The tyrant's sweet pet petite bag

Chapter 832 "I can't sleep when I hear you coming."

Chapter 832 "I can't sleep when I hear you coming."

Reborn: "!!!"

Little Fourteen, you want to kill brother, don't you?

Even dare to say such a terrible thing, do you know how much disaster this sentence will bring to my brother! !
I'm afraid let alone tonight, even tomorrow night, the next night, from now on... the chances of him getting to bed are very slim...

Xiao Shisi's words startled Jiang Cha, they grew up together, how could Jiang Cha not know Chong Yan's character?

After marrying He Anjia, Chongyan still takes concubines?

Anyone who knows about rebirth knows that this is impossible!
It's not because they didn't dare to re-exist, but because the relationship between the two is good.

Although He Anjia always seemed to be fierce towards Chong Yan, but when was she willing to be the real murderer, or was she really willing to be cruel?

Chong Yan had a strong feeling that he was about to become a loner with no wife or daughter.

So he anxiously yelled at Su Yue who was not far away: "What are you still doing there in a daze? Why don't you hurry up and explain it to me!"

If he hadn't softened his heart and brought Su Yue back to the house today, how could so many messy things have happened!

Su Yue shook her shoulders in fright, and walked from the corridor to the yard without daring to raise her head.

Looking at her, Jiang Cha could even feel that she was trembling slightly with fright.

He Anjia pulled Jiang Cha aside, and said in a low voice, "Chacha, don't be fooled by her appearance, in order to go back to the palace with us, she played a lot of tricks on her." Work!"

Jiang Cha was a little surprised, she didn't expect Su Yue to be brought back from the outside by Chong Yan.

Not being a maid and having no status, her status in the palace is extremely embarrassing.

He Anjia continued: "Also, you must keep an eye on brother Ying tonight, and don't let her take advantage of it. Do you understand why you must be cautious?"

Jiang Cha nodded solemnly.

During the time when Jiang Cha and He Anjia whispered, Su Yue's heart was suffering.

Zhongyan urged her: "You should hurry up, you said we have nothing to do, nothing to do with you at all! I just took you back to the palace because you were pitiful. Since you have nothing to do now, I will send someone to Send you back!"

Chong Yan is now eager to drive Su Yue out of his sight.

He and He Anjia usually have a lot of small fights, but they have never been serious, but this time Chong Yan felt that He Anjia was not joking, she could tell by the look in her eyes that she was serious Treat Su Yuege as a thorn in the flesh.

This was also because He Anjia cared about him. Otherwise, if the two of them had no feelings for each other, even if they had ten concubines, they wouldn't expect He Anjia to be jealous.

Su Yue didn't speak, just lowered her head.

If people who don't know the situation see it, they will think that Jiang Cha and the three of them are bullying the few with more...

And Su Yue is the weak one.

It just so happened that Murong Ying woke up at this moment. He came out of the house wearing a gorgeous brocade and supported the door frame. Jiang Cha immediately spotted Murong Ying's figure, and Dang Li ran towards him non-stop: "Drink so much Liquor, why did you get up from the bed? How about it, after drinking the hangover soup, are you still dizzy, do you want to go back to the room and lie down for a while?"

Murong Ying shook his head, held Jiang Cha's hand with a tired face, and said lazily, "I can't fall asleep when I hear you coming."

(End of this chapter)

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