Chapter 1545

Song Qingge was responsible for finding Scar, but after Guzi appeared, Scar also snatched the hydrangea away, obviously very dissatisfied with Guzi.

Dao Scar regards Zhou Xiaoxiao as his younger sister, and there are really few people who can be remembered by him, so let him take care of Zhou Xiaoxiao today.

Furthermore, Song Qingge understands Zhou Xiaoxiao's careful thinking, and this matter is indeed Gu Zi's fault, so it's good to teach him a lesson, let Zhou Xiaoxiao vent his anger, let Gu Zi know how to cherish, and the future life of the two of them will be better. will be better.

Scar is no ordinary expert, there are not many people in the world who can beat him.

He appeared to snatch the hydrangea, and the others had no chance.

But Scar didn't hold the hydrangea in his hand, but kicked it to the opposite eaves, then sat down next to the hydrangea, took out a jar of wine and began to drink.


Everyone looked at this scene in shock, what is going on?

The hydrangea is right by his hand, and he can get it with his hand. Does it count as his?

Scar's sudden attack shocked many people, but Gu Zi was not included. Gu Zi had already leaped into the air and flew towards the eaves where Scar was.

He and Zhou Xiaoxiao are finally getting together, and no one can stop them.

After Gu Zi shot, Pan Jie also reacted, and immediately ordered people to fight for it. Except for the two of them, no one else made a shot.

Everyone in the capital knew about Zhou Xiaoxiao and Guzi's affairs. After Liu Xinyue's incident was exposed, many people supported them to be together.

For the remaining half, I gave up after seeing the knife scar, and I couldn't grab it at all.

Half of the people Pan Jie hired went to stop Guzi, and half flew towards the roof where the scar was to fight for it.

Originally, the streets were densely packed with people, but after the fight, the two groups left quickly for fear of being affected, and the streets became empty in the blink of an eye.

Zhou Xiaoxiao watched nervously, Gu Zi's injury was not completely healed, and he might not be the opponent of those people hired by Pan Jie.

What if it was really snatched by Pan Jie?
Zhou Xiaoxiao was very grateful for the appearance of Scar, and she hoped that Scar would not give the hydrangea to anyone other than Guzi.

After Guzi fought with Pan Jie's men, someone had already reached the roof and rushed towards the hydrangea.

Before anyone could touch the hydrangea, he was kicked off the roof.

"Scar's kick is really beautiful." Song Qingge clapped his hands while eating fruit.

Xiao Jinyi didn't even look at it, and continued to prepare all kinds of food for Song Qingge. He thought it was very good. There were only the two of them in the room, and it was great that no one bothered.

After the person was kicked off by Scar, other people came again, but the ending was the same, they were all kicked off the roof.

In short, no matter who goes up, they can't escape Scar's kick.

In the end, several people decided to go up together, and the result was still the same.

Scar sat firmly on the high ground, drinking comfortably, without being influenced by anyone.

Gu Zi beat the other six by himself, but he was injured and his body has not fully recovered, so he was not an opponent at all.

Kicked off with one kick, he got up and continued to rush over.

Scar was torturing those hired by Pan Jie from above, while Guzi was being abused from below. It seemed that their anger had all been vented on Guzi, and the attack was particularly ruthless.

It's just grabbing the hydrangea ball, not daring to kill anyone, and it is stipulated in advance that no weapons can be used, only fists and kicks.

Even so, punches and kicks were unbearable.

After a while, Gu Zi was covered with bruises, but he still did not give up, got up quickly after falling down, and continued to rush over...

(End of this chapter)

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