The tyrant's sweet pet petite bag

Chapter 211 Find out the root cause of all sick surnames in the capital

Chapter 211 Find out the root cause of all the sick people in the capital
But today, King Jinyuan did not come to feed Xiao San, but to ask Long Live Lord: "Brother Huang, where is Chacha?"

He stewed a pot of rotten lamb today, just to watch the chubby baby drooling.

Ever since the Pumpkin Conference ended, King Jinyuan always suddenly recalled the scene of Chacha asking him for sauced beef, and the more he thought about it, the better he got.

He is the majestic King of Jinyuan, only Long Live Lord, the Supreme Emperor and the Empress Dowager are entitled to taste his culinary skills, but he just couldn't hold it back. After holding back for a few days, he finally couldn't bear it and brought his hard dishes into the palace.

Lord Long Live smelled the smell in the food basket and thought that Chacha must like it.

"Chacha was taken to the Royal Garden to play with Concubine Ning and Concubine Hua, so you can put the dishes here. I will let them bring Chacha to Tongxin Hall for dinner later."

But King Jinyuan didn't think so in his heart, how could he bully that playful fat baby in front of the emperor's brother.

"Brother Huang, this dish of lamb is made from eight-month-old lamb, which is made with 49 kinds of spices, and then stewed slowly for three hours. In order to avoid affecting the taste, I should personally deliver it to Chacha."

Long Live Lord agreed, after all, the baby girl loves to eat so much, he must let Chacha eat the best mutton!

"Okay, then you go."

King Jinyuan succeeded, and his mind jumped for joy: "My brother will leave."

Before leaving, he exchanged eyes with Xiao San, neither of them accepted the other.

After King Jinyuan left, the two chatted again around the topic of "living gods and priests" in the capital.

"I heard that when a sick person goes to the temple to ask for a "living god" to appear, a three-year-old child must be offered as an offering before the appearance. The sick person will recover immediately after eating the "magic pill", but The three-year-old toddler who was offered by the common people seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, and there was no news after the offering.”

Long Live Lord has been unable to eat or sleep for the past few days because of this incident, "I also secretly sent Gu Qin out of the palace to inquire, I believe there will be news soon."

Eunuch Li was thinking about the small steps, came in with a dust whisk on his arm, and respectfully said: "Your Majesty, Mr. Gu Qin asks to see you."

Lord Long Live sat majestically on the dragon chair, "Xuan."

Gu Qin changed into the crimson bodyguard uniform, came in and knelt down to salute: "My humble servant sees Your Majesty."

Long Live Lord couldn't wait to raise his hand to signal him to get up: "How is the investigation going, have you found any evidence to punish the fake Taoist?"

Gu Qin shook his head with a heavy face and said: "Return to Your Majesty, I have been investigating for several days, but I haven't waited to catch the fake Taoist priest."

Long Live Lord sighed for a while, and just picked up the teacup to extinguish the anxious fire in his heart, he heard Gu Qin say again: "However, I have also found out an important matter."

"Whatever you find out, you finish it in one breath."

Gu Qin: "Oh, back to Your Majesty, although I didn't directly catch evidence that could expose the fake Taoist priests pretending to be 'living gods', after many days of investigation, I found out that the root cause of all the sick people in the capital is water. "

Xiao San was listening on the side, puzzled: "Water?"

If Gu Qin hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it: "Yes, it's water. I saw with my own eyes that the disciples of the fake Taoists poured a kind of water into the well that draws water every day when the people are all asleep in the middle of the night. The white powder, I thought, that white powder should be the key to the common people's illness."

(End of this chapter)

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