pastoral pretty girl

Chapter 1768 Her Whereabouts

Chapter 1768 Her Whereabouts
Chu Yuanyi immediately regarded Zhu Chuan as a bad uncle who lied to him. He had a bad impression of him before, and this time it was even worse.


Zhu Chuan was so depressed in his heart, didn't he say that children are easy to deceive?Why is this shrewd person in front of me so smart?Besides, I didn't want to lie to him, as long as I found out his mother's whereabouts, I could take him to find Song Qingge.

"Ahem, change it again. I haven't learned how to make cakes yet. When I learn how to make cakes, I'll make them for you, okay?"

Facing this little face that resembles Chu Ya, Zhu Chuan really has no temper at all.

When he was on the mountain, he was also the one who was manipulated.

"Forget it, I'll eat whatever I do, and you won't do it anyway if I say so." Chu Yuanyi muttered with a laugh.


Zhu Chuan didn't dare to answer the conversation this time, if he really said something he wouldn't do, it would be even more difficult to explain.

He ran out to make breakfast, and when he came in with egg pancakes, vegetable pancakes, and milk, Chu Yuanyi had already packed them.

He learned the first two from the recipes, and he learned about the milk from Song Qingge. It is good for children to drink milk, but not many people drink it now. Fortunately, he found a female who just gave birth to a calf in the city. ox.

Chu Yuanyi grew up in the palace, and was used to eating delicacies made by cooks. Except for the ones his mother said, he had eaten all kinds of delicacies.

"Huh? What is this?"

"Egg pancake, try it if it tastes good." Zhu Chuan said hastily.

Chu Yuanyi took a bite out of curiosity. It tasted better than boiled eggs and scrambled eggs. Then he couldn't wait to eat the vegetable cake, which tasted even better.

"Brother Prince doesn't like vegetables the least. If I give him this cake, I'm sure he'll like it, then—"

The vegetable cake was delicious. Chu Yuanyi naturally thought of his best friend. The crown prince didn't like vegetables very much, and the queen was always worried. He thought that if it was this kind of cake, he would definitely like it.

But he stopped in the middle of the conversation, and he actually missed the words.

"Brother Prince?" Zhu Chuan frowned. Could it be that he is really a prince?
"Ahem, don't get me wrong, my elder brother's name, his surname is Tai, his first name, Taizi, not those two characters." Chu Yuanyi immediately changed his words, and suddenly felt that the uncle in front of him was too cunning, and he was almost caught after a meal. Cheat out the secret.

How could Zhu Chuan believe his explanation, but then Chu Yuanyi kept his head down while eating without saying a word.

After the two of them had breakfast, Zhu Chuan decided to look around the capital, especially the imperial palace, for the suspects.

But before he entered the palace, Pei Wenrui was ushered in.

Pei Wenrui secretly left the palace and came directly to Zhu Chuan without revealing his identity, pretending to be a son of a rich family.

Zhu Chuan was afraid that he would run away if he found out about Chu Ya, so he kept doing it in secret. Previously, he focused on Xize Country, while Nanyao Country had fewer people and was even more secretive.

Because of this, Pei Wenrui didn't know that Zhu Chuan was looking for Chu Ya, otherwise he would definitely not have allowed Zhu Chuan to enter Nanyao Country, and even came to see him for medical treatment.

Originally, Zhu Chuan planned to refuse, but now he still had important things to do, but later seeing the person who came with a sincere attitude, he reluctantly went out for consultation.

But when he put his hand on Pei Wenrui's pulse, there was a bang in his mind, as if he had been hit hard by a hammer.

The poison in the man in front of him is exactly the kind of medicine he has researched to suppress desire. He has never given it out in the past five years, so only Chu Ya has it in the world!

 Thank you Qi Zhuzhu for your reward~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~
(End of this chapter)

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