pastoral pretty girl

Chapter 1361 Qualified Person

Chapter 1361 Qualified Person

"Sister, sister, I'm here. Why is your stomach so big?" As soon as the broom came, he ran towards Song Qingge, talking about the snacks Song Qingge made for him all the way.

Song Qingge was shocked when she saw Gao Cheng and Broom. Luoxin City is not peaceful now, why are you still here?
"Because my sister has a baby in her womb now, and in a few months the broom will have younger brothers and sisters." Song Qingge pulled the chubby broom, pinched his fleshy little face and said.

She already liked children, and after she became pregnant, she liked children even more.

"Brothers and sisters? Will they jump out of my sister's stomach?" Broom was surprised.

"Of course, when the time comes, the broom will take them to play, and give them delicious food and toys, okay?" Song Qingge teased the little broom.

Hearing this, Broom's small face suddenly collapsed, and she blinked her big eyes, "Sister, I think it's better not to let them jump out, because Broom is too tired and can't earn enough to eat by itself." of silver."

The broom is in a free range state on the mountain, and now Gao Cheng is teaching him something, he is used to it and doesn't want to learn it.

In order for him to study hard, he said that he would not be able to learn without giving money. Without money, he would not be able to eat at the Song Family Restaurant. For the sake of delicious food, he persisted every day.

Song Qingge said to give his younger siblings to eat and play toys together, his small body can't bear it!

The broom managed to make everyone laugh, and then stretched out his chubby little hand to ask for money, which he likes very much now.

After reminiscing about the old days, the old lady took the broom to play, and the rest of the people went into the study.

Song Qingge's belly is getting bigger and bigger, Xiao Jinyi is worried, and takes her by his side all the time.

"Father, this is Uncle Gao." Xiao Jinyi introduced to Xiao.

It was the first time Xiao Xun and Gao Cheng met.

Regarding Gao Cheng's arrival, Xiao Xun and Song Qingge were a little puzzled and looked at him curiously.

Gao Cheng looked at Song Qingge's belly and smiled, "I didn't expect to be pregnant with two little ones at once. Zhiwei likes children the most. She will be very happy if she is here."

In his eyes, Mu Zhiwei is the most important person.

Song Qingge took Xiao Jinyi's hand, smiled softly, and silently comforted Xiao Jinyi, lest he would feel sad when he heard Mu Zhiwei.


Song Qingge looked at Gao Cheng in disbelief, because she thought of one thing.

Xiao Jinyi told her about Mu Zhiwei. When Mu Zhiwei was about to leave the palace, no one agreed. Even Zhang Qingshan persuaded her to stay. There was only one person who always stood by her side.

Zhou Song, who was already crowned king at that time!

When she saw Gao Cheng, she wondered why he came, but she was not surprised after thinking about his real identity.

Gao Cheng is Zhou Song, he is the only surviving son of the first emperor, and the only one who is qualified to sit on the throne.

Zhou Xian was not from the Great Zhou Dynasty, so none of his sons were qualified to become the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty. All other offshoots who were qualified to inherit the throne were all secretly killed by the Queen Mother and Zhou Xian.

Princess Yuwan definitely has the blood of the Zhou family, but she is a woman and cannot sit on the throne.

Unexpectedly, after Mu Zhiwei's death, Zhou Song's heart died, and he didn't want to stay in the capital, so he left after feigning death, and survived as Gao Cheng.

Going back to Beijing with Gao Cheng and disclosing Zhou Xian's secrets, I believe that the ministers of the DPRK and China will definitely support Gao Cheng.

After Xiao Jinyi's introduction was over, Gao Cheng smiled and said to Xiao Shi, "I'm Gao Cheng, also called Zhou Song."

(End of this chapter)

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