Jin Tingjiao

Chapter 207

Chapter 207
The crispy corners in Shen Xi's hand fell onto the plate with a clatter!
Aunt Pei's body in front of her trembled violently, as if the pressure she had been carrying for more than ten years poured out like a flood at this moment!

In the exquisite Zhi Xia Zhai, only her suppressed and uninterrupted low sobs could be heard, while Shen Xi stared at her, trying his best to adjust his cognition.

"Since the 20 years before the Great Qin's subjugation, the world has gradually become chaotic. Wars in the northwest, southwest, and southeast have been frequent and intensified.

"Some Tuoba people actually ceded land and became kings without authorization, and refugees poured into the capital one after another, but at that time the emperor still didn't believe that Tuoba people could achieve great things.

"It wasn't until the old and young generals of Duke Anguo's mansion died in battle that he began to mobilize troops to suppress them.

"However, the general situation is gone. Many officials in the DPRK and China are secretly weighing whether to stay or not.

"In the 17th year of Huiqing, that is, the year you were born, a lot of things happened to Daqin in this year.

"First the crown prince died, and then the south of the Yangtze River fell.

"Yan Wang Xiao Fang led an army of 15 to gather in the south of the Yangtze River, preparing to join Zhou Wang Li Ding who led an army of 10,000+ in the northwest in Cangzhou.

"In the twelfth lunar month, the empress, who could not bear the pain of losing her son, also passed away. The whole country mourned.

"And on this day, you came into this world.

"After losing the crown prince and empress within a year, rumors began to spread among the people that the Great Qin Dynasty was exhausted, and the hearts of the people were even more wavering.

"The emperor was anxious and ordered that no one should be allowed to laugh, including the baby.

"But how can a baby's laughter be forbidden?

"And your birth is such a surprise. Since the death of the master's younger sister, Miss Yinggu, the Zhang family has never had a new lady.

"There hasn't been a moment to show a happy face in the house all year. Grandma and wife hug you all day long, crying and laughing, crying after laughing, and laughing after crying.

"They gave you a nickname, Slowly, which comes from 'Moshang flowers bloom, and you should return slowly'.

"I haven't received guests for three consecutive months, just because I don't want to think about the situation outside. The master and the uncle are also silent for many days.

"Finally on that day, the Zhou army broke through Datong and forced them to Yanjing."

As if seeing the turmoil before the subjugation of the country again, she pursed her lips tightly, and her face suddenly turned white.

"What happened later?" Shen Xi asked softly, as if he was afraid of alarming her.

"Later, my wife and grandma made an important decision. No matter what, the Zhang family will live!"

Her voice was sudden and hurried, as if someone was chasing after her, her hands were tightly grasping the fabric, and she didn't even notice that the embroidery needle was piercing her fingers!
"The Zhang family has been loyal to the emperor for generations, and has never had self-interested ideas!
"The same is true for this generation, from the lord to the slaves of the family, the decision has already been made that the Great Qin will stay in the Zhang family, and the great Qin will die and the Zhang family will be destroyed!

"But at that moment, the wife and grandma still softened their hearts, and they sent you out when you were just born!"

"The Zhang family!"

Hearing this, Shen Xi couldn't bear it any longer, and stood up while supporting the table!

Is it her home?Is it the Zhang family from her previous life? !
"That's right, the Zhang family."

Aunt Pei also stood up, tears streaming down her face: "The Zhang family in Yanjing is famous all over the world, and is still praised by scholars all over the world!
"You are the young lady of the Zhang family, you are the noblest daughter of Helian! Your ancestors came from many famous officials, your great-grandfather Zhang Xie was the chief assistant of the Great Qin Dynasty, and your grandfather Zhang Yu was the majestic grand master. !
"Your father is also a majestic Hanlinyuan scholar!

"The last empress dowager of Daqin is your cousin! Even the golden branches and jade leaves that are not favored in the palace may not be comparable to your honor!"

Shen Xi only felt dizzy...

She leaned her back against the flower stand, as if looking at Aunt Pei through time and space.

She is still the young lady of the Zhang family, she is Zhang Yu's granddaughter, so she becomes Zhang Ying's grandniece...

So, she is Ah Shan's daughter, and the nephew she was holding and teasing in the past has become her father?
Her sister-in-law and her nephew and daughter-in-law became the benefactors who saved her life—if it wasn't for that decision back then, where did she get her body back?

There is such a reincarnation in the world...

But what she didn't know whether to be surprised or happy was that she was still the young lady of the Zhang family.The veritable Miss Zhang family!

"You said just now that my grandmother and my mother sent me out? How did they know the Shen family?" She tried to find a trace of clarity and murmured.

Aunt Pei walked over, her empty eyes finally had something to say: "Your mother, and the second wife of the Shen family are both from Jinzhong.

"I didn't know her before, but I have met her a few times in the capital, so I know that she has a bad heir.

"After many inquiries, I took advantage of your adoptive father's new imperial examination and sent you to the door when he was working abroad.

"Since you are not in the capital, the Shen family will not know when your wife is pregnant, let alone suspect that you are not your wife's biological child.

"And Mrs. and Mrs. are worrying about their children. With you, you can also explain to the Shen family. Therefore, this matter can be said to have everything they need, and the design is seamless."

One party seeks, the other party gives up, and naturally both parties are happy to see the result.

Put the granddaughter in the capital, so that she can be seen nearby, the situation will be good in the future, and she can recognize each other and take care of each other.

And if the situation is not good, with the status of the Shen family as a Tuoba who lived in the capital for generations, she also has something to rely on.

Zhang Yu's wife, her former sister-in-law, was really very considerate!
At that time, no one would have thought that Li Ding, who had usurped the political power, would be so ruthless to massacre Helian Daxing. Naturally, there was no saying that the Zhang family deliberately harmed Shen Chongxin.

"Then how did Auntie come to Shen's house?" She asked, "Did my adoptive parents know who you and I are?"

"I didn't know at first." Aunt Pei said quietly, "You should know that you were sick when you were three years old?"

She nodded.

Aunt Pei then continued: "Actually, it's not a fever, but an emergency. The master and wife took you in a carriage, but it was raining on the way, and the carriage skidded and rolled down the ditch, and you were slightly injured.

"—In any case, the master and wife really hurt you. It was the first time you were injured. They knew it when they saw your blood.

"It's just that I really know your identity after I found the Hu family."

Shen Xi almost didn't have a chance to interrupt.

"The girl was frightened by the accident, and then changed her temperament. The master and wife were afraid that the girl's blood would be leaked to the outside world, so since then, they have refused to let anyone get close to you easily.

"Twelve years ago when the Zhou army attacked Cangzhou, the emperor wanted to kill himself to thank the world. He was blocked by the master, and then the Zhang family and the Xiao family and other guardians went south, and the women and children went another way.

"It was extremely dangerous along the way, and when we arrived near Jinbei, my wife and grandma suddenly passed me on one night, asking me to go to the Hu's house in Jinzhong, and then to the Shen's house to take care of you, Miss.


The monthly ticket for April is 4 plus more.

(End of this chapter)

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