Chapter 219 Capriciousness
Beibei was a little stunned by the firmness in his eyes. She had only met him a few times, and she thought that even if he had a crush on her, she would not fight against her father for her own sake, so she made things difficult for him on purpose. , I didn't expect him to be so persistent.

When he came back to his senses, he hurriedly chased out of the bamboo forest with the amber: "Wait a minute."

When Duan Yixu heard her voice, he stopped and turned around happily: "Beibei, you are not angry anymore."

The innocent smile in his big eyes made Beibei's heart move, but she quickly suppressed the change, looked at him and said, "Duan Yixu, thank you for your kindness to me, but you Dad is right in saying that we are not suitable! Therefore, I will not wait for you. "

I told myself earlier that I can't harm others or myself, but she is always procrastinating, so I must not be soft-hearted this time.

In fact, she didn't know why she was bewitched by something, but once or twice she had hope for a child who hadn't grown up yet.

"I say it's suitable!" Duan Yixu suddenly widened his eyes and roared.

Beibei was taken aback by his sudden anger, and stared at him blankly, forgetting what she wanted to say.

Duan Yixu didn't realize what he was doing until after yelling, panic flashed in his eyes, and he hurriedly said to her: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lose my temper with you."

He knew that her family was trying to tell her about her husband's family. The old man made such a disturbance, and he was worried that she would agree to marry her in a fit of anger, which is why he lost control just now.

Old man Jiang said that he couldn't be anxious, otherwise his old illness would relapse. He had been trying his best to control his emotions, but when he thought that she might stay away from him because of his old man's words, he really couldn't help being anxious.

Beibei pursed her lips, and after calming down, she said earnestly, "Duan Yixu, until now I don't understand why you are so persistent. Not only is there a huge gap in our identities, but I don't even know the difference in personality." I think we are suitable to live together, rather than become a bitter couple in the future, it is better to kill this emotion in the cradle."

She has been a human being in two lives, except for her family, she takes everything else lightly, and she just wants an ordinary life; but he is different, the Duan family is a big family, and he shoulders the important task of raising a family, and he can't give it to her I want the life I want, and there is one thing that my mother is right, which man in a rich family does not have three wives and four concubines, this is one of the reasons why she has been wandering.

After Duan Yixu heard Beibei's words, a dazzling light flickered in his dark starry eyes, and he met her phoenix eyes straight, and said with joy: "Babe, so you are so kind to me. It's not completely emotionless, is it?"

Beibei opened her mouth, unable to keep up with his rhythm.

"Beibei, you just said that you killed this emotion in the cradle, which means you have feelings for me, right?" Duan Yixu looked at her deeply and asked again.

Beibei blinked her phoenix eyes lightly, did she say that?

Seeing his ecstatic and hopeful expression, Beibei sighed softly and said, "Duan Yixu, you misunderstood me. My meaning is very simple, that is, it is impossible between us!"

Hearing this, his eyes dimmed suddenly, and he asked dissatisfiedly: "Beibei, what you said just now is not a reason, what identity do you mean? My father used to be from a poor family, and he only got it through his own hard work." With today’s achievements, I’m actually from a poor family! And what about you? Didn’t you have a poor family in the past, and it was difficult to move forward? But now you are developing in a better direction step by step? You can be sure that your future achievements will be better than My father is young? So, I don't accept this reason!"

"As for personality, you have never really understood me, so how do you know that our personality is not suitable?"

At the end of Duan Yixu's speech, there was deep grievance in his tone, and he looked at her with accusation in his big eyes.

What Beibei couldn't resist the most was his expression, which was very similar to Mancang's. When he met his pitiful big eyes, Beibei hurriedly looked away from his face, and said, "You think highly of me."

If it is possible for her to surpass Duan Xin in terms of wealth, she is confident, but she really dare not think about other aspects, such as Duan Xin's power.

Seeing her tendency to soften, a successful smile flashed in Duan Yixu's eyes, Mancang taught him the trick of "pretending to be pitiful" is really good.

At this moment, Duan Yixu's stomach groaned "gurgling".

"Beibei, I'm hungry." Duan Yixu rubbed his stomach and looked at her pitifully.

Bei Bei glanced at him. He just said that yesterday he found her home from Baogang Town, then found the General's Mansion from her house, guarded the General's Mansion all night, and then found here, so it's possible that he hasn't eaten since yesterday. Bar?
Seeing the struggle in her eyes, Duan Yixu continued to look at her with an almost pleading expression: "Bebe, I'm tired and hungry now, can you give me something to eat?"

His pitiful appearance and his clear and innocent eyes made Beibei's last string of reason break.

"Go into the bamboo forest, we still have rice in bamboo tubes." Beibei turned around and entered the bamboo forest after speaking.

Duan Yixu held back the joy in his heart, and followed her with strides, but after a few steps, he saw her suddenly stop, and his heart sank again.

Beibei turned around and said to him seriously: "Go after dinner, don't come to me again."

She must have been obsessed again just now to agree to give him food!

Duan Yixu's heart turned cold: "You still refuse to forgive me?"

"You didn't do anything wrong, so you don't need my forgiveness. In short, I don't want to see you again." Beibei also hated her own capriciousness, but when she thought of Duan Xin's words that day, she suddenly woke up.

It is impossible between her and Duan Yixu, let alone Duan Xin objecting to them being together, even if he does not object, she cannot let go of the fact that he sent someone to monitor her, Duan Xin may know all her secrets, she does not want to One day he will be regarded as a monster.

Hearing that she said again that she didn't want to see him again, Duan Yixu suddenly became quiet.

After a long while, Beibei couldn't help raising her eyes to look at him, which startled her.

Duan Yixu's eyes were red, his lips were tightly pursed, his expression was a bit ferocious, his breathing was heavy, he seemed to be suppressing something, and he seemed to be trying to express something, all in all he seemed to be in pain.

"What's wrong with you?" she asked tentatively.

Seeing that he was still staring at her tightly, Beibei was a little scared and worried, and tried to touch his arm lightly with her hand, but seeing that he still didn't respond, Beibei boldly patted his face again, whispering Called: "Duan Yixu, what's the matter with you, are you alright?"

Seeing this situation, Lu Hui, who was hiding in the dark, was also extremely worried. Thinking of the words of Miracle Doctor Jiang, just as he was about to show up, he saw Duan Yixu's eyeballs rolled and became brighter, so Lu Hui disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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