Chapter 497 Treating the Princess as Gentle
Xiao Zijun who came out already heard the sound of crackling and throwing things from the room.

Someone came and said, "The princess lost her temper and dropped the candlestick, and she is crying right now."

"Let her go."

Su Yourong sat in the dark and cried for a while, and finally someone came over.

She heard the footsteps of a man, but she felt no fear at all.

Finally, the footsteps stopped, "Are you still here?" Xiao Zijun's voice said.

"Otherwise where would I go? Anyway, I'm going to marry you, right?"

Xiao Zijun smiled suddenly, such a Su Yourong had a bit of Ningqing's temper when he was young.

In the darkness, Su Yourong saw a big hand reaching out.

"Get up."

Su Yourong also stretched out his hand, and he pulled her up from the ground with all his strength.

The two of them were very close to each other. In the darkness, they couldn't see her face clearly, only her pair of eyes were shining brightly, as if they were the pair of eyes that were haunted by dreams.

In the dark night, what emotion is conveyed.

"His Majesty……"

Su Yourong's voice was soft and trembling.

Xiao Zijun said in a deep voice, "Don't talk."

She smelled a faint smell of alcohol, so she obediently remained silent.

In the dark, the beauty does not speak, this feeling is a bit like a dream, as if it is Ning Qingqing.

Su Yourong was so courageous that he stretched out his hand and hooked Xiao Zijun's neck.

At this moment, Xiao Zijun's blood gushed out.

How long has he never had a woman.

The girl in her arms started to move her head closer and kissed him on the side.

Xiao Zijun hugged her horizontally and walked towards the inner couch.

He was short of breath, and kissed her face, feeling a little intoxicated, he murmured: "Gently..."

At first, Su Yourong was immersed in shyness and joy, but now she heard that he called someone else's name, she was a noble princess, how could she bear such treatment.

This is simply a shame.

She suddenly pushed him away, "Who does Your Majesty think I am?!"

"I, Princess An Ran, am not those lowly women out there!"

Such words also suddenly woke up Xiao Zijun.

He got up and stood by the couch, and said in a sad tone: "I'm drunk, I don't mean to offend."

"Since the princess has returned safely, I will send someone to escort the princess back to Wu Kingdom tomorrow."

"What? Your Majesty wants to send me away?!" She began to cry, "Brother Huang sent me to Beiqi for marriage, yet you sent me back?!"

"The princess's thinking is too simple. Even if the princess arrived at the Northern Qi Palace safely, I still treated each other with courtesy. How could the marriage be rushed? Now that the princess has been robbed, the marriage can only be temporarily suspended, let alone this But the border is very dangerous. When everything is settled, the two countries will get married again."

"Come here, send the princess back to the wing."

"Don't touch this princess!" Princess An Ran snorted coldly, not letting the maidservant come and leave in a fit of anger.

In the room, there was only silence and darkness.

Xiao Zijun sat by the couch, thinking about what happened just now, he blamed himself a lot.He actually regarded other women as her.

Suddenly the lights in the room came on.

Although there was only one lamp, he found it very eye-catching.


He has a bad tone.

The person who came in did not turn off the lights, but said, "Your Majesty, the room is too dark."

It was Lin Yue who spoke.

Only then did he slowly raise his head to look at Lin Yue, "Then dim it down."

Lin Yue looked around, looking for scissors, but Xiao Zijun took out his dagger and shortened the candle wick with ease.

The flames dwarfed, and their shadows were reflected on the wall.

"Lin Yue, do you have any wine?" King Jin asked him.

"There is a wine bag." Lin Yue is a good drinker, because there is not much wine in this villa, so he went to the kitchen to steal a wine bag after dinner.

He handed it over and said apologetically, "Your Majesty, this wine is not very good."

Xiao Zijun drank a few sips, and suddenly said: "Lin Yue, when I was young, I liked to drink the most kind of wine at the border, which was Xinfeng wine. Later, people talked about Sangluo wine, Tusu, Luo Fuchun, and I drank them intermittently. But it’s not as good as Xinfeng Wine.”

Lin Yue said with a smile: "That's because your Majesty misses the past, and always thinks the old is better."

"Nostalgic? I drank Xinfeng wine later, and it completely lost the taste of drinking at the border. I don't know if the winemaking skills are poor...or is there something missing?"

Between the words, Lin Yue could hear a little drunk.

"Your Majesty tastes the feeling of the past. Although the wine is the same, the people are different after all." After finishing speaking, Lin Yue felt a little regretful and blamed himself for talking too much.

Your Majesty is clearly nostalgic for the past.These days in Xiling County, His Majesty has revisited his hometown and missed Mrs. Ning.

In the end, His Majesty was drunk and staggered.

The maidservant of the villa was about to come forward to serve, but His Majesty brushed her away vigorously, "Get away from me!" Everyone was so frightened that they retreated, and Lin Yue had to serve alone.

Xiao Zijun lay on his back on the mat, and Lin Yue took off his summer boots one by one.

Xiao Zijuan on the couch was muttering drunken things, like dreaming, "She always said that her eyes hurt, and the bright light would hurt her eyes... She doesn't like—"

"Turn off the light, turn it off... Otherwise, I won't be able to dream of her..."

Lin Yue's heart ached.

Suddenly remembered, a long time ago, when His Majesty was still in the palace, he always felt that the lights in the study room were not bright enough. Unknowingly, the master's habits had already changed because of that one person.

It was late at night, and the surroundings were very quiet.

There is a summer breeze blowing in the air, and the cicadas gradually recede.

A cry broke through the dream.

Ning Qing sat up suddenly, put his hands on his chest, panting heavily.

The lights in the room were lit instantly, and Ning Qing felt a sharp pain in his eyes for a moment.

The maid Caiwei stood up in her clothes and came over to ask: "Princess, are you dreaming?"

Ning Weiwei was still terrified, and his tone was not good at the moment: "Quickly turn off the light! Turn it off!"

Caiwei said, "Move the lamp out first, the princess doesn't like to turn it on."

The moonlight came in, and she sat in the darkness lightly with her black hair loose. Then she woke up, grabbed Caiwei's hand and murmured: "Caiwei, me, I'm having a nightmare again."

"Princess, don't be afraid, don't be afraid." Seeing that the princess seems to have calmed down, Caiwei asked, "Did the princess dream about someone beating and killing again?"

Gently nodded, "I dreamed that there was war and blood everywhere, and there was a man chasing me covered in blood, wearing a scary mask, feeling very fierce and fierce. He seems to have appeared in my dream more than once , always wearing purple robes."

Caiwei frowned and said, "Princess, could it be someone you knew before?"

In the moonlight, Wei Wei paled, and thoughtfully said, "This man feels rather fierce, I do think I've seen it somewhere before. Could he be a bad guy?"

"Princess, don't think about it, it's just a dream. Recently, you are taking medicine to nourish your body. After a while, you will remember the past."

He breathed a sigh of relief, "About the past, I also have a general understanding. I know that the past may be painful, but I still want to remember it."

(The third watch is over. Thank you for your patience)

(End of this chapter)

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