pastoral pretty girl

Chapter 307 Apologize

Chapter 307 Apologize
After Liu Xiaomi came back from the town, she went to the mountain to look for Song Qingge. She did something wrong, so she couldn't pretend that nothing happened.

Before entering the door, I heard Xiao Jinyi's happy laughter in the yard.

"Miss, look, the tiger will sit down."

"My lady, Xiaohu actually pretended to be dead."


Xiao Jinyi was smiling in the yard, every word was inseparable from Song Qingge, and he shared all happy things with her.

Hearing this, Liu Xiaomi felt more and more that she was wrong.

After Xiao Jinyi's accident, she and Lou Jinniang got close and often saw Xiao Jinyi. At that time, he was as innocent and cute as he is now, with a smile on his face often, but he was different from now.

She could feel that Xiao Jinyi was still lonely at that time.

just now……

He is truly happy.

Xiao Jinyi is Song Qingge's reliance, and Song Qingge is not everything to him.

"Dabao, open the door for auntie." Liu Xiaomi shouted through the door.

"Auntie, come and take a look. What the lady taught me can really make Dumb sit down. It is very obedient. Dahu, please sit down and show Auntie." Song Qingge was cooking in the room, Xiao Jinyi took Dahu Tiger and Tiger are playing outside.

The two dogs grew up very fast, getting bigger every day.

Dahu and Xiaohu are fierce-looking dogs, but they are obedient in front of Xiao Jinyi, and occasionally act coquettishly.

"Ah, you are really so obedient. You are showing it to your aunt, will Xiaohu know it?"

"Little tiger hasn't learned it yet, no way it will pretend to be dead, little tiger, be sure." After Xiao Jinyi finished his words, Xiaohu immediately lay motionless on the ground, as if he was dead.

Liu Xiaomi looked at it in amazement, these two dogs are really amazing.

"It's so powerful. We will have two of them to guard the house in the future, let's see who dares to come."

People often come to the courtyard on the mountain, not only the Xiao family, but after having Big Tiger and Little Tiger, it has stopped a lot.

"The big tiger and the little tiger are so powerful that even fat people are afraid of them." Xiao Jinyi boasted.

Mentioning Hao Qingfeng, Liu Xiaomi smiled. The two dogs probably liked to bite him because they saw how fleshy he was.

"Go ahead and play, auntie, go and have a few words with your wife." Liu Xiaomi often came to the mountain and was as familiar with this place as her own home.

The gate opened, and the big and small tigers wanted to run out. The yard was too small for them to run, so Xiao Jinyi followed him to the mountain.

"Sing lightly."

Liu Xiaomi opened the door and saw Song Qingge cooking. Liu Xiaomi was very envious of her cooking skills. Any simple ingredients would become delicious in her hands.

"Auntie is here." Song Qingge smiled, and kept cooking.

In fact, she figured it out after she came back, and felt that there was no need to be angry at all. Xiao Jinyi would never marry any woman, so no matter what others said or thought, it was all empty talk and assumptions.

Why be angry about something that didn't happen?
Liu Xiaomi was ready to speak coldly, but she didn't expect Song Qingge to behave as usual.

"Auntie is here to apologize to you. What happened today is because Auntie didn't think carefully. It's all my fault. She actually said those stupid things..."

Hearing this, Song Qingge smiled, "I know my aunt didn't do it on purpose, and I shouldn't get angry with you."

Song Qingge knew what kind of person Liu Xiaomi was. Sometimes under certain circumstances, she would say something she regretted, but that was not her intention, so there was no need to hold on to it.

Besides, she also knew why Liu Xiaomi would do that...

(End of this chapter)

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