pastoral pretty girl

Chapter 992 The Simple Woman

Chapter 992 The Simple Woman

In front of the roasted hare, a certain man's sense of existence was much lower. After hearing what he said, Song Qingge remembered to feed him first.

"You roast slowly first, and I will feed him."

When his meal is finished, the rabbit can be roasted.

After approaching him with the bowl, his expression changed drastically, "Zhu Chuan, wait a moment, his wound was just hit and bleeding."

I actually forgot about this...

Song Qingge felt that if it was Dabao lying here, she would never forget it.

Hearing that his wound was bleeding, Zhu Chuan put down the roasted hare and walked over quickly to check.

"It's okay, I can't die, just change some medicine and it will be fine, but why is it bleeding again? The medicine was changed when I left. Could it be that you were rough on him?" Zhu Chuan was puzzled as he lifted the medicine box and prepared to change his medicine road.

"Of course not, it's for his convenience, I—" Song Qingge hurriedly explained.

"Huh? And then?" Zhu Chuan leaned over curiously, gossiping.

He could clearly see why the wound was bleeding. He didn't expect a man to be so shameless at that scene. He was really worried about this innocent woman.

How could Song Qingge say those embarrassing things, directly saying that she was too weak to hold her steady, and asked him to say it before leaving next time.

Xiao Jinyi lay there with his eyes closed. With such a deceitful woman and another deceitful self, I really don't know how the two of them have lived so well and earned a lot of money...

If Song Qingge knew what was going on in his heart, he would definitely punch him in the chest twice.

She's not stupid at all, okay?

All because of him!
Every time I am in front of him, I am always in a hurry unconsciously, and my brain is not enough.

Besides, Dabao is very smart, not stupid at all.

Zhu Chuan bandaged Xiao Jinyi's wound again, and then went back to continue roasting the hare. Song Qingge put two cushions under his head, and fed him one spoonful at a time.

This time, she didn't say anything about letting him eat by himself, because she knew that she would still have to feed him in the end, and she didn't want to waste time.

Little did he know that Xiao Jinyi didn't intend to let her feed him yet, but since she offered to feed him, he would not refuse.

He lay in bed for three days without eating, and quickly finished a bowl of porridge, but he didn't dare to let him eat too much at once, and continued to eat at intervals.

After feeding him, Song Qingge also drank a bowl of porridge. She didn't eat much these days, so let her stomach warm up first, so as not to hurt her stomach from eating roasted hare.

After a long wait, the hare finally exuded a seductive fragrance. Song Qingge couldn't take anything else in her eyes and only stared at the rabbit's legs.

"Half of us."

Zhu Chuan also licked his lips and drooled, he hadn't eaten for a long time, it looked really good.

One person tore a leg and ate it directly with his hands, so that it tasted delicious.



The two looked at each other, and Qiqi looked at Xiao Jinyi who was lying there, and smiled triumphantly.

It feels good that some man can only watch them eat now.

"Hey, what a pity, you can only drink some porridge now, and you won't be able to eat such delicious rabbit legs." Zhu Chuan hesitated.

Although Song Qingge didn't say anything, she was still smiling, so happy.

Xiao Jinyi turned his head and glanced at the two people squatting on the ground eating, with black lines all over their heads, "You didn't wash your hands!"

One got medicine and blood on his hands when he changed his dressing, and the other was holding a bowl to feed him, and he just ate it with his hands, really...

(End of this chapter)

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