pastoral pretty girl

Chapter 1635 Refutation for him

Chapter 1635 Refutation for him
Insiders are hated by people. When it comes to insiders, I believe that no matter who they are, they will gnash their teeth. Because of this, the speed of spreading is very fast, and it spreads in one night.

When Liu Shengnan heard the news the next day, he was so angry that he asked someone to argue for a long time, but no one believed her.

Even those who were on good terms with her on weekdays began to doubt Scar.

If the cooperation is not successful, the village will lose a lot of income, the road down the mountain cannot be repaired, and the things in the village cannot be transported out, so the income will decrease again.

The most important thing is that the next cooperation may not be able to be achieved, which is as terrible as losing in the [-] village competition.

Liu Shengnan didn't know how many times she had quarreled with people. If these people were not from the villagers in the village, she would have done it long ago.

After returning home, seeing him busy cooking for her without any influence at all, she was relieved. She was really afraid that he would be sad because of it.

Scar seldom goes out, unless Liu Shengnan pulls him. Today he was basking in the sun on the roof and didn't go out.

The strange thing is that when he was lying on the roof basking in the sun, he suddenly felt that the roof was a bit hard, and it was still very hot, and he was not comfortable at all.

Liu Shengnan likes the food made by Dao Scar very much, but she is too angry today, her mind is messed up, and she is a little absent-minded when eating.


Scar looked at her furrowed brows, and inexplicably his brows furrowed too.

Hearing his words, Liu Shengnan immediately shook his head, "No, let's have dinner, how about you teach me how to cook tomorrow? We won't go out these days."

She didn't want Scar to know.

Scar nodded, he could see that she had something to hide, but if she didn't tell him, he wouldn't ask.

"Hey, I knew that I would buy more wine when I came back last time. I really missed the strong wine down the mountain. I suddenly felt that the wine in the village was too weak."

When some people are irritable, they like to drink to relieve their worries, and Liu Shengnan is like this.

But when you are in a good mood, it is good to drink some wine brewed by the village itself. At this time, drinking strong wine is enough.


Scar raised his eyebrows, the corners of his lips raised slightly, he knew what to give her.

Xiao Jinyi gave Song Qingge all kinds of novelty little things every three days, and he also gave her gifts often.

The next day, Liu Shengnan said that he would stay at home with Dao Scar, but she was worried about the rumors outside, and finally couldn't bear it and ran out.

Saying one is one, she must remove the suspicion for Scar.

After she left, Scar got ready quickly, and Song Qingge came up with the method of distillation and purification. He would purify her favorite wine into spirits, and she would definitely like it more.

Two people, one at home and the other outside, are busy working hard for each other.

That night Liu Shengnan came back exhausted, and after she argued hard, four village leaders came out to speak, and gradually some people stopped doubting Scar.

Although she is a minority, Liu Shengnan is still satisfied. She will definitely get better if she continues to work hard.

"Huh? Why is there such a strong smell of wine in the yard?"

As soon as Liu Shengnan entered the yard, he could smell the mellow aroma of wine, which was very familiar, but slightly different.

After hearing her voice, Scar ran over with a jar of wine and handed it to her, "Taste it."

Liu Shengnan was a little puzzled, lowered his head and sniffed, his eyes lit up instantly...

(End of this chapter)

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