Chapter 872

Facts have proved that the fastest way to increase fans in the entertainment industry is to act in TV dramas.

Actors are always more popular than singers.

Although aware of this, Feng Ran still focuses all his energy on music.

Her goal is to lead the team to compete for this year's Golden Melody Awards and Grammys, and tell the world that they are not just a tool for making money, but that they are serious about making music.


"The Mansion Gate" has finished playing, and badboy's tour is still going on.

During the whole semester of freshman year, Feng Ran was busy with the concert, except for the occasional few days when he had to go to school, most of the time he was rehearsing and holding the concert.

Feng Ran didn't go to school all the time, and the teacher and principal of Imperial University quickly voiced his dissatisfaction, threatening to expel Feng Ran if he didn't go to school again.

Fortunately, Feng Ran did not lose to other classmates in several exams, so the principal and teacher didn't mention Feng Ran's expulsion.

The domestic concert ended soon, and badboy began to compete abroad.

The foreign music market is very mature. Except for famous singers, ordinary singers are simply looking for abuse when they hold concerts.

There are many singers in China who go abroad to hold concerts in order to be gilded, but the result is that no one buys concert tickets with a discount of [-]%, and even giving them away for free is a waste of time.

Once Xiao Yuanjie wanted to pretend to go to a concert abroad, but as a result, the tickets were given away for free and no one went to see him. They didn't even know who he was.

In a music hall with 2 people, only 2000 people came sporadically, and [-]% of them were free tickets.

That time was Xiao Yuanjie's lifelong black material, and he was ridiculed by the domestic media at that time, asking you to pretend to be aggressive.

At present, there are almost no domestic singers who hold popular concerts abroad.

Badboy, a local idol who goes abroad to hold a concert, is simply looking for abuse.

During this period of time, because of "The Mansion Gate" and the concert, badboy has been occupying an eye-catching position in the hot searches, which has already made some black fans unhappy.

This time they went abroad for a concert, it happened to be an opportunity to ridicule them, and the black fans climaxed collectively.

[Come on, let's all guess how much the final ticket discount is. 】

[I guess it’s a discount, except for those domestic media who kneel and lick them, the ghost knows who they are, and they even go to other people’s sites to hold concerts, it’s so funny, Su Yan dare not say that they will hold a concert abroad, just them The local idols who have been in the group for more than a year dare to say. 】

[Upstairs said that the one-off discount is too good for them, and they look down on foreign people too much. Foreign people's consumption is not as stupid as those domestic fans. Their time is very precious. I guess no one will go for free delivery. Before Isn’t there someone surnamed Xiao? No one went to the concert for free. I laughed so hard, but he dared to go. 】

[I advise you to stop, let’s just make small troubles in China, and go abroad to embarrass yourself, otherwise I will be embarrassed to know that this is a singer from our country. 】

[Can the black fans upstairs be more disgusting? After so many years of fans of Japanese and Korean idol singers, it’s hard to get one from your own country. If you don’t want to support them, just shut up, understand? 】

[That is, firmly support badboy, support local idols, and hope that local idols can also have a popular combination like Japan and South Korea. 】

[Is it useful if you support it?It also needs to be bought by foreign audiences. The consumption concept of foreigners is not as blind as that of domestic people, and they can't speak English well, so they even hold concerts. 】

(End of this chapter)

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