Chapter 880
"You were worried about him, so you sent me a text?"

Huo Qingxuan was angry and funny.

Xi Ya's sudden confession caught her by surprise.

"Miss Siya, since you gave the medicine, I think you should be very clear about what kind of reaction a man will have if he takes those medicines. If you plant the cause yourself, you should taste the fruit yourself. You push me away." Into the fire pit, do you go with your conscience?"

"I want to taste that fruit too, but at that time, apart from you, no woman should be able to approach him again."

Huo Qingxuan was very annoyed when he heard this.

Suddenly, she recalled Huo Shichen's hesitant expression in front of her last night.

Turns out he was a victim too.

Huo Qingxuan looked at Sia in disbelief, always feeling that this way of doing things was nothing like what she did.

"No one can get close to her, so you won't let him fend for himself? If he doesn't even have this little control, how can he get to where he is today?"

Xi Ya didn't expect Huo Qingxuan to say such a thing. It sounded a bit heartless, but it was not without reason.

Sia was silent.

She narrowed her gaze, casually fiddled with the red manicure a few times, thoughtfully.

Huo Qingxuan took a breath, and the scene of that night in the underground parking lot was vivid in his memory.

The more I think about it, the more wrong it becomes.

She narrowed her eyes, and a fleeting suspicion flashed in those beautiful peach blossom eyes.

"Miss Siya, why is this such a coincidence?"

Huo Qingxuan's words were too subtle, and Xi Ya couldn't understand. Seeing this, Huo Qingxuan didn't hide his words, and said directly.

"You drugged Huo Shichen. If you can get married with Huo Shichen, it seems to meet your needs. That would be the best, and you won't be in the current situation. But it didn't work out that night, so you just use your plan. Push me into a pit of fire, send me a message, and let me send myself to be 'spoiled' by Huo Shichen."

When Huo Qingxuan mentioned the word 'spoil', his heart trembled violently, and he didn't know why.

"Huo Shichen was always in your sight that night. When you saw him getting out of control and getting entangled with me, you and your parents appeared by chance. There are so many parking lots in Haishi, but you Can you accurately find the hotel parking lot where Huo Shichen and I are, and in a location as big as the parking lot, be able to accurately find the parking space we are in, and have a large-scale rape on the spot?"

"If you say it was a coincidence, who would believe it? Your purpose of doing this is nothing more than to make your parents hate me and Huo Shichen. Your parents love you so much. After seeing this scene, they will definitely uphold justice for you. Yes, at that time, even if you can't get Huo Shichen, you can still get rid of me with the help of your parents."

Huo Qingxuan twitched the corners of her lips ironically, "I always thought that Miss Siya was an upright woman who disdained to play tricks and didn't know how to intrigue. Unexpectedly, Ms. Siya was quite high-ranking."

According to Huo Qingxuan, Xi Ya remained calm and composed.

"That's right, what happened that night was indeed my erroneous calculation, but I can also tell you with my conscience, it was definitely not my long-planned plan, but just my impulsive brain at the time. ,I regret."


(End of this chapter)

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