Shenwu Battle Spirit

Chapter 506 Cat and Mouse!

Chapter 506 Cat and Mouse!

As soon as this remark came out, the smile on the chief disciple's face instantly froze, and the corners of his mouth twitched continuously. He was happy that his life was saved, but he never expected that Lin Hao would say such a sentence.

Pay for clothes with your life?This dress is too precious!

In the eyes of the chief disciple, apart from pleading, there was horror. He wanted to say some words of begging for mercy, and let Lin Hao let him live.

However, after he thought about it again, what Lin Hao said was clearly deliberately making things difficult for him, and the meaning in the words was that he must die!

If this is the case, the chief disciple believes that no matter how much he begs for mercy, no matter how much he kneels down to Lin Hao, Lin Hao will not change his mind, and will still kill him.

At this moment, the chief disciple had an idea in mind to make a living.

As the saying goes, dogs will jump over the wall when they are in a hurry, let alone people?
The chief disciple, since he awakened his martial soul, has been receiving the attention of the entire sect, and is loved by all the disciples. He is even hailed as the successor of the next generation of Yulongfeng. He has never been wronged, let alone kneel down to anyone Or begged for mercy.

Now, kneeling down to Lin Hao and begging Lin Hao to let him go is already his limit.

Even if he was asked to do the more humble things, he would not be able to do them at all, so he had already made up his mind and was ready to fight with all his might.

The chief disciple knew that although his strength was not as good as Lin Hao's, he still had the strength to fight. After all, his huge cultivation base in the soul queen period was not imaginary, but real. Even if he couldn't beat Lin Hao, he could still Run as hard as you can, don't you?

Although this is a small town of beasts, it is also in the gate of beasts, and it is very close to Yulongfeng.

The chief disciple has already made a plan. As long as he escapes and returns to Yulongfeng from here, Lin Hao will never be able to kill himself, because there are restrictions on Yulongfeng. People without waist cards will trigger the ban once they enter , thus being strangled by the ban!

After this plan appeared in the mind of the chief disciple, a gloomy look suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he sneered in his heart: "Hehe, Lin Hao, you are dead! In front of you, you are nothing but scum! As long as you dare to chase after me, I can guarantee that you will die a very miserable death!"

As he said that, the chief disciple's mind moved, and huge soul power burst out from his body again.

This time, the chief disciple directly released all the remaining soul power in his body, as if he wanted to give Lin Hao a full blow.


Immediately, there was a loud noise and strong winds, and the collapsed wreckage of the luxurious attic was instantly shattered and dissipated with gusts of wind.

Everyone was stunned by the actions of the chief disciple, and all cast surprised and mocking eyes on the chief disciple.

"What is this guy doing?"

"Do you still want to make useless resistance?"

"Lin Hao's strength is not something he can shake, he is courting death!"

"Just now, the chief disciple failed to injure Lin Hao in the slightest with all his blows. Isn't it useless to continue to attack now?"

"Who said it's useless? The chief disciple's blow is just speeding up his own death time!"

"That's right, the chief disciple is looking for death!"

"Lin Hao will definitely act decisively and kill him!"


Everyone was discussing, looking into the eyes of the chief disciple, as if looking at a fool, it was extremely weird.

After all, from their point of view, the strength of the chief disciple and that of Lin Hao are not at the same level at all. What the chief disciple should do at this time is to kneel down and beg for mercy, rather than fight back vigorously.

Because, counterattacking is of no benefit to the chief disciple, and it will not hurt Lin Hao at all. Instead, it will prompt Lin Hao to speed up his attack time and kill him completely!

Therefore, everyone felt that the chief disciple was committing suicide, and it was nothing at all!
As for Lin Hao, he didn't move at all. He didn't know what was going on in the chief disciple's mind. The only thing he knew was that the chief disciple was just an ant in front of him, and there was nothing to worry about, so Lin Hao didn't have anything else to do. What action did he make, and there was no change in expression, he wanted to see what the chief disciple was going to do.

In Lin Hao's eyes, the current chief disciple is like a small fish on the chopping board. No matter how hard he struggles, he can't return to the water, and the result is only death!

A loud noise pierced the sky, filled the sky with dust and dust, and drifted away with the wind, followed by a figure, which turned into light, pierced into the sky, and galloped away into the distance!

Lin Hao stood on the spot with narrowed eyes, a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "So I wanted to escape, but I wanted to see if you could escape from my Wuzhi Mountain." The figure also disappeared in the same place in an instant, chasing after the departing chief disciple.

As for the people present, they were completely stunned.

They originally thought that the chief disciple was going to attack Lin Hao, but no one could have imagined that what the chief disciple was going to do was to run away, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

"You're so cowardly, you actually ran away!"

"I thought he was going to fight Lin Hao to the death!"

"If he fights Lin Hao to the death, I still respect him as a man, but now it seems that he is a coward!"

"However, as the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about running out of firewood. I think the chief disciple is doing the right thing!"

"So what? Can he escape Lin Hao's clutches?"

"Look at the direction the chief disciple is escaping from, it's Yulongfeng!"

"As long as he goes to Yulong Peak, nothing will happen to him!"

"Yes, it seems that the chief disciple is not a fool, he knows where he is going!"

"Let's go, let's follow up and see, how could we miss such a wonderful pursuit!"


As soon as the words fell, the onlookers exuded their soul power one by one with great interest, and followed Lin Hao from a distance, rushing towards the direction of Yulongfeng.

At this moment, the chief disciple who was running fast in front frowned slightly, and muttered: "This Lin Hao's speed is not good, and he hasn't caught up after chasing for a long time. It seems that his strength is quite strong, yes, but the speed But it’s relatively weak! If that’s the case, if I go directly to Yulongfeng, won’t he follow? If he doesn’t follow, there’s no way to trigger the restriction and kill him! We still have to wait for him! "Speaking, he slowed down his speed.

What the chief disciple has to do now is not just to run away, but also to lure Lin Hao to trigger Yulongfeng's restriction and kill Lin Hao.

After all, Lin Hao made him suffer a humiliation he had never experienced in his life, and he had to kill Lin Hao to relieve his hatred!

Lin Hao chased after him from a distance, seeing that the chief disciple deliberately slowed down his speed, his eyes lit up, and he said with a half-smile: "The purpose of deliberately slowing down is to let me chase after him closely, and then trigger Yulongfeng kill me? Your plan is good, but unfortunately, you will be disappointed!"

As he spoke, Lin Hao didn't rush to catch up, but followed behind without haste.

In fact, if Lin Hao wanted to catch up with the chief disciple, he could have done it when the chief disciple left just now.

It's just that he was curious about what the chief disciple wanted to do, so he didn't directly take down the chief disciple.

Isn't it boring to take down the opponent all at once?It's fun to play cat and mouse slowly!
(End of this chapter)

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