pastoral pretty girl

Chapter 1352 Shao Qingchang Sudden Illness

Chapter 1352 Shao Qingchang Sudden Illness

There is only one great philanthropist in Luoxin City, Mr. Shao. When Song Qingge first arrived in Luoxin City, he felt the enthusiasm of the people for the great philanthropy.

The last side, isn't it?

Because of the common alliance of enemies, Song Qingge and Shao Qingchang had some intersections, and the relationship was quite harmonious.

Although Shao Qingchang is old, but when he competed for the imperial business that year, he insisted on persevering in the snow-capped mountains to the end. Even in the winter, even if it was windy and snowy outside, he was only in thin clothes. How could he leave so quickly?

"Father, let's go to Shao's house." Song Qingge felt that Shao Qingchang's death must have been tricky.

"No, you can't run around now, there are too many people over there, go home first, Dad will find out the news for you." Xiao Zhi dared not let Song Qingge squeeze into the crowd, and immediately refused.

Song Qingge's eyes fell on Suifeng, who was watching the excitement, hoping that he could help her, but this person ignored him.

In desperation, Song Qingge went back to wait, Xiao Jinyi sent someone to help her investigate, and got the news after a while.

"Master Shao died of illness and just left. Now the Shao family is in chaos, and everyone is vying for the position of Patriarch. The loudest voice is Second Young Master Shao Guang."

"Second young master Shao Guang?"

It's not strange that he died of illness, but Song Qingge showed a surprised expression when he heard about the second young master.

Xiao Jinyi also raised his eyebrows, he also knew Shao Guang.

Because this person died two years ago!
The reason why Song Qingge came to Luoxin City was that he had a problem with Shao Jie's cloth business, and after a long lawsuit, Shao Jie died suddenly.

But on the day Shao Jie died, something pointed to Shao Guang. Song Qingge went to Shao's house to confront Shao Guang, but learned that the second young master was bitten to death by a dog and poured dirty water on Dahu. And Xiaohu.

If it was the second young master, there might be someone else, but there is only one second young master named Shao Guang.

"That's right, I heard that he returned to Shao's house suddenly three days ago. He said that he was arrested before and released. He was locked up with Shao Qingchang in the study for an hour. After he came out, Shao Qingchang ordered the Shao family to be handed over to him."

He came back three days ago, Shao Qingchang died after issuing this order, there must be a connection between the two.

The members of the Shao family also felt that Shao Guang's sudden appearance was too strange, besides, Shao Qingchang didn't like him very much before, so why did it suddenly spread to him?

The most important thing is that Shao Qingchang's body has always been strong, and it is even more strange that he suddenly died of a sudden illness.

So the Shao family was in chaos, and the whole family refused to accept Shao Guang. Before Shao Qingchang was buried, they fought over the family wealth.

Song Qingge frowned and thought, she always felt that things were not that simple.

Suddenly, she thought of one thing.

"Yi, do you still remember the familiar person I saw in the capital? I think he is Shao Guang."

When Dan Bohou had an accident, when she and Mrs. Zhu went out, they met a person who they thought was familiar but had never met before, but that person recognized her.

The second time when Shen Nian'en assassinated her at the door, that person also appeared.

Song Qingge never remembered who he was and where she met her. After hearing the news about the Shao family just now, she finally remembered why she felt that person was familiar, because he looked somewhat similar to Shao Qingchang.

It's just that she always felt that Shao Guang was dead, and she had seen the rest of the Shao family, so she didn't think about the Shao family.

If that person is Shao Guang, that means he has already joined the alliance!
(End of this chapter)

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