Jin Tingjiao

Chapter 319 Are You Not Pregnant?

Chapter 319 Are You Not Pregnant?
The smell of medicine in the room was stronger, and it was a bit messy. I guess it must have been moved temporarily after being alarmed by Qi Jiu, and I haven't had time to tidy it up.

Liu Menglan blew the dust that didn't exist on the desk, sat down behind the desk, then motioned for Shen Xi to sit opposite, and stretched out her wrist.

And he really asked Yan Sui her name.After Yan Sui answered, he put his hand on her wrist and asked Yan Sui to go out first.

Yan Sui looked at Shen Xi hesitantly, and finally gave her a gesture of reassurance, and went out.

Shen Xi withdrew his eyes and looked at Liu Menglan, but Liu Menglan suddenly looked at her: "Are you not pregnant?"

Shen Xi was stunned.

"I'm not pregnant, why did you come to see me?!"

Liu Menglan put her hands away, and immediately put on a straight face.

Shen Xi is well-informed again, and now she can't keep her face.The co-author of this old guy spends his whole day dealing with the aftermath of women who are pregnant before marriage?

She smiled and said: "Doctor Liu is really amazing. Could it be that I can't come to you for a prescription?"

Liu Menglan sneered: "Your complexion is rosy, your eyes are clear, and your spirit is very good. I'm afraid that the monthly letter will not exceed three days. What do you need to take care of?!

"Oh, I got it! You must be worried because you just broke away, so you came to see me for a pulse?"

"Liu, keep your mouth clean for me!"

Qi Jiu couldn't bear it anymore, and punched the table with one fist!

Liu Menglan immediately picked up the hatchet and entered the state of preparation for battle!
Shen Xi coughed and said, "Doctor Liu seems to be very good at Qianjin's gynecology."

Liu Menglan's eyes turned from Qi Jiu's face to her: "You are blind! As long as I can pay the price, I can wrap you up for medical and surgical injuries!"

After speaking, he looked at Qi Jiu again: "Have I met you?"

"I haven't seen it!" Qi Jiu said angrily.

"Are you from Helian?!" He pointed the hatchet over.Then he looked at Shen Xi: "No wonder you are full of arrogance!"

Shen Xi raised her eyebrows, she had never heard anyone say that she was arrogant!
"The nobles of Helian like to put on airs the most, no matter how courteous and corporal they are, how friendly they are, they can't lose the arrogance in their bones!

"How can you cover up the details accumulated over hundreds of years? The arrogance in your eyes is very familiar to this old man!"

Shen Xi did not deny this.

It is true that the Helian people have a very high concept of dignity and inferiority. In her previous life, she would not put concubines and concubines in her eyes.

No matter how favored the maids are in front of her, it can't go beyond a trace of courtesy. It wasn't until she and Aunt Pei and the others depended on each other for life in this life that the relationship became different again.

She looked at Liu Menglan and said, "From Doctor Liu's point of view, are you familiar with Helian nobles?"

"Why are you unfamiliar? Ten years ago, the streets were full of people!"

Liu Menglan was upset.

Glancing at them, he unhappily took out a pen and paper from the drawer to write a prescription, and said bitterly: "If the emperor was not useless and the Tuoba people took advantage of the loophole, the old man can still hide in this kind of place today ?!
"——50 taels of silver! Here!" After finishing writing, he slapped Fang Zi in front of her.

"So expensive?" Shen Xi frowned.A prescription of 50 taels of silver is enough for him to eat and drink alone for a year or two!
"You are worth the price!"

Liu Menglan sneered: "A Helian man can walk in the capital stately, and he is also dressed in beauty, raising so many masters, it can be seen that he is doing well.

"Although the old man resents the Great Qin Emperor, he also despises the bastard who admits a thief as his father! 50 taels of silver is not expensive at all!"

Qi Jiu stood beside her with cold eyes.

Shen Xi smiled, "I never said I'm from Helian."

