Chapter 802
The head teacher didn't answer everyone.

But everyone knows that it is impossible for the class teacher to make mistakes.

Even if the class teacher can make a mistake, the school and the Education Bureau can't make a mistake.

The bonuses have been paid out, so it must be true.

Thus, the class group exploded again.

Although Sun Zhinan, Xu Tianhao, and Lin Yinrong did not take the college entrance examination, they did not withdraw from the group just like Lin Weiwei.

Sun Zhinan wrote to Feng Ran privately before, but Feng Ran never replied.

This will get definite news, and I will be happier than myself getting the first place in the exam.

Sun Zhinan: That's amazing my brother, I kneel down to you brother, the number one in the college entrance examination.

Xu Tianhao: I'll wipe it!I wipe!Feng Ran, we agreed to be scumbags together, how did you counterattack and become the champion.

Shen Yun: Treat yourself.

He Mingze: Congratulations!

Jiang Xuan: Congratulations!
With He Mingze and Jiang Xuan, a class monitor and a deputy class monitor in front, the other students, no matter whether they were sincere or not, followed up with the big team to congratulate Feng Ran.

Lin Weiwei and Gu Yinwei angrily withdrew from the group on the spot.

Lin Yinrong, who had never spoken in the class group, also said congratulations.

Feng Ran simply replied with a thank you.

I was about to quit WeChat to sleep, and found that there were a lot of friend requests, all of them were classmates in my class.

They were all classmates, except for Lin Weiwei, Lin Yinrong, He Mingze, and Gu Yu, which were considered a bit of a festive relationship, and the relationship between Feng Ran and other classmates was not particularly good, but it was not so incompatible, there was no reason not to accept it.

Feng Ran agreed one by one.

He Mingze and Lin Yinrong also applied, Feng Ran rejected He Mingze's friend application, but agreed with Lin Yinrong's friend application with shaking hands.

Agreed, I agreed, and deleting it would be a bit petty, and Feng Ran didn't bother to care about it, anyway, I haven't been on WeChat once in hundreds of years.

Feng Xiaodan has always been immersed in the joy of being a top student, and has no time to care about the class group.

From Feng Xiaodan's point of view, he is already a big star now, and the people in the class group are all bumpkins, so there is no need to keep in touch.

Even He Mingze, since his father's downfall, Feng Xiaodan has gradually looked down on him.

The reason why he never broke up with He Mingze was entirely because he didn't want to take advantage of Lin Weiwei.

From Feng Xiaodan's point of view, even if she doesn't want the man she liked, she still wants him to miss her.

After agreeing to the friend application, Feng Ran checked the time, it was already past twelve o'clock.

Instinctively, Feng Ran sent another text message to Yu Linhan.

Feng Ran was prepared that the other party would not reply to the message.

But this time, after Feng Ran sent the message, the other party called directly.

Feng Ran was overjoyed, no sleepiness at all.

"Hello, are you cold?"

"Hello." The opposite person replied Fengran in awkward Mandarin.

Feng Ran frowned upon hearing this, and asked in English, "Who are you?"

When the other party heard that Feng Ran could speak English, he was overjoyed and said in fluent English, "I am not the owner of the phone. I found the phone in the sea when I was fishing, but I couldn't find the owner..."

From the other party's words, Feng Ran heard the general idea.

Yu Linhan's cell phone was thrown into the sea, and it was only picked up recently.

That's why I can't get through on the phone during this time.

The other party is in the United States, and Yu Linhan, the owner of the phone, doesn't care about the phone, so it is naturally impossible for Feng Ran to go all the way to the United States for a phone.

However, the other party insisted on returning the phone to Fengran, but Fengran couldn't refuse, and gave him an address for the other party to pay by courier.

 To be honest, I don't even want to take the title name! !

(End of this chapter)

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