I just want to pamper you

Chapter 704 I was deceived by him when I was not deeply involved in the world

Chapter 704 I was deceived by him when I was not deeply involved in the world

Huo Shichen glanced at her lightly: "Of course I come to the subway station to take the subway."

"Oh, childish, low-level, ridiculous lie."

Huo Shichen: "..."

Anyway, Huo Qingxuan would never believe that Huo Shichen would come to squeeze the subway no matter what.

The two of them stood there stiffly.

Huo Shichen couldn't help feeling a little annoyed, he turned his gaze away, and said coldly, "Don't look at me with such anti-thief eyes."

"You are worse than a thief."

Maybe it was because he felt aggrieved by what he said during the meal. Huo Qingxuan endured it at the time, but when he looked back afterwards, he felt more and more uncomfortable.

The two just stood there, but they attracted more and more attention.

It may also be purely because those two faces are so attractive.

Huo Shichen faintly heard some discussions, probably because Huo Qingxuan's pitiful appearance made others think that he was bullying her, so they all helped her speak.

"Since it's disgusting, don't watch it. You buy your ticket, and I buy mine."

After finishing speaking, Huo Shichen walked past her to buy a subway ticket.

Huo Qingxuan looked at his righteousness, but there was nothing he could do about him.

She started to line up again, right next to him.

When it was his turn to buy a ticket, he was a little slower than the others, probably because he had never taken the subway before and was a little unskilled. Seeing this, the two girls behind him rushed over and enthusiastically helped him.

Huo Shichen paused, then said a little stiffly: "Thank you."

"No, no, no!" The little girl smiled happily, her eyes seemed to be shining brightly.

Huo Qingxuan knew that this man's skin was too deceptive, even a woman like Xi Ya was puzzled by him, let alone that little girl who looked only seventeen or eighteen years old and had no experience in the world?
Thinking of this, Huo Qingxuan couldn't help but let out another long sigh.

Back then, she was deceived by this man when she was not deeply involved in the world.

His heart was moved, his love was moved, and he...

Forget it, I don't want to.

Huo Qingxuan followed him and bought a ticket, and boarded the subway with him. The subway was relatively empty. Huo Shichen and Huo Qingxuan were separated by two cars, but they could still see each other.

Huo Qingxuan's eyes were sour and swollen.

She didn't know what she was grieving for.

Maybe it's just that I feel that the anger I've suppressed for so long hasn't been vented yet, so I don't feel pain.

Anyway, every time she quarrels with him and fails to win, she really wants to go back and quarrel again...

Seeing him sitting peacefully, Huo Qingxuan felt his heart scratching his lungs.

Huo Shichen got off the bus two stops earlier than her.

Before getting out of the car, he didn't take another look at her.

Maybe he really just came to take the subway, although she didn't know why.

In the evening, Huo Qingxuan went to the bar to sing as a resident.

Huo Shichen didn't come again.

Even if she drank with the son surnamed Shen until three or four in the morning, he wouldn't come.

"Miss Huo, I'll take you home." The son surnamed Shen looked at the motionless woman lying on the table after drinking, and asked tentatively.

Seeing that she didn't respond, he put his hand on her shoulder, trying to help her up.

"Don't touch me..." Huo Qingxuan's voice was burning like fire, she used all her strength to shake off his hand, "Thank you for your kindness, I will lie down for a while, and I will go back by myself later."


(End of this chapter)

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