"It would be even better if you were from Tuoba!" Liu Menglan said coldly, "It looks like your family is also an official, right? Now that the world belongs to you, you still care about the 50 taels of silver?"

Shen Xi laughed and said: "Doctor Liu scolded Helian people and Tuoba people like this in turn, no wonder he can only live in this cold kiln."

"Are you trying to say why I'm not afraid of people destroying me?"

Liu Menglan sneered: "The little emperor is not on his way now, they have the intention to deal with me, a commoner?
"There are too many people scolding them. If you wanted to kill me for the court, you would have killed me long ago. Would you still wait until now?"

Shen Xi smiled but said nothing.

Then she picked up the prescription and looked at it, she said: "I don't know if Dr. Liu can see my shortcomings?"

Liu Menglan snatched the prescription back: "Your physique is not bad, there is no major problem! But my prescription can strengthen your foundation and make your first child give birth smoothly without any problems at all!"

Shen Xi's face darkened.

Qi Jiu said angrily: "What nonsense?! Our girl is still a girl!"

"Even if it's a girl, it's pretty fast in terms of age." Liu Menglan shrugged and said.

"A woman's first child is tantamount to crossing the gate of hell! 50 taels of silver will protect your life, so it's worth it no matter what?!
"And I can also give you a copy of the harem's exclusive boudoir health secrets, so that you can still have children at the age of 50!"

He took out another piece of paper from the drawer and shook it.

Qi Jiu wanted to kill him!

Shen Xi remained silent for a while, but said with a smile: "It's indeed a good deal, but I can't pay the 50 taels of silver for nothing.

"After all, I have to wait until after giving birth to find out if your prescription is correct, right?

"So Doctor Liu wants to earn my 50 taels of silver, so he has to go back with me as a hostage until this prescription works."

Liu Menglan held Fang Zi in her arms: "Then don't even think about it! How could I be fooled by you?!"

Qi Jiu slapped the desk with a slap!

Shen Xi smiled and said: "Doctor Liu won't follow, so I have no choice but to use force."

"Stop scaring me with this set!"

Liu Menglan glared at Qi Jiu, then slapped the hatchet in her hand on the desk, and said with a sneer, "This old man has no power to restrain a chicken, if he doesn't have the ability to protect himself, how can he live till now?

"At worst, I'll die first for you to see!

"But I don't think you all came here specially, you really only want the old man's corpse?!"

Shen Xi was a little dumbfounded by this rascal.

After thinking about it, she said, "I heard that Dr. Liu offended many people, since you also know that I don't want your life, why don't you go back with me?
"At least I can protect you from food and clothing, which is better than the frightened days of today."

"Smash it! Let me drag him out for the rest!"

Just at this moment, a vulgar voice came from outside the door. Looking through the window without a window, I saw a thick man in kudzu clothes suddenly appearing in the courtyard with a dozen thugs!

Seeing Wu Teng and the others in the courtyard, the men paused for a moment, but then he smiled: "It seems that we are late, and we were preempted! Brother, which one is it?"

The leading man also regarded Wu Teng as a thug who came to provoke, and greeted him.

Shen Xi looked at Liu Menglan with a smile: "I really mean Cao Cao Cao Cao is here."

Liu Menglan was already sweating on her forehead, she stood in the middle of the room, looking around the room anxiously.

He stopped suddenly, stared at Shen Xi coldly and said, "Are you in the same group?!"

Shen Xi sighed: "No. In fact, I also want to know who exactly Dr. Liu offended?"

 I recommend "Slow Time" by Willow Ye in Winter: Qiao Zhao married a first-class nobleman in the capital, but unfortunately he didn't even get a bridal chamber, so his husband-in-law went to war according to the order.When we met again, she was shot to death on the city wall by an arrow from her husband. When she opened her eyes, she became an abducted girl riding a donkey, racking her brains to figure out how to get back to the capital.


(End of this chapter)

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