pastoral pretty girl

Chapter 934 Family

Chapter 934 Family
There were only a few kebabs left, and the man had just arrived when Song Qingge and Xiao Jinyi finished picking the apricots, and they ate them up in a short time.

"Uncle, come home with us and cook again for you. My wife will cook a lot of delicious meals, and I will cook too. By the way, Datou will be here in a few days, and the meals he cooks are even more delicious."

Xiao Jinyi was very happy, pulling the man and talking.

He has been particularly possessive of Song Qingge recently, and he doesn't want Song Qingge to cook for others, and he only cooks for Song Qingge himself.

Facing the man in front of him, he actually said that he wanted to cook for him, Song Qingge was very surprised, and at the same time felt a little uncomfortable.

It's as if she has always been the most important existence in Xiao Jinyi's heart, and now this position has been robbed.

Why is Xiao Jinyi so nice to men?
Seeing Song Qingge's expression, the man patted Xiao Jinyi on the shoulder and joked, "Your wife should be jealous for being so kind to uncle."


Song Qingge lowered her head in embarrassment, wishing she could find a crack in the ground and get in.

When Xiao Jinyi heard the man's words, he turned his head to look at Song Qingge, and said with a smile: "Lady, don't worry, my uncle just arrived today, so I treat him better today, and I will treat my wife the best in the future."


This time Song Qingge didn't want to drill into the ground, but buried Xiao Jinyi.

She said it as if she was competing for favor with a man, really...

The man smiled softly, looking very happy.

It was getting late, and the three of them were going back to the city to reminisce about the old days. Under Xiao Jinyi's warm invitation, the man agreed to live in their house. Originally, he had already found a place in Luoxin City.

Xiao Jinyi held Song Qingge in one hand, and carried tools in the other. The apricots and plums were held by men, and it looked like a family from a distance.


When the three of them arrived at the gate of the city, this faint atmosphere of happiness was broken.

"Xiao Shangshu went out of the city, and Sun Zhifu has prepared a banquet for you, this way please."

A familiar face of Song Qingge came to the gate of the city. It was the county magistrate who was sat down by Duhu a few days ago. He came alone, half kneeling respectfully in front of the man, quite like a dog leg.


Song Qingge was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the man beside him. Xiao Jinyi, the mysterious uncle, was actually a high official in the court.

"Please tell Prefect Sun that the reason why you came one day earlier is to meet family members whom you haven't seen for a long time in private. Today is the day to reunite with the Tu family. If you want to come to Prefect Sun, you will understand."

The man has no official airs at all, even if he meets a county magistrate whose official rank is much lower than his, he is very kind.

However, Song Qingge couldn't hear a trace of emotion from his words, and there was a sense of alienation in his politeness, which was completely different from when he spoke to Xiao Jinyi.

In fact, Zhixian met Song Qingge and Xiao Jinyi from the very beginning. He thought it was the shops among Song Qing singers that attracted this one, but he didn't expect that he was talking about family members!
Song Qingge and Xiao Jinyi are his family members, isn't it...

Thinking of this, he was afraid for a while. He actually offended Song Qingge in order to please the Shao family before. How dare he know that they have such a relationship.

"Are Miss Song and Mr. Xiao part of your family? No wonder Miss Song..." In order to make up for his mistakes, he hastily dropped a bunch of good words.

At the same time, he was also testing whether Song Qingge and Xiao Jinyi were his family members, if not...

(End of this chapter)

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