pastoral pretty girl

Chapter 1110 Tricky

Chapter 1110 Tricky
Song Qingge accompanied Mrs. Zhu in the Hou's mansion, and sat in the single room on the side of the bedroom to rest. Everyone in the mansion was talking about it, and she heard a lot.

She thinks it's a good thing Mrs. Zhu passed out, otherwise she wouldn't die of anger when she heard these words?

There are few people in Danbo Hou's mansion, but the place is big, Zhu Chuan is not short of money, and the mansion has raised many servants.

On weekdays, they are proud that they can get a lot of money without doing anything, but now many of them have become white-eyed wolves.

Those who really protect the lord don't have time to chew their tongues. They are all running around outside, collecting information for Mrs. Zhu, and at the same time refuting for their master. Indifferent Hou is a real gentleman, and he will never do such a thing. There must be someone framed.

It was already late at night, and Song Qingge went to the next door to take a look. Mrs. Zhu hadn't woken up yet. She must have been hit too hard today, and her subconscious didn't want to wake up.

Near midnight, Zhu Chuan and Xiao Jinyi came back.

Zhu Chuan's expression was very ugly, his eyes were red and filled with anger.

"How is the mother?"

"Don't worry, the doctor said that you are in good health, you will be fine once you wake up from sleep, and nothing will happen." Song Qingge comforted, she understood Zhu Chuan's mood at the moment, and it would be difficult for anyone to resist this kind of thing.

"I'll go in and see my mother, you can find a room to sleep by yourself."

Zhu Chuan opened the door and walked in. He knows medical skills himself, and he was relieved after checking it himself.

"Let's go, let's find a yard to rest first, we may not have time to come back these days, you stay and spend more time with Auntie." Xiao Jinyi held Song Qingge in his arms with some distress, her eyes were full of exhaustion .

"Well, Auntie will leave it to me."

Mrs. Zhu's two eldest sons are not in the capital, and her two daughters are also married far away, so they won't be able to come back for a while.

As for the youngest son, who was only in his teens, he couldn't handle these things at all, and the first thing Mrs. Zhu sent him to her mother's house when she came back.

Xiao Jinyi is very familiar with the Hou's Mansion, and stayed here before, and took Song Qingge to find a relatively remote yard to rest. There are no servants in the Hou's Mansion now, and the two of them don't need anyone to wait on them. They will go to bed after tidying up rest.

"What happened? It's rumored outside..."

Song Qingge was very concerned about what was going on. She didn't dare to believe those rumors, but she believed what Xiao Jinyi said.

"Someone deliberately framed him, but no evidence could be found. Master Li has a tough attitude and is determined to let his uncle pay for his life. He is waiting for the emperor to kill the Marquis of Indifference, and he refuses to hand him over until the order is issued..."

Xiao Jinyi didn't hide anything, and simply narrated it.

Worse than what Song Qingge heard.

Danbohou was hidden by the Li family, no one knew where he was hiding, no one knew whether he was alive or dead.

The Li family said that if the emperor did not decree to kill Danbohou, then he would personally kill Danbohou to avenge his granddaughter. Anyway, he is old enough to admit it even if he takes his own life.

Anyone with a discerning eye will know that someone is planning to frame this matter, but after all, Mr. Li witnessed the scene with his own eyes, and he wants to avenge his granddaughter no matter what.

Just because they knew that someone was planning to frame them, the Li family was indeed the victim, and Zhu Chuan and Xiao Jinyi couldn't do anything.

Even if the emperor is threatened, there is no way to deal with Mr. Li.

Master Li didn't do anything wrong, he just did what a grandpa should do.

The matter is very tricky, Zhu Chuan and Xiao Jinyi must find out the evidence as soon as possible, and find out who is behind the scenes, so as to save Dan Bohou...

(End of this chapter)

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