Shenwu Battle Spirit

Chapter 516 A Tasty Town!

Chapter 516 A Tasty Town!

As for the crowd watching, they were completely stunned. No one could have imagined that the matter would develop to such an extent.

Not only did Lin Hao fail to kill the chief disciple, but he also let the chief disciple survive, which greatly exceeded everyone's expectations.

As for the chief disciple, after being abolished of soul sea and martial soul, and having no cultivation base, not only did he not have to die or live, but he was also much happier.

What's happening here?No one understands!
"Aren't they stupid? Why are they so strange?"

"Who knows? Look at the happy look of the chief disciple when he left, he can't be really stupid!"

"I reckon he is really stupid. If it were me, I wouldn't even have time to cry. How could I laugh out loud? Chief disciple, he must be stupid!"

"I think so too, it must be so!"

"There are strange flowers every year, especially this year. I saw two of them today!"

"However, I have to say that Lin Hao is really a bit of a master, since he doesn't kill the chief disciple."

"Yes, there are really very few people with such a heart. If I were Lin Hao, I would definitely kill the chief disciple very decisively."


There were fewer and fewer people talking, and the crowd gradually dispersed.

But there is no doubt that in the future in the beast town, everyone's discussion topics will definitely be inseparable from Lin Hao.

At this moment, Yushoumen has arranged a brand new residence for Lin Hao. Although it is not as luxurious as the previous attic, it is a quiet courtyard with fluttering green leaves and willows, which also has a special charm.

Lin Hao sat on the main seat in the main hall, threw a jade slip to the servant, and said calmly: "You follow the words on the jade slip and inform everyone in the town that they should fulfill their previous promises. gone."

The young servant's thin body trembled when he heard this, and he seemed a little caught off guard.

He never thought that Lin Hao would assign himself such a task.

However, he had heard the legend about Lin Hao countless times, so he naturally knew how powerful Lin Hao was, so even though he was a little scared, he still followed Lin Hao's instructions.

Within half a minute, the whole Beast Familiar Town was boiling again.

Before, almost everyone in the town had made a bet that if Elder Long didn't kill Lin Hao, they would eat shit.

Originally, at the end of the matter, everyone had forgotten about it, but it never occurred to Lin Hao that he still remembered it and sent someone to remind them that the promise should be fulfilled.

He even sent a special message saying that he remembered exactly what everyone who bet on at the beginning looked like, and it was best not to take chances, otherwise, if you let him know, the result will be a dead end.

Everyone believed in this. After all, the memory of a super strong man in the realm of the soul emperor can almost reach the level of photographic memory, so even though everyone was very conflicted in their hearts, they still bit the bullet and fulfilled their promises.

Therefore, the whole Beast Familiar Town also became weird.

In the past, the most popular places in Yushou Town were the bazaar, soul beast market and tea houses and restaurants.

But today, the place that was supposed to be very lively turned out to be extremely deserted. As for the deserted hut in the past, it was full of people, extremely lively and noisy.

"Brother, how much shit have you eaten?"

"Not much, just one bowl, full."

"Brother, do you feel good, or do you do well?"

"The dry one is the best, it will be stuffy in one mouthful!"

"Damn it, who made this shit? It's like a rock, it can't be bitten at all!"

"Damn, let's take it easy, my shit is full of water, not chewy at all!"

"Damn it, this shit is too hot!"

"Ahem, can I say, is the corn flavor I ate? If there is no chili in it, it will be perfect!"

"Hehe, I ate sauerkraut beef flavor, who the hell eats sauerkraut beef noodles, stand up and see if I don't kill you!"


Accompanied by the noise, a strong smell of dog feces spread in the air of the whole Beast Familiar Town, and even the birds in the air were much less.

As for the topic of everyone, it gradually changed, and the word "shit" was inseparable from half a sentence.

There is no doubt that today's Yushou Town is a town with flavor.

It wasn't until midnight that the huts in Yushou Town gradually quieted down, and the disciples of Yushoumen who went to clean the huts were completely stunned.

They never expected that today's hut would be so hastened that the inside of the pothole is so clean that it can be used as a mirror!
As for Lin Hao's small courtyard, Mu Yun's face was pale, and he lay on the grand master's chair as if he had collapsed, motionless.

She has completely convinced Lin Hao, and also convinced the people in the entire Yushou town.

She never thought that everyone would eat shit.

Although she didn't go there, she smelled the smell in the air and imagined a scene of a group of people grabbing shit to eat, and her stomach rolled and she vomited continuously.

Now, she doesn't know how many times she has vomited, she only knows that if she continues like this, her stomach will vomit out.

Lin Hao, on the other hand, sat on the grand teacher's chair with a relaxed expression. He knew that everyone should be responsible for his own words and deeds.He didn't force everyone to eat shit, but everyone wanted to eat it.


But at this moment, Lin Hao frowned suddenly, and after scanning the entire hall with his eyes, he always felt that something was missing.


Lin Hao narrowed his eyes and asked, "Have you seen Chen Xing?"

As soon as this remark came out, Mu Yun frowned, then shook his head and said, "I didn't see it all day today!"

"Are you sure?" Lin Haoxun asked again, his expression gradually becoming serious.

"Sure!" Mu Yun nodded hurriedly, she knew something must have happened!

"Hehe." Lin Hao sneered, and a strong killing intent flashed in his eyes.

He didn't go to Chen Xing, because he knew that Mu Yun didn't lie to him, that Chen Xing was really missing, otherwise, when he came back, Chen Xing would obediently follow him and never leave him.

The most important thing is that Lin Hao knows that Chen Xing will never escape alone. She must have been taken away when she disappeared. As for where she was taken, it is also obvious!
Except for the people in the black market, no one knows who Chen Xing is and where he came from.

Therefore, Chen Xing must have been taken away by someone in the black market.

As for why the people in the black market want to take Chen Xing away, the purpose is also very simple.

People in the black market didn't know Lin Hao's appearance or his name, so it was extremely difficult to find Lin Hao who was making trouble in the black market and driving Gu Changfeng crazy!

However, even if they don't know what the black market man looks like, they do know what Chen Xing looks like!

Therefore, as long as they capture Chen Xing, they can use this to lure out Lin Hao who caused a black market that night and drove Gu Changfeng crazy!
The mastermind behind the black market is fishing!

(End of this chapter)

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