pastoral pretty girl

Chapter 1131 Embezzlement of family wealth?

Chapter 1131 Embezzlement of family wealth?

The glass shop, the shop selling spirits... are all reopened shops, and have nothing to do with the Shen family.

Originally, these five shopkeepers provided technology to cooperate with the Shen family. They reopened the shop, which had nothing to do with the Shen family's absence.

"Grandmother said I embezzled the Shen family's property? I would like to ask, what kind of property did the Shen family embezzle?" Song Qingge questioned back.

After hearing Song Qingge's words, Shen Nianen looked over anxiously, and couldn't help but said: "Qingge, listen to your mother, don't be an imperial merchant."

But after Shen Nianen finished speaking, the old lady looked back at her and immediately shut up.

"Your Majesty, Song Qingge invaded sixteen shops in the women's house, namely Qinggefang and Songjia Restaurant..." Mrs. Shen said one by one, the more she talked about Song Qingge, the more shocked she became.

Do you want to lose your face?

These shops are all owned by the Song family, how did they become owned by the Shen family?
"Your Majesty, these are all properties left by my father. They belong to the Song family, not the Shen family. The land deed is now in the hands of the women." Song Qingge thought it was a little funny. Could it be that Mrs. Shen is crazy?

During the contact with the Shen family, Song Qingge always felt that this old Mrs. Shen was very smart, but she turned out to be a lunatic.

"From the Song family?" Mrs. Shen sneered, and continued: "After Nian En brought these shops back to the Shen family, they have all been transferred to the Shen family's name!"

Faced with Song Qingge's questioning, Mrs. Shen threw a blockbuster!

The shop was transferred to the Shen family more than ten years ago?

Song Qingge frowned, and looked at Shen Nianen, who was full of pain, what was going on?

"The woman has told her more than once that the shops belong to the Shen family, but she just said that those were left by her father, and stole the title deeds from her mother in a despicable way... Nian En brought these shops When she returned to Shen's house, she was already heavily in debt, but in order to keep the property that her deceased husband had worked so hard for, she knelt down and begged the women for help..."

Mrs. Shen's words are completely different from when she was in Shen's house.

She said that the shop left by Song Decai was on the verge of bankruptcy, and it was precisely to raise money that Song Decai took the risk to deal with bandits, who knew what would happen.

Shen Nian'en begged to the Shen's house, Mrs. Shen couldn't bear to see her daughter sad, so she agreed to give her money to help.

But the premise of helping is that these shops must be transferred to the Shen family, after all the Shen family does not belong to Mrs. Shen alone.

And Shen Nianen agreed to this request, and the shop has been transferred to the Shen family.

Song Qingge is now occupying these shops by force, taking away most of the profits every month, which is equivalent to embezzling the Shen family's wealth.

Not only that, Song Qingge also used these properties to qualify as an imperial merchant and became the emperor. Mrs. Shen felt that Song Qingge had to return those shops to the Shen family, along with the money she had earned in the past few months.

Similarly, she is not qualified to become an imperial merchant!
Song Qingge really doesn't know how to describe the mood at this moment, there are such shameless and shameless people in the world, really...

Zhou Xian glanced at Song Qingge, "How do you explain this?"

"Your Majesty, she was spitting blood. At that time... so Dad had already made arrangements, leaving the seal to the steward next to him in advance. Without this seal, the transfer of the land deed would not count at all!"

Song Qingge replied coldly.

Mrs. Shen has exhausted all her organs, but she never imagined that there is still Guo Min!


After listening to her words, Mrs. Shen actually laughed...

(End of this chapter)

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