Chapter 864

"It's a team ban!"

Someone recognized that person as Feng Ran and exclaimed.

"Oh my god, no way, it's so beautiful."

"Men are so beautiful, let us women live."

The audience wailed one after another, looking forward to Feng Ran's next performance even more.

"Langtaosha Qinhuai Restaurant"

"Poppy Poppy"

The lotus steps moved lightly, and the ethereal female voice sounded from the stage.

"Oh my god, this voice imitates too much like a girl's. It sounds so good. It feels like my ears are about to become pregnant."

Feng Ran used the original voice this time, that is, a female voice.

But the audience thought he deliberately used a girl's falsetto.

The superficial meaning of the lyrics of "Mi Niang" is that in order to please the emperor, Mi Niang wrapped a pair of beautiful feet into a three-inch golden lotus. , sympathized with Gong'e's experience.

This time, Feng Ran made a little adaptation of "The Lady" on the basis of the original, the whole style of the song became smoother, and the tune was more cheerful than before.

In the first part of the song, Gong'e just entered the palace and performed a dance for the emperor at a banquet.

In order to please the emperor, Gong'e ingeniously wrapped a pair of heavenly feet into three-inch golden lotuses with gauze, and danced on the lotus leaves. The emperor was delighted and praised the beauty of the three-inch golden lotus.

On the stage, Feng Ran wore a goose-yellow gauze dress and danced barefoot on the revolving stage. She sang resonantly and danced lightly and cheerfully, just like a court lady praised by the emperor.

The three of Xiao Yuanjie were the background dancers, and they never showed up, only showing their backs.

Feng Ran's dance and singing are very contagious, and all the audience's eyes are attracted by Feng Ran.

Unknowingly, I blended into the world of "My Lady".

Gong'e played by Feng Ran is cheerful from beginning to end.

I am happy to perform dances for the emperor, happy to be praised by the emperor, and happy to break off a pair of heavenly feet with alum and completely wrap them into three-inch golden lotuses.

Because Gong'e thought that as long as she wrapped her feet into three-inch golden lotuses, the emperor would favor her and like her.

As everyone knows, the emperor's harem is three thousand.

When Feng Ran sang "a pair of little feet, a basket of tears", he was smiling, the kind of heartfelt, ignorant smile.

Obviously Feng Ran was dancing and singing, but the audience seemed to be there.

When seeing Gong'e voluntarily breaking off a pair of heavenly feet and wrapping them into three-inch golden lotuses, the audience cried.

Some viewers even yelled no.

But Feng Ran on the stage didn't seem to know it at all, and continued to dance, but his leg was broken, and he wanted to dance while holding on to it with a smile.

Gong'e on the stage is naive and ignorant, and the audience hates iron for being weak.

But what can be done in that era, women are born as accessories of men, as long as they can make men happy, let alone break their feet, they don't have to die.

This is the sorrow of an era, and it is also the sorrow of women in an era.

While the audience scolded Gong'e for being ignorant in their hearts, they also sympathized with them and felt sad for them.

Obviously Feng Ran was smiling happily on the stage, and the tune of the song was also very cheerful, but the audience cried after listening to it.

Gong'e on the stage was still laughing, because she thought that after she wrapped herself in a three-inch golden lotus, her future would be bright.

The audience off the stage cried because they saw the bitterness and helplessness behind Gong'e's smile.

At the end of the song, Gong'e's feet became deformed, and she couldn't walk steadily.

The story ends here abruptly, and the final outcome of Gong'e is left to the audience's imagination.

Different from the version sung by Feng Xiaodan last time, Feng Ran made an adaptation this time, and the ending of the story is open.

(End of this chapter)

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