Jin Tingjiao

Chapter 143

Chapter 143
Qiu Shi and Wen Yuanzheng were stunned by his generosity, they winked at each other and retreated in a blink of an eye.

How to settle this matter is Han Dun's business, and they will never be so stupid as to stand up for Song Jiao and make things difficult for Prince Yan's mansion!
In the blink of an eye, the hall was empty.

He Lanzhun walked up to him: "Why do you always love to make things difficult for yourself?"

Xiao Huai didn't respond to eating fresh fruit.

"The lord has already passed on Huo Jiu, and he is on his way from Ding Prison."

Xiao Huai pinched the two tea leaves in the pot, and somehow said: "Then congratulations, you are unlucky to see me again."

He Lanzhun was about to speak, when a servant came in hurriedly from outside the door: "Just now, someone from the Palace of Compassion and Ning stopped Mr. Wen at the gate of the palace, reprimanded him for his ineffectiveness, and ordered the Ministry of Rituals to stop forcing his son's marriage.

"Just now, people from the Han family also came, urging Second Grandma Qiu and Miss Song to return home quickly."

He Lan frowned.

The servant said again: "My lord still has an order, please ask Master He Lan to send someone to meet Master Huo on the way, so he doesn't have to come."

He Lanzhun's brows immediately frowned into the tea balls in Xiao Huai's hand.

Shen Xi took Xiao Huai's handkerchief and thought for a while, then got up and went to the fish tank under the curtain and bent down to take a picture. Seeing the honey stains on his mouth, Fang felt that he had lost his appearance earlier.

He hurriedly took out the silk and wiped it carefully, then folded his handkerchief and put it on the case again, and went out.

Su Yan sent her out of the palace gate.

Just as he was about to pay his respects and get on the car, there happened to be another flying rider outside Duanli's door, and the dust that was raised was all over Shen Xi's side.

It was actually a good hand with seven or eight horses.

The leader was a blood-sweat horse, with a red gold fox's head as big as a cup on the horse's locks, and the man on the horse was in his early 20s, handsome and handsome, with a tall nose bridge slightly hooked, showing a bit of a prey.

The man reined in his horse when he came up to him, his gaze slid across Shen Xi's face, and he asked Su Yan, "What happened in the mansion?"

Su Yan nodded at him slightly: "I don't know how small."

The man didn't ask any more questions, so he rode his horse and entered the palace directly.

Shen Xi asked curiously, "Who is this?"

Su Yan paused for a moment, then frowned and said, "Your Excellency, the prison supervisor of King Yan's Mansion, the male fox Huo Jiu, who is known as one of the three prides of the manor, doesn't Miss know?"

Shen Xi paused.

Huo Jiu entered the Chengyun Hall, untied the sword under the door and handed it to the servant, and then entered the door to salute King Yan.

"Your subordinates have already arrived when they received the news. Why did you receive the order from the prince to withdraw when you arrived at the door?"

King Yan lit a piece of ambergris and threw it into the incense burner.

"Your trip was in vain. Before you came to be executed, the crown prince had already handed over the proposal to the emperor to the palace. It is the Compassionate Palace that is in a panic now."

As he spoke, he turned around holding the incense plate, raised his eyebrows and said, "Not only does he not have to be punished now, but he also ended the mess on his own. How about the way to fight back?"

Huo Jiu paused, lowered his eyes and said: "In the hearts of my subordinates, only the prince can be called a real hero."

King Yan smiled and walked out of the bead curtain slowly.

When he got under the throne, his smile suddenly faded away.

"Unfortunately, he still doesn't look like me enough."

Aunt Pei said that day that there is a saying in Yan Wang's residence that "the blue dragon and the white tiger merge with the male fox".

The green dragon is Xiao Huai, the white tiger is He Lanzhun, and this male fox is Huo Jiu, who is in charge of the "fixed prison" of the five-army governor's mansion.

Huo Jiu was rescued by King Yan from the dead.The name was also given by King Yan.All his life, he only obeyed the order of King Yan, and he never paid attention to the emperor.

He is not as casual as Xiao Huai, nor as gentle and humble as He Lanzhun, but his ferocity is unmatched.

He didn't easily get in touch with people, but the prisoner who fell into his hands, the king of Yan had told him that he would only leave one breath, so there would never be a second breath.

It's just that he stays in the outskirts of Beijing all the year round, so Shen Xi really doesn't pay much attention to him.

When she returned to the mansion, she followed Wang'er to the streets to pay attention to the news of Yan Wang's mansion and Han's mansion.

As for the Han family, Song Jiao was directly welcomed into the Anrong Hall when she returned to the mansion.

Wen Chan had already learned the story from her servants, and when she saw Song Jiao, her expression was serious. Although she didn't say anything, she was obviously a little sullen at the result.

If Song Jiao could become the Crown Princess of the Yan Palace, not only would the status of her daughter and son-in-law rise accordingly, but her grandmother would also be the icing on the cake. Unexpectedly, she spent so much time in the etiquette department, but the negotiation still failed!
Xiao Huai clearly took Song Jiao's sachet, so it can be seen that he was interested in that thing, but why did he refuse it again?

And why did he immediately mobilize his subordinates to hand over papers to the Compassionate Ning Palace after he went out and came back?

She felt that he must have met someone on the way.

As for this idea, it is likely that this person came up with it.

Otherwise, it would be unnecessary for him to send Song Jiao there, and he could just hand over the booklet to the palace!
She couldn't figure it out.

Who could this person be?How did you come up with such an idea of ​​using offense as defense?

The emperor is only ten years old, so far no one has thought of proposing marriage to him. How on earth did this person think of taking advantage of the fact that the royal family is weak and helpless, and directly turn against the army in the palace?

Of course, the Empress Dowager Zheng couldn't bear him to set up a trick for herself, so she let him make a backhand move about the forced marriage, and it was resolved in the blink of an eye!

After Song Jiao quit, she said, "Go and find out, who has Xiao Shizi hired as his staff recently?"

Her calculation here is in vain, so why doesn't Song Jiao feel resentful in her heart?
After returning to the room and sitting there for a while, the fire in my heart was still strong.

She usually doesn't talk much and doesn't like to show her face in public, but this doesn't mean she is a person who is willing to take offense.

She didn't dare to provoke Xiao Huai, and she couldn't blame her if he couldn't pick her, but he looked down on her completely, but it made people feel aggrieved!

She has a strong appearance, and she is not weak in talent, so even if Xiao Huai is superior in all aspects, she may not be unworthy of him.

Wasn't it an offense to her to be rejected as nothing by him?

If he didn't mean anything to her, what did he want her sachet for?If he was interested in her, why did he bluntly refuse?

Isn't it worthwhile for her such a condition to make him pretend for a while?

But she also knew that no matter how angry she was, there was nothing she could do with him.

Who made him high enough to look down on everyone?
But having said that, if he hadn't possessed such an identity, would she still be worried about the position of concubine in this world?

Waking up early in the morning, Shen Xi took Pearl to Qionghua Terrace to ask Liu Ling about the palace.

This time Liu Ling didn't play sloppy with her, and told her directly that Xiao Huai's marriage was over, and the Ministry of Rites didn't hold back on the matter of proposing marriage for him.

In the afternoon, she went to Wanrongtang to grind ink for Shen Ruopu, and then asked insincerely what was Chaoshang's attitude towards Xiao Huai's killing of the Datong generals?

Shen Ruopu also said that no one mentioned this matter in the morning.

It seems that she guessed it right, the queen mother who fought all the way in the palace is indeed a vigorous and resolute person.

(End of this chapter)

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