Jin Tingjiao

Chapter 270

Chapter 270
After He Lanzhun got up and left, Shen Xi waved at them.

No matter how generous a child in the market is, there is a limit.

Suddenly being formally noticed, they all felt awkward.

Or maybe it was because Shen Xi's smile was too harmless, they hesitated for a while, but finally came over.

The half-height little people bowed to her unevenly.

She looked at them and said softly, "Did you teach etiquette?"

The little girls shook their heads.

Their clear eyes reminded her of her childhood.

Shen Xi then smiled slightly, supported the girls on the backs, and lightly held their chins with the other hand: "Don't tilt your body when you stand.

"When looking at people, it's good to look at the bridge of the nose of the other person, try not to look directly into the eyes-yes, that's it, otherwise it will appear aggressive."

The little girl instructed by her blushed and obeyed obediently.The others in the back couldn't help but follow suit.

Although it is a market place, the situation of the girls who can enter the school will not be too bad.

If nothing happens to them in the future, it is inevitable that they will marry as wives and set up a household.

The Tuoba family's neglect of etiquette, on the one hand, made women feel a lot more relaxed, but the etiquette style is not all imprisonment.

No matter where the daughter's family is or what dynasty it is in, apart from being able to read and write, knowing some etiquette is always good for dealing with people.

"When sitting down, keep your back as straight as possible, don't look left and right, and don't be humble for no reason..."

He Lanzhun settled down in the corridor.

The sunlight cast speckled starlight on her lotus-coloured long bikinis, and the autumn wind, which had not been warmed by the sunlight, poured into the courtyard.

"Go back and ask your sir more."

Shen Xi talked to the children about the etiquette of words and deeds, and when he saw that He Lanzhun had returned to the table and sat down, he also stopped talking.

"Your Excellency is busy, I will take my leave first, thank you for the tea."

He Lan Zhun looked at the clear yellow tea in his hand, but said: "Sit a little longer." Then said: "I'll see you off."

Shen Xi paused, then declined, "It's not far away, so don't bother."

Xiao Huai loves to be jealous, although she is frank, there is no need for him to think too much.

He put down the teapot and looked up, staring at her.

He did not dodge like this, but Shen Xi could not turn around and leave, so he sat down.

His upper body was resting on his left knee, and his eyes were squinting because of his slightly raised chin.

"Do you care about him that much?" He added water to the pot.

Shen Xi was at a loss for words under his blunt words.

But in the end she still said, "I really care."

"Have you never cared so much about a person?"

Shen Xi felt that these words were a little too polite, but she still nodded.

She had nothing to be ashamed of.

What's more, Xiao Huai cares about him so much, she also needs to show her attitude.

He suddenly raised his lips, stroked the mouth of the cup twice with his fingers, and began to sneer.

It seemed that his brows and eyes were a little sharp, and then he turned his head to look at the moss-covered wall, his silhouette was unparalleled.

"The road you chose yourself, if you don't live well, then I'm really sorry." He said suddenly.

"What?" Shen Xi raised his head suddenly.sorry for him?
He looked at her, smiled, and continued to speak freely: "After all, I saved your life. You have to live well to be worthy of me lying in front of the prince for you, isn't it?"

There was sarcasm in his eyes, as if he was half joking.

Shen Xi felt relieved.

She thought...

But why does she always feel that there is something in his words?

"You are well-mannered, courageous and resourceful, but as the son of King Yan who is in charge of the world's soldiers, he is destined to be no ordinary person.

"Being with him is not as easy as you imagined, are you ready again?"

He didn't wait for her to speak, and started talking again.

Shen Xi automatically ignored the one in front of him, frowned and said: "I don't know what the adults mean by not easy?"

"Have you ever thought about what to do if Song Jiao's plan succeeds this time?"

He looked at her, and his eyes seemed to be cast directly into the bottom of his heart: "You are so delicate, can you bear to be shared with your husband's grievances?"

"But he didn't let her succeed." Shen Xi laughed. "This 'what if' doesn't hold true."

She also thought about this possibility, what if she succeeds?
Does she give up or continue?

But as soon as Xiao Huai came back, she completely threw it away, and she didn't worry about anything anymore.

"I didn't succeed this time, can you guarantee that no one will covet him in the future?"

He looked over with a deep and deep gaze: "His current status is not much different from that of the Crown Prince. As long as the real power of the Great Zhou soldiers and horses is in the Yan Palace for a day, then he will be the target of other people's calculations until his death.

"If you can prevent it for a while, can you prevent it for a lifetime?"

She straightened her back and said calmly: "I believe him. No one has been able to figure him out all these years, so why would he be calculated in the future?
"And I didn't grow my head for nothing, I will help him resist the temptation. I will definitely have a good time with him!"

He was silent for a while, then said: "Except for the temptation he brought to others, there are many reasons for profit, such as the Han family colluding with the palace to get Song Jiao to marry him.

"If sometime in the future, he has to do that for the sake of power, what will you do?"

She stared at him without saying a word.

The question was too serious, and she didn't know how to answer it.

She knew the weight of power and responsibility in Xiao Huai's heart, but she never thought that these should be compared with her.

"Does your lord know something?" After thinking about it, she said.

She always felt that he was hinting at her something about the future.

In fact, thinking about it carefully, what she got was much more than expected.

If you put in all your efforts, you still can't get the best results in the end, and there is nothing to regret.

The difference between her and Xiao Huai is not only the strength of family status, but also their life trajectories, she knows.

She had nothing in this life, and his appearance was a surprise to her by fate.

So even if he really needs to abandon her because of power, she will live well by herself.

Who said you have to be next to a man to be happy?
Nor does one have to have a status of honor to be called happiness.

But it is too negative to stop because of difficulties and obstacles.

And the most important thing is that she trusts Xiao Huai.

He Lan looked at her earnestly, his eyes became gloomy.

Shen Xi thought he still had to answer, but unexpectedly he said: "Did he tell you that today is also his birthday?"

When Shen Xi heard this, he was really taken aback.

She only knew that the sixth day of the lunar new year was the death day of Xiao Huai's mother, but she never knew it was also his birthday...

Did her mother die when he was born, or on his birthday in a certain year?
"No." She shook her head, "Is there any allusion to this?"

(End of this chapter)

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