Chapter 617

The two men in black braced themselves, looked at each other, and then shouted: "Kill—"

It's just that before the words were finished, the man in black let out a pained face and fell to the ground suddenly.

At this time, some escorts came out of the room, "Protect the prince—"

Before His Royal Highness could utter the words, the person wearing the golden crown in the main hall suddenly raised his arms, and the room fell silent.

Qing Chuan thought, this person is a prince, how could it be Luo You?

That's right, I was confused, more than half an hour ago, the back of a person who passed by me looked very much like Luo You, and this member of the Beimo royal family also looked like Luo You.

Could it be that he thought too much about him and had hallucinations?

The Northern Mo prince turned around slowly, without saying a word, staring straight at the person who was walking with him in front of him.

The man had a round waist and broad shoulders, and suddenly knelt down, "His Royal Highness, please punish him, the last general has neglected his duties. Everyone just wants His Highness to appreciate the enthusiasm of Ulan City..."

"It's a pity, General Qiu." Uwe Prince Luo You sneered, "There is an allusion in the Han people called the Hongmen Banquet. I understand the enthusiasm in the general's mouth, and I also appreciate the sinister intentions of General Qiu!"

"Your Highness! I, Qiu Linzhi, am worthy of King Zuo Xian—" Before he could finish speaking, he saw Prince Uwe's kick hit Qiu Linzhi's heart.

Everyone watched the old general, who was always physically strong, fly away by this kick. Qiu Linzhi was surrounded by his subordinate generals and his son.

There is no doubt that Prince Uwe's kung fu is definitely superior to General Qiu's, but if all the generals join together, Prince Uwe will not get any benefits.Even the two close officials, Wu Ji and Gu Xi, who had recovered Prince Uwe, felt a little worried for the prince.

How can a Prince Uwe, who has yet to stand firm, want to get rid of a general who has dominated the grassland for decades with such confidence?
At this time, a group of armored soldiers rushed in from outside, holding torches, and the inside and outside were filled with water.

"Qiu Linzhi! You still have the face to mention my father?!"

Hearing this, Qiu Linzhi suddenly raised his eyes, which seemed to be guarded.

"King Zuo Xian was in danger of life and death back then because of the betrayal of his subordinates. This person is you, Qiu Linzhi!"

"You are spitting blood! King Zuoxian was besieged by people from King Youxian's former tribe and unfortunately died!"

"Back then the king left a blood book on my mother. General Wuji and Gu Xi were also by my side. The name of the traitor was written on the blood book. It was because of this blood book that the traitor chased after him for two years and finally burned me two years later. In my mother's house, although the blood book was destroyed, the son of King Zuo Xian is still alive, and my mother told me who that person is!"

Qingchuan was so frightened that he leaned against the corner of the dark place, more and more convinced that this person was Luo You. Although he couldn't see the whole picture clearly at night, the voice he spoke was very resembling.And because the prince mentioned the arson at his mother's house, Qingchuan suddenly thought of the fire in Luojiabao. Could it be that Luo You's surname is not Luo, but his biological mother is Han Chinese, from Luojiabao?

At this time, Wu Ji beside Luo You shouted loudly: "The matter has come to this, what else can General Qiu say?!"

Qiu Linzhi drooped his head, hehe sneered, "If you want to commit a crime, why is there no excuse?! Back then, when I fought with King Zuo Xian in the north and south, where did I see this kid!"

He angrily pointed at Prince Uwe Luoyou.

"Qiu Linzhi's thieves never change their minds. Tonight, by hosting a banquet for entertainment, they are actually committing an act of treason. Fortunately, His Royal Highness saw through it. Come! Take Qiu Linzhi and punish him as a crime of treason! Most of the generals who participated in the banquet tonight were deceived by Qiu Linzhi. His Royal Highness is lenient, and will not be held accountable any longer!"

Hurrah, armored soldiers swarmed to surround him, several of them stepped forward and dragged the seriously injured Qiu Linzhi up from the ground, but Qiu Linzhi's generals at the side honestly did not stop him, which is really strange.

Only his son saw this, and reprimanded: "Heaven, open your eyes and see! Father has been loyal all his life, if he intends to replace him, how can he wait for so many years?! Where is the conscience of the generals?!"

Qiu Linzhi's son was also captured, but he kept crying for injustice all the way.

"You villains from Wuji! A man from Qi suddenly became the son of King Zuo Xian. How can the prince we have been looking for for many years be so indiscriminate?! King Zuo Xian, open your eyes in the spirit of heaven!"

It was not accidental that Qingchuan stumbled upon such a huge event by accident.

If Luo You hadn't deliberately set up a middle game tonight and allowed the bad guys to let water in, Qingchuan would not be able to enter this courtyard no matter what.

If she couldn't enter this courtyard, Qingchuan wouldn't see the current Luo You either.

At this time, she was snuggling in the corner of the dark place, trembling, not daring to move.She heard several people yelling wrongs and cursing, only hearing Qingchuan's heart skip a beat, she stroked the baby in her womb, and then began to think about her own safety.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, she was dragged out of the darkness without warning.

The soldier reported to Uji in Beimo dialect: "General! A trespassing woman was caught!"

Wu Ji walked over with square steps and looked at Qingchuan. She was dressed in men's clothes, but she could be seen as a Han woman at a glance.The swollen belly indicated that she might be a pregnant woman.

But he had no sympathy at all, and only said: "All suspicious people will be taken away!"

"Let go of me! I just entered by accident!" Qingchuan refused to restrain her, but was pushed away from one side by someone.

She turned her head to look at Prince Uwe who was not far away, his profile was too similar to Luo You.

"Brother Luo! Brother Luo!" She shouted desperately.

Luo You was about to leave, but he heard someone shouting, Brother Luo, although very few people called him that, but he was the only one surnamed Luo present.

Luo You stopped at the end and looked at her. His face was expressionless, and he said lightly, "Let her come over—"

Qingchuan was escorted over.

Wu Ji and the others on the side said, "Your Highness, be careful of deceit! They may be traitors!"

Luo You also had this kind of defensiveness in his mind, but he was still curious.

Indifferent and sharp eyes flicked across Qingchuan's face and body, and his voice was cold, "Madam, who did you call just now?"

"Brother Luo, don't you remember me?" Qingchuan's eyes lit up, a little unbelievable, "I'm Qingchuan!"

He frowned quickly, and then returned to his indifference.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "Just a few days later, there are too many people who say they know His Highness, and you are the only one."

His cold eyes looked over her abdomen, "Ma'am, I advise you to recruit earlier, so as not to suffer." After saying that, he strode away.

Qing Chuan froze there, tears rolled in his eyes, but they couldn't flow out.

Luo You's last glance was piercingly cold.

He is no longer the old brother Luo.

Qing Chuan was restrained and tried to struggle, "Luo You! Luo You—" she shouted behind him, but the left and right soldiers directly covered her mouth and nose and dragged her away.

(End of this chapter)

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