Chapter 246 Herb Garden

Seeing that she frowned and said nothing, he thought she was still worried about his old man, so he couldn't help but said: "Beibei, if the old man comes to you again in the future, you don't have to pay attention to him."

Hearing Duan Xin, Beibei suddenly thought of the agarwood table and chairs, raised her head and asked, "Have you asked shopkeeper Tong to estimate the price of the agarwood table and chairs? How much?"

Her question was too jumpy, it took Duan Yixu a while to answer: "I guess, 1000 taels."

"Only 1000 taels?" She asked suspiciously.

"Hmm." He nodded.

"How is it possible? A damaged incense table in your decoration shop costs several hundred taels of silver, and a set of such rare agarwood tables and chairs only costs 1000 taels. Are you kidding me?"

Hearing this price, Bei Bei had to question it, because it was not known whether he could buy one of the chairs at this price.

"How dare I coax you? In fact, this set of tables and chairs is also damaged, so it can't be sold at a good price. This set of tables and chairs has been stored in the warehouse of the decoration shop by shopkeeper Tong for a long time. There is no big piece of furniture, thinking that this set of tables and chairs will be broken sooner or later, so I asked shopkeeper Tong to give it to you for me."

"What you said is true. Are the tables and chairs really damaged?" Beibei was skeptical. If there were any damages, it might still be possible.

"It's true what you lied to!" He vowed.

She stared at him for a while, but didn't see any clues from his face, and then said: "Alright then, I'll give you the bank note tomorrow."

"Okay!" He raised his lips, stretched out his hand to rub her hair, and said, "It's getting late, you should go to bed early."

"Well," she nodded, and seeing him getting up to go out, she said, "there is also a bed in the next room, so you can sleep in the next room."

He smiled, walked out, and closed the door for her.

After Duan Yixu went out, Beibei hurriedly got out of bed and bolted the door, and then blew out the oil lamp.

Seeing that the lights in the room were turned off so quickly, the corners of Duan Yixu's lips slightly curled up outside the door, it seemed that he was really sleepy.

Beibei bolted the door, blew out the lights, and went into the space, put the chilled sauce and cooking wine into jars, sealed them with beeswax, and moved them into the storage cave.

After sealing the mouth of the altar, Beibei didn't continue to make the sauce, but went into the bedroom and found the two medical books she had found in the study in the town from the locker.

She flipped through these two medical books, which recorded many intractable diseases, as well as some special herbal medicine shapes and uses.

Beibei opened the medical book, looking through the pages one by one, trying to find cases about the symptoms of mania...

The hard work paid off, and after looking through half of the medical books, I finally found a case similar to mania. However, this is only similar to the symptoms of mania, but it is not quite the same as Duan Yixu's symptoms.

The case recorded in the medical records showed impatience, great joy and great sorrow, and often lost his temper because of trivial things, smashed things, and could not control his emotions.

But Duan Yixu that Beibei saw was a very self-controlled person. She only saw him get sick that time in the bamboo forest, and she controlled it in time. He is not an emotional person on weekdays, even if she No matter how angry he is, he can calm down very well.

Thinking of this, Beibei began to study the treatment methods below the case.

There are two treatment methods written on it, one is "drug therapy" and the other is "emotional soothing therapy".

Beibei looked at the medicine treatment first, there were only three kinds of medicines on it, and there were also ways to make pills, but the names of these three medicines were so strange that she had never heard of them before. Looking carefully at the shapes of the medicines below, Beibei's eyes lit up. Aren't the gardens of the three kinds of medicinal herbs all there?
No, it should be called the herb garden now.

Beibei was ecstatic, and wrote down the method of making the pills in a notebook with a pen, and then looked at "emotional soothing treatment."

This emotional soothing treatment was almost the same as the method her previous psychiatrist used to treat her. Beibei only read it once and memorized it, and only recorded a few important summaries.

After making a record, she re-read the efficacy and function of the three herbs, and saw that there were no side effects written on it, so she went to the herb garden to pick one of each of the three herbs and brought them back to the bedroom.

All three herbs have pink flowers, but the shape of the flowers and the leaves and stems are different, so they are easy to identify.

Although the medical books introduced that these kinds of medicines had no side effects, Beibei was still worried. She crushed the three kinds of herbs, fished out a deep-sea fish in the wooden barrel of the space, and fed them.

Beibei originally wanted to test the medicine herself, but then she thought, if the medical book is wrong, she died just to test the medicine for Duan Yixu, it would be too wronged.

So after much deliberation, she decided to experiment with deep-sea fish first.

After she fed the medicine to the fish, she put the fish back into the bucket, and then stared at the fish. After about an hour, there was still no abnormality in the fish, so Beibei looked away, and then Just tried the medicine myself.

Deep-sea fish don't respond to this herbal medicine, but they don't know what will happen to people who take this medicine?
Beibei tried the medicine, and after a while, she didn't feel any discomfort, only felt a cool and refreshing feeling in her throat, and the coolness went straight to the bottom of her head. I feel refreshed all over.

"Is this herbal medicine refreshing?" Beibei muttered suspiciously.

After confirming that the medicine has no side effects, Beibei decided to buy a set of tools for pounding medicine tomorrow and come back to make pills.

She glanced at the medical books on the stone table, thought of the exotic flowers and plants in the herb garden, and had an idea, picked up two medical books and went to the herb garden.

These two medical books contained many pictures of strange medicines. When they came to the herb garden, Beibei opened the two so-called "orphan books", and compared them one by one with the pictures on them. She was surprised to find that, The herb garden has all the rare herbs recorded in these two medical books; and Beibei guessed that the exotic flowers and plants not recorded in most of the other medical books in the herb garden should also be rare herbs, such as the two herbs that Jiang Xingle wanted. This kind is not recorded in these two medical books.

Beibei was holding two medical books as if she had found a treasure. It seemed that the shopkeeper of the study really didn't lie to her. These two books should really be "orphan books", and she really found treasures.

Holding two "orphan copies" in his hand, and looking at the exotic flowers and plants in the garden, Bei Bei felt that happiness came too suddenly.

I don't know if it's because of tasting the herbal medicine, or because I'm too excited, Beibei didn't feel sleepy at all, so she went back to the cave and continued to cook the sauce and cooking wine.

When she came out of the space again, through the door and window, she found that the sky was already dark, she stretched herself, and opened the door.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the door was opened, he was almost startled by a figure on the steps in front of the bedroom. Looking carefully, it turned out to be Duan Yixu.

(End of this chapter)

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