The male god of fast crossing the space world, please hold back

Chapter 501 Don’t Go That Little Fatty, Help Me Divinate

Chapter 501 Don’t Go That Little Fatty, Help Me Divinate (3)

This speed is somewhat similar to Su Li's, but according to the original owner's observation, Lin Tianxin is very money-worshipping, and she likes rich men.

But after all, everyone is a student who has just entered college, and not everyone has that much money.

So Lin Tianxin always chooses the best. Once she finds that a certain boyfriend is not willing to spend money on her, she will start looking for the next one.

Lin Tianxin was like this when she was in high school, and it still seems to be like this when she was in college.

But Su Li felt that he had met the only true love in his life.

Su Li liked Lin Tianxin very, very much, and it was the kind that would die without Lin Tianxin suddenly.

The original owner had told Su Li more than once that Lin Tianxin was not a good person, but Su Li didn't believe it.

Because the original owner has studied psychology since she was a child, she likes to spy on people's hearts very much. People who know her think she is very magical.

In fact, she is just good at observing.

However, others think she is divine.In fact, Su Li used to think that she was amazing, but when she said that Lin Tianxin was not a good person, he would always refute with one or two sentences.

For example: the magic operator will sometimes make mistakes!
For example: Ruo Mengmeng, you are not accurate in everything!
For example: Ruo Mengmeng, what do you think Lin Tianxin will be with me.

In fact, the original owner knew very well that he knew Lin Tianxin better than Su Li.After all, anyone who wants to be with a gold digger needs to be rich.

It's like Lin Tianxin's previous boyfriends, many of them were rough men who liked to wear thick gold chains.

That kind of fat head and round face, when you open your mouth wide to eat, you can see the food in your mouth.

The original owner actually didn't want to help Su Li at all, really didn't want to.

But one day when he saw Su Li was sick, even though he had a fever, he felt very uncomfortable, and still shouted Lin Tianxin's name, the original owner finally relented.

Early the next morning, she helped him make cold medicine and boiled chicken soup and asked him, "Do you really want to chase Lin Tianxin?"

"Of course!" Su Li said seriously, "Ruomengmeng, don't tell me that you know how to catch up with sweetheart, but you never tell me."

"Well, I know, but I just didn't tell you."

"Why? Did I treat you badly? When people told you that you were fat, when I was a child, didn't I rush up to warn you with my fist! Did I treat you badly? Why didn't you help me when you knew it? You Do you hate me so much?"

Probably because Su Li's words pierced into her heart one by one like needles.

In the next second, she immediately got up and knocked on the table heavily, saying, "Okay, okay! I'll tell you, I'll tell you, go to the xx counter to buy lipsticks in color 42 and 56, and then go buy a set of fairy water. Bring a bouquet of flowers to her on the Qixi Festival the day after tomorrow, and confess directly. If you fail, I will write your name upside down!"

The truth is, Su Li succeeded.

Finally, after being in love for so long, I embrace the beauty!
Su Li said that he would treat the original owner to a good meal to thank her for her kindness.

The original owner did not agree, because she knew that it would be very difficult for Su Li to be with Lin Tianxin for a long time.

Because Su Li's economic foundation is not enough to support the superstructure of love with Lin Tianxin.

Su Li's ability to buy things worth thousands of dollars at a time does not mean that he will be able to afford them for the second time in a short period of time.

(End of this chapter)

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