pastoral pretty girl

Chapter 968 Answers

Chapter 968 Answers
Except for Song Qingge and Shao Qingchang, the other eight shopkeepers were all guessing that this matter was too weird.

Song Qingge knew why Shao Qingchang did this, smiled gratefully at him, and reached out to take the signal.

The guard in charge of verification did not prevent Shao Qingchang from handing over the signal to Song Qingge, which proved that this method is feasible.

Seeing this, several other shopkeepers also gave gifts to each other, and gave their chances to the shopkeeper who had a higher chance of seeing them. They are all in a cooperative relationship.

Song Qingge actually already had a bold guess in her mind, but as those shopkeepers said, the seal was too obvious, even the emperor had written it, and there was absolutely no mistake, so she hesitated.

Now with the signal from Shao Qingchang, he has a lot more confidence.

There are two answers, one of which is definitely right.

After the signal was turned off, Song Qingge walked up to the guard, took out a note and handed it over, "I'll verify this."


"A paper?"

"Could it be that the answer is written on this piece of paper?"

"How is it possible, the word "Huang Shang" is clearly written on the seal."

"I wonder what's written on it."

"However, there are two chances. If you make a mistake, you can verify the seal."

"I think it must be the seal."

"Hurry up and finish the verification, let's verify the seal again."


Several shopkeepers have almost completed the verification, so they came over to watch the fun.

They thought that Song Qingge's hesitation had something better, but they didn't expect it to be just a small note.

They are no strangers to the little note. They found many things all the way up the mountain and helped them eliminate many items.

"Shopkeeper Song wants to verify this?" The guard in charge of the verification finally changed his expression slightly, and asked in surprise.

"That's right, to be precise, what I want to verify is the answer to this riddle, Sun!"

Tens of millions of wealth can't be bought, so they are sent up every morning.

The first thing Song Qingge found after going up the mountain was this riddle. She was a little happy when she picked it up, but after she guessed the riddle, there were no useful clues.

I found some clues later, almost all of them were useful, except for this puzzle.

And just before she verified the seal, the conversations of those shopkeepers before the treasure hunt came to her mind. Today, today is a person who does not play cards according to common sense, and the results are often unexpected.

He sent a group of people to the snow mountain to look for treasures in winter. How could there be such straightforward treasures?
Looking at the two big characters of Huangshang under the seal, it seems to be mocking someone who is happy to find something.

First make you so happy that you think you have gone to heaven, and then you will be reversed, and you will be knocked down to hell in an instant.

Song Qingge thought that Xiao Xun and the shopkeepers' words to the emperor were just such a person full of evil tastes.

So she hesitated, not wanting to be ridiculed for verifying the seal.

As for this puzzle, Song Qingge felt that its appearance was too abrupt and useless, but there were some problems.

Furthermore, after she and Xiao Jinyi came to the top of the tree just now, looking at the distant scenery, it seemed to be covered with a layer of golden light under the reflection of the sun.

There is also the first sentence of the puzzle, which is also related to wealth, and she is more and more sure that it is not thrown out randomly to confuse everyone.

The more unlike it is, the more it is the answer.

After listening to Song Qingge's answer, the guard looked at the note in his hand, crushed it casually, and then a dazzling signal rose into the air...

(End of this chapter)

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