pastoral pretty girl

Chapter 951 The Naked Threat

Chapter 951 The Naked Threat
As soon as Xiao Shiren left, people from the alliance came to him, which was too much of a coincidence.

"I've already thought about it, Mr. Zhu doesn't allow me to leave, I'm sorry." Song Qingge replied with a smile.

She and Xiao Xun had already discussed it, and when people from the alliance came to find him, they said that Zhu Chuan would not agree.

After hearing Song Qingge's answer, the man sneered and mocked.

"It seems that we have found Xiao Shangshu as a backer. Since Miss Song disagrees, we will not force it. When Miss Song changes her mind, see you later."

After finishing speaking, he gave Xiao Jinyi a meaningful glance, then turned and left.


A naked threat!

The look he gave Xiao Jinyi before he left was definitely intentional, which made Song Qingge's heart lift up.

"Miss, don't be afraid, they can't beat me, and there are experts invited by Zhu Chuan to protect us." Xiao Jinyi saw Song Qingge's worry, hugged her and comforted her.

"Well, but you must protect yourself." Song Qingge was most worried about him.

In fact, it doesn't matter if she herself is caught, what the other party wants is money, and there is no benefit in killing her.

Just like the Shao family, all the rights are in the hands of Shao Qingchang, and except for Shao Jie who has some business acumen in this generation, the others are not good at all. If the Shao family is to become a permanent cash cow, it must have the support of Shao Qingchang.

So they killed the two sons of the Shao family, or they could kill more people, but they would not do anything to Shao Qingchang.

"Don't worry, lady, if I can't beat them, let the other me wake up." He had already thought of a countermeasure.

Song Qingge didn't want him to fall into a deep sleep, but treated him specially at special times, and nodded towards him, "Once you find danger, don't try to be brave, just call the other one to wake you up, you know?"

Originally, Xiao Jinyi's kung fu was very high, and few people could hurt him.

Song Qingge couldn't guess when the alliance members would show up, there was no need to hide all the time, life had to go on.

"Let's go up the mountain to pick mushrooms. If we can find them, let's eat chicken stewed mushrooms at night." Putting aside the matter of the alliance, he smiled at Xiao Jinyi.

"Okay, it's been a long time since my wife's stewed chicken with mushrooms and forest frogs. We will be able to catch them in a few days." Xiao Jinyi missed the food that Song Qingge made for him this time last year.

"Well, find some people to buy a large number of wood frogs this year, and make more snow clam oil, so you can earn more money."

Last year, snow clam oil sold well, but the quantity was small, and many people are looking forward to this year.

"There are also pine nuts, we need to pick more. Let's keep them for ourselves."

He didn't forget anything that Song Qingge took him to do.

It's unbelievable to think that at this time last year, the two of them couldn't even afford meat, and now they can earn several 10 taels a month.

The two walked up the mountain, talking about the interesting things that happened in Niutou Village, chatting and laughing, and soon reached the mountain.

It's just the beginning of autumn, and the mushrooms have just grown. It just happened that it rained the night before, so it's a good time to pick mushrooms.

Luoxin City is very large and rich, and the nearby villages are not particularly poor. There are not many people picking mushrooms on the mountain. Song Qingge and Xiao Jinyi found a large pine forest and picked up mushrooms after walking for a long time. Today's dinner has landed...

(End of this chapter)

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