Chapter 191 Beacon Love. King Jin Arrives
The base of the rebels is not in the city, but in their lair in the mountains.

Gently followed behind Hua Wuhen, dressed in men's clothes, cautiously, and looked around from time to time.

Although it was daytime, the garrison was surrounded by torches, smoky, and shirtless men everywhere.

The costumes are also from the Fan clan, and they seem to be improvised equipment.

Wei Wei involuntarily lowered her eyes, because everyone saw that although Wei Wei was dressed as a man, but his appearance was beautiful, his eyes became more and more like hungry wolves, and Wei Wei's heart was frightened.

Hua Wuhen saw it sideways, and felt a little guilty in her heart.

After a while, only Hua Wuhen was allowed in, but Qingqing and Hua Wuhen's escort were stopped outside.

Gently opened his mouth to shout "Hua——"

Before he was called out, the moment Hua Wuhen walked in, he turned his head, through the white jade mask, slightly felt that it was a comforting gaze.

She raised the corner of her mouth and nodded to him, which was a response to Brother Hua.

I never thought that this was my farewell to him.

Waiting there quietly for the meeting, but when Brother Hua didn't come out, he urged the people around him from time to time, "I wonder if Brother Hua is in danger?"

At first, the subordinate was very relieved, after all, the master's kung fu is beyond the enemy of ordinary people, but he couldn't stand the gentle persuasion, and worried that these people would trick him.So one person was left behind, and the other two left. They wanted to see where they could get in.

After a while, the camp became commotion.

"The thief Qi is coming!" "The surprise attack is coming!"

In the confusion, those Di people picked up the guys and got on the horses.

The horses neighed and went on a rampage.


Before the words were finished, a dark horse rushed over from Qingqing's side.

He rolled over in fright.

Just as he was about to get up, a group of noisy bandits rushed over and was almost trampled to death.

Wei Wei doesn't care about waiting for Big Brother Hua to come out, it's important to run for his life first.

At this time, the flow of people was strong, and she could only run away along the crowd, otherwise she might be trampled to death.

At last she ran out of the camp and came to a path at the foot of the mountain.

At this time, there was a fierce battle in the valley at the foot of the mountain. Only the neighing of horses, melee and shouts resounded through the valley.

The sound of killing behind her shook the sky, and she staggered and ran out.Unexpectedly, the chariot rolled towards her, so she had to turn back.

The black chariot rolled and ran over the flesh, and the car passed by, bloody and bloody; the sound of horizontal knives slicing in the air, everywhere was decapitated, and blood splattered everywhere; the spear pierced through the back, and the man on the horse had hideous eyes and fell off the horse instantly .Most of them are Di people.

It was the first time in this life to see such a battle scene.

I don't know when, the sky began to rain heavily.

This is a battle to suppress the bandits. The Qi army attacked the bandit's lair first, and the two sides faced off fiercely in the valley.

There was a bloody smell in the rain.

Gently paralyzed under a tree, he had long forgotten to escape, as if his soul had gone out of his body, his eyes were dull.

After an unknown amount of time, she gradually regained consciousness.

The clothes were soaked and wrapped tightly around her body, exposing the woman's curves, while the trouser legs were soaked in blood, which made her look very embarrassed.

A wave of refugees passed by here, some picked up valuables from the dead, and some fled with valuables.

"Hurry up, girl!"

The kind-hearted aunt poked her wobbly.

Only then did she come to her senses, looking at the corpses strewn all over the field behind her, she shouted in her heart: Brother Hua, there will be a period later!
He turned his head slightly, no longer hesitated, and joined the fleeing team of refugees.

Since fate always makes such jokes on herself, she can only go with the flow.

Since then, Ning Qingqing has lost contact with anyone.

The cold rain that has come for several days has made many people suffer from wind and cold.Ning Qingqing is no exception.

Because too many people died, the plague gradually arose.

Gentle only felt that his whole body was being burned, and he couldn't feel the cold.The reality, however, was that she was trembling and trembling.

On the ruined temple on the hillside, there were lying all over the place moaning and tortured by the sick.

Looking at October, the cold wind is gradually picking up, and everyone has few clothes to keep out the cold.

Qingqing has long been unable to care about good or bad, so she stripped off the dead man's clothes and put them on.Because of this, everyone is sick together now.

The night passed, and the high fever survived gently.

My mind is still chaotic.Last night, she had a lot of dreams.Dreaming about my mother, I said to myself, gently, you have to live for your mother, don't hate your father.

He even dreamed of Xiao Zijun, dreaming that not long after he married into the palace, he had been looking for his faults with a cold face, always picking on her.Just why, she thought it was a kind of warmth in retrospect.

She had heard it said before that when she was not feeling well, she often dreamed of her deceased relatives, or people she didn't want to see.

Isn't it?She dreamed of her mother and King Jin.

She can't die, can't die.She wants to see her father and ask him to understand.How did my mother die?Does father love mother or not?And why was he dumb and stupid all the time?
Suddenly, a series of cries came.

Someone was crying there. It turned out that two people failed to survive last night and died.

Looking at their pain of losing their loved ones lightly, I couldn't help empathizing with them, and shed tears.

Grief suddenly gave her strength, and she couldn't go on like this.

Holding on to her body, she walked up the mountain step by step.

"Girl, where are you going? There will be thieves over there!"

Wei Wei knows, but now after the flames of war, there is only food to eat in that mountain area, the grassland where they are located has all been dug up, so there are no herbs to find.

Hunger, cold, displacement, disease and danger enveloped their group of refugees, they either lived or died.

Everyone seemed to be waiting for their fate, and she Ning Weiqing had to take this step.

The war has lasted for more than half a month.

Entering October, the Northern Qi court sent important figures to supervise the progress of suppressing bandits here.

King Jin was in the big tent, looked at the battle map of this place overnight, and chatted with the general who came to suppress the bandits and put down the rebellion.

Looking at the night, he asked the general who will have military affairs tomorrow to go back to rest, but he couldn't fall asleep anyway.

It's not that I'm not tired, but that the battle situation is really anxious.

Just about to rest, General Li of Xiling County came.He had just learned that King Jin had arrived, so he came all the way from afar.

In the inner tent, after midnight, there are still people talking there.

"As the prince expected, the riots between Di and Qiang were related to instigation by unknown people. Before the riots, someone subsidized them with a large amount of weapons and money."

"The last general guessed that it was the remnants of the Northern Han Dynasty. Some Qiang people even made a slogan to restore the Northern Han Dynasty."

The current regime of the Northern Qi Dynasty is the replacement of the Xuanyuan Dynasty of the Northern Han Dynasty.It has been 80 years since the Northern Han Dynasty was destroyed.In the past 20 years, there was almost no news of the activities of the remnants of the Northern Han Dynasty.

Why did it suddenly appear?Where did they end up?

(After the third shift, we will meet tomorrow. Thank you for following along. PK will be held on the 15th and 19th of the article, and at least [-] words will be updated every day.)
(End of this chapter)

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