asked Man Chuan to change into the groom's clothes, and then asked him to drive the carriage out of the door, and took Fu Po to welcome the bride. The Suo Na team followed closely and played joy.

As soon as the carriage left, Bo Dinghai lit the firecrackers, and as the firecrackers sounded, Mrs. Feng sprinkled wedding candy on the big guys and received congratulatory words from the villagers.

The two families were not very far away, so the full boat drove the carriage very slowly. In addition to the Suona team, there were a group of folks watching the fun behind the car, including adults and children, and people from other villages.

Because the full boat wedding is the most lively and spectacular in the history of the fishing village, many people deliberately don't go out to watch it.

In the past, the young people in the fishing village were well-behaved, at most they were pulled by bullock carts. Where have you ever seen a horse-drawn cart to greet relatives?So everyone came here first to see the strange carriage of the Manchuan family, and secondly to see the wedding of the Manchuan family.

When they arrived at Yuzhu's house, Yuzhu's parents had already been waiting at the door. Seeing the boat full of welcoming cars, Yuzhu's father lit the firecrackers in front of the door with joy. With a word of congratulations, Yuzhu's parents gave Fupo a big red envelope, and then let Erluo enter the house and carry the bride out of the house.

It should have been Bai Daluo who carried the bride to the house, but Bai Daluo was injured and was bedridden, so Bai Erluo could only do it for him, so when Youshi saw Man Chuan handing a big red envelope to Bai Erluo, His eyes were almost bursting with jealousy.

When the children saw the bride who covered her head, they shouted happily: "The bride is coming out, the bride is coming out."

The wedding at the seaside is simple, so the whole boat happily hugged the bride into the carriage, bowed deeply to Yuzhu's parents, got into the carriage, and drove the carriage back
(End of this chapter)

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