Chapter 1660


Xiaodao was being trained how to chase and catch prey quickly, when he suddenly saw a stranger coming in, he howled and rushed out.


Liu Rou was walking with her buttocks twisted, with two lumps on her chest trembling, all she was thinking about was how to deal with men, who would have thought that a "dog" would suddenly pop out, and she sat down on the ground in fright.

Fortunately, the knife is more humane, and will not attack people who have no offensive power.


After Xiaodao found that he was scared to the ground with only one cry, he happily ran to Dao Scar to ask for a reward.

Scar took a piece of meat and fed it, and didn't think there was anything wrong with the knife scaring people, but thought it did a good job.

One person and one wolf continued to train without even looking at Liu Rou.

Liu Rou was really frightened, she shed tears, but after seeing Xiao Dao obediently squatting beside Dao Scar eating meat, she stroked her chest, beat herself silently, and then called to Dao Scar, "Okay Brother, I'm so scared that I can't stand up, can you help me up?"

elder brother?Dao Scar raised his eyebrows, stood up and walked towards Liu Rou.

"I screamed as soon as I entered the door, wouldn't it be too fast?"

The person squatting outside frowned.

"Facing Liu Shengnan, a manly woman every day, and seeing such a woman suddenly, how can I bear it?"

"That's right, there is no man in the village who can hold down Rourou."

"Hurry up and get Liu Shengnan back, it will be over in a while."

"Do you think everyone is as useless as you? If it wasn't for that kid who has the ability to make Liu Shengnan so obedient?"

"Hey, I must have slept comfortably."


A few people said wretchedly, and left Liu Shengnan's house, ready to find Liu Shengnan back, and there will be a big drama of catching rape!
"It doesn't count if you say it, it's only if your man says he won't accept it."

"That's right, women shouldn't meddle in men's affairs."

"We want to see your man."


At the foot of the mountain, a large group of people surrounded Liu Shengnan, yelling loudly, they finally got the sweetness and found a way to make money, how could it be gone so quickly?
"Young master has the final say on the affairs of my uncle. Besides, don't you all say that my uncle is a spy? Why are you calling me now?"

"The young master said that he would not accept it, so he would not accept it. If it weren't for you, would it implicate everyone? Go back quickly."

"If you want me to say, I owe you a blow. Young Master, don't be shy, just cut it with two knives."

Most of the people in the village are on Liu Shengnan's side, and there are still many people who are sensible.

In other people's business, buy it if you want to buy it, and don't buy it if you don't want to buy it. Why force people?Coupled with the previous incidents, Liu Shengnan felt that it was not easy, and these people in the village were too much.

Liu Shengnan has always been a master of taking soft things rather than tough ones. If these people talk to her well, apologize and ask for forgiveness, she is afraid that she will be able to accept this wine so that they will not suffer losses.

But now they want to force her, none of them!
"I, Liu Shengnan, leave my words here. Even if I continue to collect wine, I will not accept wine from you people. If anyone dares to sell wine for you, I will not accept even the wine. What can you do?" In her hands, she is not afraid of these people.

"Everyone go to the government to sue her, I don't believe that no one can take care of her!"

Go to the government?Liu Shengnan almost laughed out loud, maybe their brains were squeezed by the door?

And at this moment, someone in the crowd suddenly yelled, "It seems that Liu Rou went to sell wine to the young master, and she hasn't left the yard..."

(End of this chapter)

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