Chapter 889
"Sia, she..." Huo Qingxuan looked at the man who had already walked to the door, and hesitated to speak.

Huo Shichen turned around and gave her a faint glance,
At the moment when the four eyes meet, it seems that there are countless intricate threads colliding through the air.

After a long silence, Huo Shichen asked, "What do you want to say?"

Huo Qingxuan bit her lower lip hard, she suddenly felt nervous and uneasy.

"Are you serious about making such a decision? Are you sure you won't regret it later?"

What does it mean to divorce Siya, Huo Qingxuan thought, Huo Shichen should understand better than her.

He only gave her two simple and sure words, "No."

In his life, he seemed to have made too many decisions that he regretted and hated.

He didn't want to continue, let alone... miss her again.

Huo Qingxuan stared at him blankly for a long time, and it was obvious that he was not joking anymore, Huo Qingxuan's eyes flickered quickly, and she felt that she was shaken.

Even though she refused to admit it on the surface, she really had a longing yearning in her heart.

She wants... to live a normal and happy life with him.

I don't know when that desire started.

Maybe it has been hidden in her heart all along, but it was just dusty and buried, and now it finally has time to see the light of day again.

For the past week, she has been thinking every night, how wonderful it would be if life could continue like this.

She can taste the meals he made with his own hands, and the snacks he bought himself, and sometimes she has a special satisfaction.

Desire and greed are particularly terrifying things, and once they are released, it will be overwhelming.

Huo Shichen looked into the woman's red eyes, and his heart was tightly entangled like a rope.

He wasn't quite sure what she was thinking at this time, he just asked tentatively: "Wait for me, huh?"

Huo Qingxuan didn't speak.

He didn't know what her 'wait for me' was implying.

Waiting for him to come back to the apartment to sleep tonight, or... waiting for him to get divorced, and they rebuild the old one?

No matter what, Huo Qingxuan suddenly felt a lump in his heart.

She lowered her eyes and remained silent.

Huo Shichen turned around, walked back, and stopped less than two steps away from her.

He stretched out his hand slightly, grabbed her waist, and hugged her into his arms.

At that moment, Huo Qingxuan didn't struggle anymore.

Instead, it gently wrapped around his waist.

Such a light response instantly softened Huo Shichen's originally stiff and cold heart.

"Huo Qingxuan." His voice was rough, "I can't live without you."

Huo Qingxuan's body froze suddenly, she thought she had an auditory hallucination, but he kept whispering in her ear.

"Don't leave me too, okay? Huo Qingxuan, I love you."

The sound of "I love you" hit Huo Qingxuan's soft heart like a heavy hammer.

She didn't even realize what happened between them, but in an instant, their relationship seemed to have changed drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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